
Thursday 22 February 2024

Sensation based vipassana in meditation

Sensation based Vipassana- Mediator tries merely to search extraordinary, ordinary physical sensations as they naturally occur.

 Sensation based Vipassana -  First because it is by sensations that we experience reality directly. 

Unless something come into contact with the five physical sense or the mind, it does not exist for us. 

These are the gates through which we encounter the world, the base for all experience. 

And whenever anything comes into contact with the six sensory bases, a sensation occurs. 

The Buddha described the process as follows : "If someone takes two sticks and rubs one against the other, then from the friction heat is generated, a spark is produced. 

In the same way, as the result of a contact to be experienced as pleasant, a pleasant sensation arises. 

As the result of a contact to be experienced as unpleasant, an unpleasant sensation arises. As the result of a contact to be experienced as neutral, a neutral sensation arises. 

The contact of an object with mind or body produces a spark of sensation. This sensation is a link through which we experience the world with all it's phenomena, physical and mental

In order to develop experiential wisdom.  We must become aware of what we actually experience, that is, we must develop awareness of sensation

Further, physical sensations are closely related to the mind, and like the breath they offer a reflection of the present mental state. 

When mental objects thoughts, ideas, imaginations , emotions, memories, hopes, fears - come into contact with the mind, sensation arise. 

Every thought, every emotion, every mental action is accompanied by a corresponding sensation within the body. 

Therefore by observing the physical sensations, we also observe the mind. 

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Meditation - Buddhism Unique Technique .

Aware of sensations

Sensation is indispensable in order to explore truth to the depths. 

Whatever we encounter in the world will evoke a sensation within the body. 

Sensation is the crossroads where body and mind meet.

Although physical in nature, it is also one of the four mental processes . 

It arises within the body and is left by the mind. 

In a dead body or inanimate matter, there can be no sensation, because mind is not present. 

If we are unaware of this experience, our investigation of reality remains incomplete and superficial. 

Just as to rid a garden of weeds one must be aware of the hidden roots and their vital function  , similarly we must be aware of sensations, most of which usually remains hidden to us, if we are to understand our nature and deal with it properly. 

Sensation occur at all times throughout the body. 

Every contact, mental or physical, produces a sensation. Every biochemical reaction gives rise to sensation .

In ordinary life, the conscious mind lacks the focus necessary to be aware of all but the most intense of them, but once we have sharpened the mind by the practice of anapanasati and thus developed the faculty of awareness ,we become capable of experiencing consciously the reality of every sensation within .

In the practice of awareness of respiration the effort is to observe natural breathing, without controlling or regulating it. 

Similarly, in practice of Vipassana, we simply observe bodily sensations. 

We move attention systematically throughout the physical structure from head to feet and feet to head, from one extremity to the other. 

But while doing so we do not search for a particular type of sensation, nor try to avoid sensations of another type. 

The effort is only to observe objectively, to be aware of whatever sensations manifest themselves throughout the body .

They may be of any type : heat, cold, heaviness ,lightness, itching, throbbing, contraction,expansion, pressure, pain, tingling, pulsation, vibration, or anything else. 

The mediator does not search for anything extraordinary but tries merely to observe ordinary physical sensations as they naturally occur. 

Nor is any effort made to discover the cause of a sensation. 

It may arise from atmosphere conditions , because of the posture in which one sits, because of the effects of an old disease or weakness in the body, or even because of the food one has eaten. 

The reason is unimportant and beyond one's concern. 

The important thing is to be aware of the sensation that occurs at this moment in the part of the body where the attention is focused. 

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101 Palash Flowers Celebrate Herbal Holi Festival.

 When we first begin this practice, we may be able to perceive sensations in same part of the body and not in others. 

The faculty of awareness is not yet fully developed, so we only experience the intense sensations and not the finer, subtler ones . 

However, we continue giving attention to every part of body in turn, moving the focus of awareness in systematic order, without allowing the attention to be drawn unduly by the more prominent sensations. 

Having practiced the training of concentration. We have developed the ability to fix the attention on an object of conscious choosing. 

Now we use this ability to move awareness to every part of the body in an orderly progression, neither jumping part a part where sensation is unclear to another part where it is prominent, nor lingering over some sensations, nor trying to avoid others. 

In this way, we gradually reach the point where we can experience sensations in every part of body. 

Attractions of the pleasant /unpleasant sensation 

When one begins the practice of awareness of respiration, the breathing often will be rather heavy and irregular. 

Then it gradually calms and becomes progressively lighter,finer,subtler. 

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Maha Shivaratri 2022 - Fasting And Worshiping .

Similarly, when beginning the practice of  Vipassana meditation , one often experiences gross, intense, unpleasant sensations that seem to last for a long time. 

At the same time, strong emotions or long - forgotten thoughts and memories may arise, bringing with them mental or physical discomfort, even pain.

