
Monday, 10 February 2025

The Power of Good Deeds in Community Service

Religion and Karma teaches good deeds ideas to helping others with good deeds, good thoughts and good words. Don't  do good deeds blindly.

Good Deeds  - The practice of these virtues must ,however be accompanied by pranjna i .e. intelligence. 

Is not a prajna necessary? 

The qualities of a good man is are  "do no evil, think nothing that is evil, get his livelihood in no evil way and say nothing that is evil or is likely to hurt anyone. 

But is doing good deeds blindly to be welcomed? 

Are you enjoying? Keep reading.

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Good Deeds Meaning 

If it was enough then tiny babe could be proclaimed to be always doing good for as yet,the babe does not know what a body means,much less will it do evil with its body beyond kicking about, 
  • it does not what speech is ,
  • much less will it say anything evil beyond crying with delight ,
  • it does not what livelihood is. 

Much less will it gets its living in an evil way, beyond sucking its mother.

The path of virtue must, therefore be subject to test of prajna which is another name for understanding and intelligence

There is also another reason why Prajna Paramita is so important and so necessary. 

There must be Dana. But without  "PRAJNA" DANA may have a demoralizing effect.

There must be  "KARUNA" .but without prajna, karuna may end in supporting evil. Every act paramita must be tested by prajna para it a which I'd another name for wisdom. 

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Good Deeds Example

There must knowledge and consciousness of what wrong conduct is ,how it arise,similarity, there must also be knowledge and consciousness of what is right conduct and wrong conduct. 

Without such knowledge there cannot be real goodness though the act may be good.

Never in the history of the world has any founder of religion taught that the recognition of human suffering was the real basis of religion. 

Never in the history of the world has any founder of religion taught that the removed of this misery is the real purpose of it. 

Never is the history of the world had a scheme of religion been put forth which had nothing to do with revelation and whose commands are born of the examination of the social need of man and which are not the orders of a God!

Never in the history of the world has salvation been conceived as the blessing of happiness to be attained by man in this life and on his earth by righteousness born out of his own effort.

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Good Deeds Challenge

Tolerant - Aware of various Peoples Suffering 

Sympathy is a significant experience with and empathy toward another's torture. 

The sympathetic idea of understanding the suffering of others and expecting to put everything in order. 

Compassion is the response to the suffering of others that impels an aching to help. 

Careful - Duty of Care - Reciprocation - Tolerance 

Regard is a polite verbalization of need for someone's administration help. 

A conclusion of family relationship, thankfulness and respect or a slant of satisfied support and liking.

Partner eagerly and consistently incriminatingly. 

Paying explicit notice carefully as to children or people in a tough situation.

 Recollect or pass on moreover with conviction or a consistent confidence in something without prerequisite for check or verification. Consider. 

Mindfulness is the show of demonstrating regard for others. Social freedoms. 

Thought is mindful and kind regard for others. 

The path toward giving mindful plan to someone or something. 

Information that should be recalled when making a decision. Moral. 

Concern is something that is at the cutting edge of your musings that interests you since it's noteworthy and significant or impacts you. 

A feeling of empathy toward someone or something. 

Concerned is someone or something that causes disquiet or is a wellspring of distress. 

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Good Deeds Quotes, Charity 

In any case, little voice - Feelings - Love - Care 

Consolable is having the alternative to be consoled or the action of strengthening great or energetic to someone or to comfort someone. 

Careful is giving thought or pleasant thought and listening mindfully. 

Bodhisattva is the Sanskrit articulation for any person who is impelled by exceptional sympathy. 

Delicacy is warm lenient feelings. 

A supposition of stress for the administration help of someone, especially someone unprotected. 

A penchant to convey warm and adoring tendency, Satisfaction. 

Fragile is someone who pays special mind to or tends to or deals with the necessities of another. 

Sensitive demonstrating a sort or fragile nature that is serene and calming and even more very much skewed to get the consideration of people. 

Fragile moreover plans to stroke or contact soothingly. 

Something that is sensitive and delicate and not merciless, unforgiving or genuine. 

Metta suggests thought, loving charitableness, consideration, agreement, benevolence, and dynamic eagerness for others. 

It is the first of the four splendid states (Brahmavihāras) and one of the ten pāramīs of the Theravāda school of Buddhism. 

Obliged is being under a moral pledge to someone. Guarantees of Service. 

Compassion Training/Teaching Compassion: Charter for Compassion - The Compassion Project - Compassion Institute - Compassion Training - Compassion Training - The scholarly portion (a thoughtfulness regarding torture). 

The loaded with feeling part (nice concern related to being really moved by torture). 

The intentional portion (a wish to see the encouraging of that agony).

Conclusion -

The motivational fragment (a responsiveness or arrangement to help dispense with that agony). 

Reducing Psychopathy - Virtual reality can make learning compassion more straightforward. In this way good deeds are more important to do any good deeds curiously and boldly not blindly.