
Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Self-conquest & Self-discovery ego.

If one has self, let him practise great self conquest. Self conquest is controlling our thoughts, passions. Self conquest is the greatest of all.

Self Conquest - A happy life is a peaceful and contended life which is only possible if succeed in self conquest

Man is what his mind makes him. The training of the mind to seek the good,  is the first step in the path of righteousness. 

self conquest means to have self believe, self confidence and to be disciplined one. 

This is the main teaching in the Buddhist Way of Life. Mind and Man actions : In everything the primal element is mind. 

Mind is pre - eminent. If a man speaks or does evil suffering follows him, close as the wheel of the hoof of the beast that draws the cart.

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Power Of Women - Courtesy Balm And Ascetics History.

Self Conquest Defination

If a man speaks or acts from uprightness of mind, happiness follows him, close like his never departing shadow

This fickle, unsteady mind, difficult to guard, difficult to guide - the wise man makes it straight as the fletcher makes straight the arrow.

As quiver and throbs the water dwelling fish, when thrown up out of the water on the land, so quivers and throbs the mind forsaking the realm of Mara. 

Hard to control, unstable is this mind, ever in quest if delight. Good is it to subdue the mind. A mind subdued brings happiness.

Make thyself an island, work hard, when thy impurities are blown away, and thou art free from guilt, thou wilt enter into the heavenly world of the effect. 

Let a wise man blow off the impurities of himself

  • as a smith blows off impurities of silver, 
  • one by one, 
  • little by little, 
  • and from time to time.

As the impurities which springs from the iron,  when it springs from it, destroys it, thus to a transgressor's own works lead him to the evil path. 

But there is a taint worse than all taints. Ignorance is the greatest taint. O!  Mendicant, throw off that taint, and become taintless.

Life is easy to live for a man who is without shame, a crow here, a mischief maker, an insulting, bold and wretched fellow. 

But life is hard to live for a modest man, who always looks for what is pure, who is disinterest,  quite, spotless and intelligent.

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Universal ruler and purpose of life.

Self conquest Is The Greatest Of All Victories

He who destroys life , who speaks untruth, who in the world takes what is not given him, who goes to another man's wife. 

And the man who gives himself to drinking intoxicating liquors, he even in the world, digs up his own grave.

O!  Man, know this, that the unrestrained are in a bad state, take care that greediness and vice do not bring thee to grief for a long time

The world gives according to its faith or according to its pleasure, if a man frets about the food and drink given to others, he will find no rest either by day or by night

He in whom that feeling is destroyed, and taken out with the very root, finds rest by day and by night. 

There is no fire like passion, there is no torrent like greed

The fault of others is easily perceived, but that of oneself is difficult to perceive, a man winnows his neighbors faults like chaff but his own faults he hides, as a cheat hides, the bad dice from the player.

If a man looks after the faults of others, and is always inclined to be offended , his own passions will grow, and he is far from the destruction of passions. 

Refrain from all evil, cultivate the good, cleanse your own thoughts, this is the  teaching of Buddha.

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Conquest Of Self Meaning 

If one has self, let him practise self-conquest. This is the Buddhist way of Life. 

Self is the lord of self, who else could be the lord?  

With self well subdued, a man finds a lord such as few can find.

The foolish man who scorns the rule of the venerable (Arahat ), of the elect (Ariya), of the virtuous and follows a false doctrine, he bears fruit to his own destruction, like the fruits of the Katthaka reed. 

By oneself the evil is done, by oneself one suffers, by oneself evil is left undone, by oneself one is purified. 

The pure and the impure ( stand and full) by themselves, no one can purify another.

He who loves looking for pleasures only, his senses uncontrolled, immoderate in his food, idle and weak, will certainly be overthrown by his own overdoing as the wind throws down a weak tree. 

He who lives without looking for pleasures, his senses well controlled, moderate in his food, faithful and strong, he will not be overthrown any more than the wind throws down a rocky mountain.

If to himself a man is dear, let him keep close watch upon himself. 

First establish thyself in the right then thou mayest counsel others. 

Let not the wise man give occasion for reproach.

Oneself,  they say is hard to control. If one shapes oneself according as one counsels others, thus well controlled one will have control over others. 

A man pays in himself for the evil GE has done and in himself is purified. The good and evil are purified severally, no one purifies another.

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Self Control And Self Conquest

Though one should conquer in battle thousands and thousands of men, whoso shall conquer himself, he is the greatest of warriors. 

First establish thyself in the right, then thou mayest counsel others.  Let not the wise man give occasion for reproach.

If one shapes oneself according as one counsels others, thus well controlled, one will have control over others. 

Oneself they say, is hard to control. Verify oneself is the guardian of oneself

What other guardian should there be. Guarded by oneself, one gets a guardian the like of which is not likely gotten.

If to himself a man is dear, let him keep close watch upon himself. 

A man pays in himself for the evil he has done, and in himself is purified. 

The good and evil are purified severally, no one purifies another

Verify oneself is the guardian of oneself, what other guardian should there be? 

Guarded by oneself, I've gets a guardian the like of which is not easily gotten.

Conclusion -

This collection of wise and insightful statements reflects a profound understanding of human relationships and the essence of personal growth. Each phrase encapsulates a valuable lesson, highlighting the depth of emotions and the significance of self-awareness.

"Real love begins where nothing is expected in return." This statement emphasizes the selflessness and unconditional nature of true love. It suggests that genuine affection flourishes when there are no hidden agendas or expectations of reciprocation.

"Beauty catches the attention, but character catches the heart." This observation underscores the enduring power of inner qualities over external appearances. While physical attractiveness may initially draw attention, it is one's character that forms a lasting connection, touching the core of a person.

"Silence is the best reply to a fool." This expression carries the wisdom of choosing silence over engaging in futile arguments. It advocates for the preservation of one's energy and peace of mind by avoiding unnecessary conflicts, especially with those who may not appreciate reason.

"Win in your mind, and you will win in your reality." This statement underscores the importance of cultivating a positive and determined mindset. Success often begins with the belief in one's abilities and the visualization of positive outcomes, influencing the course of actions that lead to real-world achievements.

"Love is not about possession; it's all about appreciation." This perspective shifts the focus from control to appreciation in relationships. It suggests that true love involves recognizing and valuing the unique qualities of the other person rather than seeking to possess or control them.

"Self-conquest's importance in life for improvement is always good." This phrase advocates for personal growth through self-discipline and mastery. The idea of conquering oneself implies overcoming personal challenges and limitations, paving the way for continuous improvement and development.

Collectively, these statements offer a holistic view of relationships, personal development, and the power of positive thinking. They serve as reminders to cherish genuine connections, prioritize inner qualities, choose wisdom over unnecessary conflicts, foster a positive mindset, and engage in the continuous journey of self-improvement.