The hindrance of craving, aversion, sluggishness, agitation, and doubt which impeded one's progress during the practice of awareness of breathing may now reappear and gain such strength that it is altogether impossible to maintain the awareness of sensation. 

Faced with this situation one has no alternative but to revert to the practice of awareness of respiration in order once again to calm and sharpen the mind. 

Patiently, without any feeling of defeat, as mediators we work to re - establish concentration, understanding that all these difficulties are actually the result of our initial success. 

Some deeply buried conditioning has been stirred up and has started to appear at the conscious level. 

Gradually, with sustained effort but without any tension, the mind regains tranquility and one - pointedness. 

The strong thoughts or emotions pass away, and one can return to the awareness of sensations. 

And with repeated, continues practice, the intense sensations tend to dissolve into more uniform, subtler ones and finally into mere vibrations, arising and falling with great rapidity. 

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But whether the sensations are pleasant or unpleasant, intense or subtle, uniform or varied is irrelevant in meditation. 

The task is simply to observe objectively.

Whatever the discomfort of the unpleasant sensations, whatever the attractions of the pleasant ones, we do not stop our work, do not allow ourselves to become distracted or caught up in any sensation, our job is merely to observe ourselves with the same detachment as a scientist observing in a laboratory. 

:- Sensation based Vipassana occur at all times throughout the body. Sensation is indispensable in order to explore truth to the depths. Every contact, mental or physical, produces a sensation. Every biochemical reactions gives rise to Sensation based Vipassana in Meditation.

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Powerful Buddhist meditation Vipassana

Vipassana MeditationBy the practice of meditation, life become more harmonious, fruitful and happy. Meditation is a serious matter, specially the Vipassana technique. 

Vipassana MeditationThe first is that meditation is hard work ! 

Yogic meditation techniques using mantras and visualization are totally opposed to Vipassana. 

This meditation technique is really developing equanimity. 

When a problem arises in a daily life, take a few moments to observe your sensations with a balanced mind. 

When the mind is clam and balanced, whatever decision you make will be a good one. 

When the mind is unbalanced, any decision you make will be a reaction. 

You must learn to change the pattern of life from negative reaction to positive action. 

Today we will see ,learn about the real art of living "Vipassana". One method of exploring the inner world is Vipassana meditation. Vipassana  means "insight" in the ancient Pali language of India. 

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Buddhist Meditation

It is the essence of teaching of the Buddha, the actual experience of the truths of which he spoke. 

The Buddha himself attained the experience by the practice of meditation, and therefore meditation is what he primary taught. 

His words are records of his experience in meditation, ad well as detailed instructions on how to practice in order to reach the goal he had attained, the experience of truth.  

 The teaching of Buddha is a system for developing self - knowledge as a means to self - transformation. 

By at tai ng an experimental understanding of the reality of our own nature, we can eliminate the misapprehension that cause us to act wrongly and to make ourselves unhappy.  

We learn to act in accordance with reality and therefore to lead productive, useful,happy lives. 

In the " Satipatthana sutta", the Discourse on the Establishing of Awareness, the Buddha presented a practical method for developing self - existance knowledge through self -obsevation.

This technique is "Vipassana meditation."

Suppose you had the opportunity to free yourself of all worldly responsibility for a ten days, with a quite,secluded place in which to live , protected from disturbances . 

In this place the basic physical requirements of room and board would be provided for you, and helpers would be on hand to see that you are were reasonably comfortable. 

In return you would be expected only to avoid contact with other and ,apart from essential activities, to spend all your walking hours with eyes closed, keeping your mind in a chosen object of attention. Would you accept the offer ?

Suppose you had simply heard that such an,opportunity existed, and that people like your were not willing but eager to spend their free time in this way. 

How would you describe their activity? Navel -gazing, you might say, or contemplation; escapism or spiritual retreat; self - existent intoxication or self - existent searching; introversion or introspection. 

Whether the connotation is negative or positive ,the common impression of meditation is that it is withdrawal from the world. 

Of course there are techniques that function in this way.But meditation need not be an escape. 

It can also be a means to encounter the world in order to understand it and ourselves .

Every human being is conditioned to assume that the real world is outside, that the way to live life,is by contact with an external reality, by seeking input, physical and mental, from without . 

Most of us have never considered severing outward contacts in order to see what happiness insides.  

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Buddhist Meditation Techniques & Practices

The idea of doing so probably sounds like choosing to so end hours staring at the test pattern on a television screen. 

We would rather explore the far side of the moon or the bottom of the ocean than the hidden depths within ourselves.

This much is widely accepted, but the problem remains of how to understand and follow the instructions given by the Buddha. 

While his words have been preserved in texts of recognized  authenticity, the interpretation of the Buddha's meditation instructions is difficult without the context of a living practice.

But if a technique exists that has been maintained for unknown generation ,that offers the very results described by the Buddha, and if it conforms precisely to his instructions and elucidates points in them that have long seemed obscure, then that technique is surely worth investigating. 

