
Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Understanding The Principles of "Self-Mortification"

Self mortification involves self mortification of desires, through self mortification of habits, leading to self mortification of ego.

Many types of religion and their Ascetic following the rule and principles of purification in self mortification in sangh.

Self Mortification - There was, and still is, a confidence in India among a significant number of her monks that purging and last liberation can be accomplished by thorough SELF -                   MORTIFICATION, and the austere Gotama chose to test its reality. 

Thus there at Uruvelâ he started a decided battle to curb his body with the expectation that his brain, liberated from the shackles of the body, may have the option to take off to the statures of freedom. 

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Self Mortification In Buddhisim

Most passionate was he in these practices. 

He lived on leaves and roots, on a consistently diminished wage of food; he wore clothes from dust loads; he dozed among carcasses or on beds of thistles. 

The absolute lack of sustenance left him an actual wreck. Says the Master: "Thorough have I been in my parsimonious order. 

Thorough have I been past all others. 

Like squandered, wilted reeds turned into all my limbs...." In such words as these, in later years, having achieved full illumination, did the Buddha give his teaches a stunning depiction of his initial penances. 

Battling along these lines for six long years, he went to death's very entryway, however he got himself no closer to his objective. 

The absolute purposelessness of self-humiliation turned out to be plentifully obvious to him by his own insight. 

He understood that the way to the fulfillment of his enthusiastic aching lay toward a hunt internal into his own psyche. 

Undiscouraged, his still dynamic psyche looked for new ways the yearned for objective. 

He felt, notwithstanding, that with a body so totally debilitated as his, he was unable to follow that way with any possibility of progress. 

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Self Mortification Meaning

Consequently he deserted self-torment and outrageous fasting and took typical food. 

His skinny body recuperated its previous wellbeing and his depleted force before long returned. 

Presently his five friends left him in their failure, for they believed that he had surrendered the exertion and had continued an existence of plenitude. 

In any case, with firm assurance and complete confidence in his own immaculateness and strength, independent by any instructor, joined by none, the Bodhisatta made plans to put forth his last attempt in complete isolation. 

On the forenoon of the day preceding his illumination while the Bodhisatta was situated in reflection under a banyan tree, Sujâtâ, the girl of a rich householder, not knowing whether the austere was perfect or human, offered milk-rice to him saying: "Ruler, may your goals be delegated with progress!" 

This was his last feast before his edification.

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Self Mortification Of Ascetic

Suppose ,that 
  • an ascetic goes naked,
  • is of certain loose habits,
  • licks his hands,
  • respects no approach sir nor stop sir,
  • accepts nothing expressly brought nor expressly prepared,
  • nor any of cooking pot,nor placed within the threshold,
  • nor within mortar ,
  • nor among sticks ,
  • nor within a quern,
  • nor anything from eating together, 
  • nor from a pregnant women,
  • nor from a nursing mother,
  • nor from a women in intercourse with a man ,
  • nor food collect in drought,
  • nor from where a dog is,
  • nor from where flies are swarming ,
  • nor will he accept fish,or meat 
  • nor drink strong drink, 
  • nor intoxicants,
  • nor gruel.

He is either a one houser,a one mouthful man ,or a two houser a two mouthful man ,or a seven houser,a seven mouthful man.

He maintains himself on one  alms,on two,or on seven. 

He takes food ones a day,or once every two days or once every seven days

Thus does he dwell addicated to the practice of taking food according to rule ,at regular intervals,up to even half a month.

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Self Mortification In Religion

He feed either on pot - herbs 
  • or wild rice ,
  • or nivara seeds,
  • or leather parings ,
  • or on hata 
  • or on the powder in rice rusks,
  • or rice- scum,on flour 
  • or oil seeds,
  • on grasses,
  • on cowding,
  • or fruits and roots from the wood 
  • or windfalls. 

He wears coarse hempen cloth, 

  • coarse mixture cloth,
  • discards crops cloth,
  • discards rages or tirita - bark cloth,
  • or again he wear antelope hide,
  • or strips of the same netted,
  • or a human hair blanket 
  • or horse hair blanket 
  • or an owls feathers garment.

He is a hair and beard plucker ,

  • addicted to the practice of plucking out both , 
  • a stander up, 
  • a crouchet on heels, 
  • addicted to exerting himself when thus squatting ,
  • a bed of throns man ,
  • putting iron spikes or thorn on his couch ,
  • he uses a plank bed ,
  • sleeps on the ground ,
  • sleeps only one sides,
  • is a dust and dirt wearer and an open air man ,
  • a where you will sitter, 
  • a filtheater, 
  • addicted to the practice of eating such a  ,
  • addicted to the practice of drinking cold water,
  • and even -for-third-time-man.
Conclusion :-

Thats way of his self - mortification carried out,involves blemish in several ways