
Sunday, 9 February 2025

Support a Cause, Donate to Charity Now

Donate to Charity and change lives, Donate to Charity and make a difference, Donate to Charity and give back generously, Donate to Charity for cause.

On hearing the truth Sudatta donate to charity his all acquired great wealth?

Donate To Charity - Once time Sudatta became very eager to visit the Lord and he set out in the very night to meet the Lord. 

Go to sister house : Sudatta was a resident of the Shravasti, the capital of the kingdom of Kosala. It was ruled by king Pasenjit. Sudatta was a treasurer of the king.

At a once time ,He was stopping with his sister who was married to the guild master of Rajagraha .

When he arrived he found the guild master preparing a meal for the Lord and his monks on so great a scale that he thought that a wedding was in progress or that the king had been invited.

On hearing the truth he became very eager to visit the Lord and he set out in the very night to meet the Blessed One. 

And the Blessed One saw at once the sterling quietly of Sudatta's heart and greeted him with words of comfort. 

After taking his seat Sudatta expressed a desire to hear a discourse on some religious subject.

After hearing the discourse, he decited to build a Buddha Vihar for Varshavas on the basis of donate to charity

This post is about to the problem of donate to Charity, this post gives you you better solution on charity life of Sudatta to build a" Vihar".

Are you enjoing ? Keep reading.

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Donate To Charity As A Gift 

The Blessed Lord responding to his wishes raised the question and addressed to him; 
  • The whole world is under the law of causation, 
  • And the cause that act are not un - mental ,
  • For gold of which the cup is made is gold throughout. 

Let's then,surrender the heresies of worshiping Ishavara and praying to him; 
  • let us not lose ourselves in vain speculations of profitless subtleties, 
  • let us surrender self and all selfishness, 
  • and as all things are fixed by causation, 
  • let us practice good so that good may result from our actions.

And Sudatta  said: I see the truth of the Blessed One has said and I wish to open my whole mind. 

Having listened to my words let the Lord advice me what I should do. 

My life is a full of work,and having acquired great wealth, I am surrounded with cares

Yet do I enjoy my work, and apply myself to it with all diligence. 

Many people are in my employ and depend upon the success of my enterprises.

I have heard your disciples praise the bliss of the hermit and denounce the unrest of the world. 

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Donate To Charity Essay 

The Blessed One ,they say, has given up his kingdom and his inheritance, and has found the path of righteousness thus setting an examples to all the world how to attain Nirvana. 

My heart yearns to do what is right is right and to be a blessing unto my fellow - beings.
  • Let me then ask you must I give up my wealth ,
  • my home,
  • and my bissuness enterprises, 
  • and like you, 
  • go into homelessness in order to attain the bliss of a religious life ?
And the Blessed One replied: The bliss of relifious life is attainable by everyone who walks in the noble eight fold path.

  • He that cleaves to wealth,
  • he better cast it away than allow his heart to be poisoned by it, 
  • but he who does cleaves to wealth ,
  • and possessing riches ,
  • use them rightly ,
  • will be a blessing unto his fellow beings.

I say unto thee,remain in thy station of life and apply thyself with diligence to thy enterprise. 

It's not life and wealth and power that enslave men but the cleaving to life and wealth and power.

The Bhikkhu who retires from the world in order to lead a life of leisure will have no gain.

For a life of indolence is an abomination, and lack of energy is to be despised.

The Dhamma of the Thathagata does not require a man to go into homelessness or to resign the world unless he feels called upon to do so,
  1. what the Dhamma of Tathagata requires is for every man to free himself from the illusion of self,
  2. to cleanse his heart,
  3. to give up his thirst for pleasure , 
  4. and lead a life of righteousness.

And whatever men do ,whatever they remain in the world as artisans, 
  1. Merchants and officers of the king,or retire from the world and devote themselves to a life of religious meditation 
  2. let them put their whole heart into their task, 
  3. let them be delignt and energetic, 
  4. and if they are like the lotus, 
  5. which though  it grow in the water heat remains untouched by the water, 
  6. if they struggle in the life without cherishing envy or hatred ,
  7. if they live in the world a life not of self but a life of truth,then surely joy ,
  8. peace and bliss will dwell in their minds.

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Donate To Charity Near Me

From his bounties to the poor, Sudatta was known as " Anathapindika". 

Anathapindika perceived that this was the most excellent system of truth, simple and of wisdom born.

Meeting to the Buddha :  After his conversion Anathapindika once went to the Blessed One . 

Taking his seat on his right side, he said: ' The Lord knows that I dwell in Shravasti, a land rich in produce , and enjoying peace; Pasendi is a great king thereof. 

Now am I wishful to found a Vihar there , I pray you ,of your tenderness come to Shravasti and accept it from me. 

The Blessed Lord kept silent and thereby showed his willingness to accept the gift.

Anathapindika,the friend of the destitude and the supporter of orphans, having returned home, saw the garden of the heir - apparent , Jeta, with its green groves and limpid rivulets , and thought: 

This is a place which will be most suitable as a Vihara for the fraternity of the Blessed One. 

And he went to the prince and asked leave to buy the ground.

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Donate Aim freedom to all.

Charities To Donate To

Spread gold coin: The prince was not inclined to sell the garden for he valued it highly . 

He at first refused but said at last : If you can cover it with gold then, and for no other price, shall you have it. 

Anathapindika rejoiced and began to spread his gold, but Jeta said: Spare yourself trouble for I will not Sell. But Anathapindika insisted. 

Thus they differed  and contented until they resorted to the magistrate.

Meanwhile the people began to take of the unwonted proceeding and the prince hearing more of the details and knowing that Anathapindika was not only very wealthy ,but also straightforward and sincere, inquired into his plans.

On hearing the name of the Blessed One, the prince became anxious to share in the foundation and accepted only one half of the gold saying: Yours is the land but mine are the trees. 

I will give the trees as my share of the offering to the Lord.

Having made foundation, they began to build the hall which rose loftily in due proportions according to the direction which the Blessed One had given, and it was beautifully decorated with appropriate carvings. 

This Vihara was called "Jetavana" and the friend of the orphans invited the Lord to come to Shravasti and receive the gift. 

And the Blessed One left Kapilavastu and came to Shravati.

While the Blessed One  entered Jet a van a, Anathapindika scattered flowers and burned incense, and as a sign of the gift he poured water from a golden dragon pitcher, saying," This Jetavana Vihara I give for the use of the brotherhood throughout the world. 

The Blessed One received the gift and replied: May all evil influences be overcome, may the offering promote the kingdom of righteousness and be a permanent blessing to mankind in general and especially also to the giver. 

Conclusion -

Anathapindika was one of the eighty chief disciples who bore the title of Chief Almsgiver.

In this way, Sudatta donated his all acquired great wealth donate to charity to buy a garden to build a Vihar for Buddha and his monks.