
Saturday, 8 February 2025

Unemployment the Silent Killer of Dreams & Aspirations

Unemployment -The unemployment and the 'natural' rate of unemployment estimated by unemployment , cyclical unemployment could turn in structural unemployment.

Unemployment - Basic cause of Unemployment overpopulation and backward economy automation.

Unemployment is a serious problem in the modern world particularly in non communist country even advance Nations facing the problem. 

Different kinds of Unemployment arising out of different circumstances different people affected differently . 

Educated employment mainly in urban areas labour supply increase very much because of education explosion education not being job oriented job opportunities. 

Limited expansion of post shows recruiter means of the educated to take the jobs of lower status this resistance breaking now lack of initiative to go in search of employment or to get self employed Unemployment among technically and professionally qualified person. 

This post is the problem of causes  unemployment give you all solutions as well as explanation on the topic of employment and unemployment details.

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Employment And Unemployment In India 

Occupational structure of India

Study of the structure of occupation in India during 1971 census shows that the bulk of the worker 72% are engaged in the primary sector ,

As cultivators agricultural labourer and in iivestock forestry plantation and 

Fishing in the secondary sector of mining manufacturing household industry and,

Construction 11% of workers in the the tertiary sector 

The remaining 17% this pattern has remained almost static since the beginning of this century 

Since Independence also no substantial change in the categories in 1981 census workers were classified only into three categories 

  1. Cultivator 42% 
  2. Agriculture labour 25% and 
  3. Other 33% the need for change in occupational structure for Rapid economic development the governments realisation of this need 

Our employment opportunity in the industrial sector and in services severally

Limited shifting of working population from agriculture sector to the non agriculture sector essential but have not been possible so far.

1) Employment In Private Sector And In Public Sector -

The public sector centre and state government and public sector undertaking provides full employment to 15 Million persons 

Private sector employment 7.5 million in the public sector community social and

Personal service account for nearly 50% of the job magnific checking only 16% 

In the private sector magnific checking dominates 45% the public sector undertaking of the centre and 

State governments account for 5 million jobs only.

2) Definition Nature And Estimate Of Employment -

A) Difficulty in defining and estimating employment distance definition of the Narional Sample Survey organisation of labour forces employment and 

Unemployment based on the three concept of usual status 

weekly status and 

Daily status the usual status concept of employment meann to measure the activity status of a person for a longer period than a day for a week 

Labour force estimate in the VI plan on the basis of usual status participation rates the number of daily status employed in less than the number of Weekly status 

Employed which is less than the usual status employed.

B)  Delhi labour forces in the normal age group 15 to 59 years of 24 cross in 1980 expected to increase 227 crore in 1985 

The estimates of labour force do not include the sizeable population that is economically active in in subsidiary equation particularly women .

C) According to  1981 Sensex work has been defined as participation in any economically productive activity person engaged in such activities has been grouped into main worker and marginal worker.

Main worker are those who have worked in some economic activities for a period of six months or more 

Other are marginal worker in 1981 census main workers where 33% of the population marginal worker for person total 37%.

D) There has been quantitative growth in labour forces accompanied by qualitative improvement the literacy level of the labour force has been gradually increasing.

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Employment And Unemployment Survey 

1) Nature Types And Estimate Of Unemployment -

Employment and Unemployment two side of the same coin the nature of Unemployment in India 

Share differ from that prevailing in advanced Countries there Unemployment India not caused by economic fluctuation and 

Hence not cyclical Unemployment in rural sector and in the Urban Sector educated Unemployment and uneducated 

Unemployment and under employment disguised Unemployment furnal 

Unemployment the presence of chronic unemployment in agriculture in India 

Problem of estimating Unemployment in India usual status Unemployment 

Which is used officially nowadays referred to Reality long term unemployment the weekly status and 

Daily status 

Unemployment estimate cover seasonally Unemployment for part time employee 

They are unemployed as the percentage of labour force has gradually increased 
from3 % in the first plan to 11% now.

Backlog of Unemployment in 1980,  1.2 crore expected net addition to Unemployment in 1980 , 1.2 crore aspects and net addition to Unemployment during 1980 - 85 .... 3.4 crore .

