Unlock the Mind Mystery, solve the Mind Mystery, explore the Mind Mystery, and reveal the Mind Mystery within yourself.
The mind is the origin of all this is, the mind is the master ,the mind is the cause, it is the mysteries of the mind that commands.
Mind Mystery - Do not go only by nuances for thinking, don't go nuances of rationale, don't pass by thought dependent on simple show up ness, don't go just by pleasing convictions and view,do not go only by the expression of some plain or prevalent.
Just when of yourselves,you without a doubt know .These things are in satutary, these things are accountable ,these things are censured by the wise,these things being done or endeavored lead to sick , being and to affliction, at that point kalmas,you should take care of them.
Before you acknowledge anyone's instructing as anthoritative,
- don't pass by the way that it is contained in the sacred writings ,
- don't pass by the nuances of rationale ,
- don't go only in light of the fact that they seem to be Gennine. mysteries of the mind like water.
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Mind Key Activities
The mind is the inception of this is, the psyche is the ace ,the brain is the reason, in the event that amidst the brain there are detestable musings, at that point the words are malevolent, the deeds are insidious and the distress which result from transgression follows that man as the chariot wheel follows him or it,who draws it.
The brain is the starting point of all that is, the psyche orders.
The brain contrives,if a psyche there are acceptable thoughts,then the words are acceptable and the deeds great and the joy which result from such direct follow that man as the shadow accomparies the substance.
A great dispisition is the main per man insect establishment of and gnarantee of perpetual integrity of cleanse for previous misdeeds.
What is the utilization of not submitting new misdeeds,if there is no preparation of the brain to transform awful manner into great air, he gave extraordinary significance is fortitude to hold on what is correct regardless of whether one is distant from everyone else ,You one to cancel by settling that, figured others might be unsafe, you will be innocuous.
That idea others may slaughter , you will never execute .That idea others may steal,you won't.
That however others may not lead the higher life,you will .
That idea others may lie,trance, denonance or chatter, you will not,That however others might be covetous,you will desire not.
That however others might be harmful you won't be dangerous.
That however others might be controlled by sloth and torpor,you will be free yourselves there structure.
That however others might be puffed up, you will be modest leaning.
That however others may hold -
- fury,
- perniciousness,
- begrudge,
- envy,
- duplicity,
- impenetrability ,
- egotism,
- imposition,
- parsimony,
- greed,
- hypicrisy,
- relationship with terrible companions,
- slackness,
- unbelief,
- boldness,
- unscrulousness,
- absence of guidelines,
- intertness,
- bewilderment and unwisdom ,
you will be the converse of every one of these things.
That however others may grip at and embrace the worldly nor free their hold thereon,you will grasp and embrace the things that are not fleeting and will follow Renunciation.
The preparing of the brain to look for the great ,is the initial phase in the way of Righteousness.
Man is the thing that his psyche makes him .
This is the principle educating to the method of reality.
In everything the base component is mind,mind is pre - famous.
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Mind Vision And Value
If a man talks or does underhanded enduring follows him.
Close as the wheel of the foot of the monster that draws the truck.
On the off chance that a man talks or acts from uprightness of brain ,joy of psyche, bliss follow him close like his never withdrawing shadow.
Life is anything but difficult to live for a man who is without disgrace ,a crow here,a agitator, an offending striking and watched individual.
However, daily routine is difficult to experience for a humble an ,who consistently searches for what is unadulterated ,who is disinterested,quite,spotless and savvy.
This fickle,unsteady mind, hard to monitors hard to guards.,the astute man makes it straight as the fletcher makes straight the bolt.
As quivers and pulsates the water,dwelling fish, when hurled out Of the water on to the land. So quivers and mara.
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Mind Is Wandering
Difficult to control ,precarious is this brain ,even in journey of joy.
God is it to stifle the psyche. A psyche curbed brings satisfaction.
Make thyself an Island, try sincerely when thy contaminations are blown away,and thou out liberated from guilt,you shrivel go into the brilliant universe of the choose.
Let a savvy man pass over the pollutants of himself as a smith blows,off the contaminations of silver,one by one,little by little,and every once in a while.
As the debasement which springs from the iron,when it springs from it wreck it.
Consequently to a violators own works,lead him to the malicious way .
In any case, there is a pollutant more terrible than all impurities.
Obliviousness is the best impurity. Lose that ,prepare and get tainless .
He who obliterate life, which talk untruth,who is on the planet takes what is given home ,who goes to another man's better half.
Furthermore, the one who offers himself to drinking, inebriating alcohols, he even in this world cause up his own downfall.
O Man know this, that the intemperate are in a terrible state ,take care that avarice and bad habit don't bring thee to misery for quite a while.
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Mind Like A Balloon
The world offers as indicated by its confidence or as per its pleasure: if a man worries about the food and the beverage given to others,he will discover no rest either by day or around evening time.
There is no fire like enthusiasm, there is no deluge like greed,The shortcoming others is effectively perceived,but that oneself is hard to see ,a man winnows his neighbors fault,like debris yet his own issues he hides,as a modest conceals the terrible dice from the player.
If a man cares for the issues in the event that others and he generally inchined to be offended,his own energy will develop and he is a long way from the annihilation of enthusiasm, Refrain from all evil,cultivate the great ,scrub your own musings.
Buddhist perspective of mind is hypnotizing considering the way that it dismisses that there is a self in one of the habits where that has for the most part gave off an impression of being best prepared to sort out that idea: the likelihood that oneself is the administrator of exercises including the thinking about insights.
In the Buddhist perspective of mind of the fifth century engineer Buddhaghosa what achieves the intelligent work is somewhat thought.
Conclusion -
Thought replaces self in the explanation of understanding's building up in acknowledgment and action; it does this since it performs two limits at once, a part of putting and a component of focussing.
An assessment between the possibility of Buddhaghosa and Brian O'Shaughnessy helps with clarifying what is being referred to in the extra work of the thought self as a decided instead of a rough idea. ( mysteries of the mind ) mind is a genius.