An estimate by the World Bank says that by 2022, the Unemployment rate will be high in the developed world and low in emerging countries like China and India.

A report by the World Bank states that in all ten of the countries with the highest Unemployment rates, there are large groups of people that are below the poverty level of living.

There are 10 countries in the world that have a greater volume of Unemployment than the United States: Russia, India, China, Brazil, Venezuela, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Australia, South Korea, and Japan.

In the world, the most common form of Unemployment is involuntary.

It is a common problem in the developing countries. It is a big challenge for the government to provide employment to the people and it becomes a challenge for the business to find the talent for the jobs.

It has no borders, it has no language. It is a human tragedy. 

2) Characteristic Of Unemployment In India -

1. Three fourth of the the unemployed where fresh entrant to the labour market 

2. Young educated unemployed accounted for one third of the total Unemployment . 

3. Unemployment rate where the highest in labour household 

4. Considerable variation between the reasons in the incidence of Unemployment . 

5. Percentage of ruler employed to ruler labour force slightly higher than the percentage in urban areas.

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Employment And Unemployment Rate In India 

1)  Bhagwati Committee Reports -

Committee report in 1973 on the extent of Unemployment  in India and on the measures to solve the unemployment problem based on the report a number of programs were initiated 

For example 

  1. Ruler works programs 
  2. Small farmers Development Agency
  3. Marriage agricultural farmers and 
  4. Agricultural labour scheme 
  5. Integrated dry land agriculture development crash program for rular 

Employment and Agro service centre IV plan recognised on employment as the foremost problem, but the plan had little impact on the Unemployment  situation.

2) Manpower Estimate , -

Educated manpower in India covers those persons who have obtained at least a matriculation or Higher Secondary certificate 

The educated manpower accounts for only 10% of the total labour force educated 

Youth Institute 11.5% of the youth labour force the educated unemployed account for 33% of the total unemployed.

3)  Employment Policy -

Two major goals of the employment policy during the plan are reducing under employment for the majority of the labour force and 

Cutting down on the long-term Unemployment a lasting solution of these problems can be found only within the framework of a rapid and 

Employment oriented economic growth however as a short-term measure suitable steps to be taken for the benefit of the weaker sections 

Ascent on self employment Ventures and labour incentive technologist policy of reservation and 

Excise protection for 384 small scale industries 379 atoms reserved for exclusive purchases by the government from small-scale village and cottage industries.

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Employment And Unemployment Definition 

1) Growth Of Employment Opportunities During The Plan Period -

Data record regarding employment in the public sector and the private sector available only Second third plan during the third plan the annual growth rate of employment 6% the growth rate came down during the annual plan period 1966 - 69 during the IV plan and 

The Plan periods the annual growth rate only around 2.5 % the growth rate in the private sector less compare to the public sector.

2) Employment Oriented Strategy Of Industrialisation -

Provision of employment opportunities is not just a well for measure but an important part of the strategy of development 

However the India plan have not been able to make a serious Dent on the Unemployment problem the backlog of Unemployment has been only increasing during the plan period

By Industrialisation policy took into account the employment potential but this was not the major consideration in the industrialisation program in India 

The controversy whether India should adopt labour incentive industrialisation instead of the present capital incentive industrialisation the capital investment for worker much less in 

Small and cottage industries then in 

Medium and heavy industries target of 6% growth in employment generally not achieved during the later plan fuller utilisation of existing capacities can also add to the creation of employment opportunity 

Rular industrialisation as a means of fighting Unemployment and underemployment.

3)  Employment Programme Of VI Plan -

Sum of major plan programs with significant employment potential are the following of the welfare scheme and 

Economic assistant reached main lead the lowest section of the people reduction in inequality was not considered indiscipline able for an attack on mass poverty production and distribution 

Where generally treated separately the concomitant problems relating to land reforms inflection technological innovation resulted in the worsening of the poverty situation. 

Conclusion -

Unemployment of skilled Semi skilled and manual labour in urban areas slow extension of employment opportunity in business and industry increase in urban labour class migration of people from rural area under employment and seasonal Unemployment through layer of reduction of employment