Vipassana is such a method. It is a technique extraordinary in its simplicity, its lack of all dogma, and above all in the result it offers.

Vipassana meditation is taught in the course of ten days, open to anyone who sincerely wishes to learn the technique and who is fit to do so physically and mentally. 

During the ten days ,participants remains within the area of the course site,having no contact with the outside world. 

They refrain from reading, writing, suspend any religious or other practices, working exactly according to instructions given. 

For entire period of the course they follow a basis code of morality which includes celibasy and abstention from all intoxicants. 

They also maintain silence among themselves for the first nine days of the course, although they are free to discuss meditation problems with the teacher and material problems with the management. 

During the course day by day, the meditator discovers that the technique actually works. Each step in turn may seem an enormous leap, and yet one finds one can do it. 

At the end of ten days it becomes clear how long a journey it has been from the beginning of the course. 

The meditator has undergone a process analogous to a surgical operation, to lancing a pus - filled wound. 

Cutting open the lesion and pressing on it to remove the pus is painful, but unless this is done the wound can never heal. 

Once the pus is removed, one is free of it and of the suffering its caused, and can regain full health. 

Similarly, by passing through a ten days course, the meditator relives the mind of some of its tensions, and enjoys greater mental health. 

The process of Vipassana has worked deep changes within,changes that persist after the end of the course. 

The meditator finds that whatever mental strength was gained during the course, whatever was learned,can be applied in daily life for one's own benefit and for the good of others. 

Life becomes more harmonious, fruitful, and happy. It is the all best technique in all meditation which is called" The art of living Vipassana.

Once, when asked to explain the path in simple words, the Buddha said ,

           "Abstain from all unwholesome deeds, perform wholesome ones, purify your mind---this is the teaching of enlightened persons! 

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Define Righteousness Meaning ?

Meditation In Buddhism

The Noble Eightfold path can be decided into three stage of training:Sila,Samadhi and panna. 

Sila is a moral practice, abstention from all unwholesome actions of body and speech. Samadhi is the  practice of concentration, developing the ability to consciously direct and control ones own mental processes. 

Panna is wisdom, the  development of purifying insight into ones own nature. 

Anyone who wishes to practice Shanna must begin by practicing Sila. 

This is the first step without which one cannot advance. We must abstain from all action, all words and deeds, that harm other people. 

This is easily understood :society requires such behavior in order to avoid disruption. But in fact we abstain from such actions not only because they harm others but also because they harm ourselves. 

It is impossible to commit an unwholesome action-to insult, kill, steal, or rape without generating great agitation in the mind, great craving and aversion. 

This movement of craving  and aversion brings unhappiness  now, and more in the future. The Buddha said, 

Burning now, burning hereafter, the wrong -doer suffers doubly... Happy now, happy hereafter, The virtuous person doubly rejoices .

We needn't wait until after death to experience heaven and hell, we can experience them within this life, within ourselves. 

When we commit unwholesome  actions we experience the hell fire of craving and aversion. When we perform wholesome actions we experience the heaven of inner peace. 

Therefore it is not only for the benefit of others but for our own benefit, to avoid harm to ourselves,that we abstain from unwholesome words and deeds.

Three is another reason for understanding the practice of Sila. We wish to examine ourselves to gain insight into the depths of our reality. 

To do this requires a very  clam and quite mind. It is impossible to see into the depths of a pool of water when it is turbulent. Introspection  requires a clam mind, free from agitation. 

Whenever one commits unwholesome  action, the mind is inundated with agitation. 

When one abstains from all wholesome  actions of body or speech, only then does the mind have the opportunity to become  peaceful  enough so introspection  may  proceed. 

There is still another reason why sila is essential :one who practice Dhamma is working towards the ultimate goal of liberation from the suffering. 

While performing this task he cannot be involved in actions that will reinforce the very mental habits he seeks to eradicate. 

Any action that harms others is necessarily caused and accompanied by craving, aversion, and ignorance. 

Committing such actions is taking two step back for every steps forward on the path, thwarting any progress towards the goal. 

Sila then, is necessary not only for the good of society but for the good of each of it's members, and not only for the worldly good of a person but also for his progress on the path of Dhamma. 

Three parts Of  the Noble Eightfold path fall within the training of sila :right speech, right action, and right livelihood. 

Right speech, right action, and right livelihood should be practiced because they make sense for oneself and for others. 

A course in Vipassana meditation offers the opportunity to apply all these aspects of sila. 

This is a period set aside for the intensive practice of Dhamma, and therefore the Eight precepts are followed by all participants. 

However, one relaxation is allowed for those joining the course for the first time, or for those with a medical problems : they are permitted to have a light meal in the evening. 

For this reason such people formally undertake only the five Percepts,although in all other respects they actually observe the Eight Precepts. 

In addition to precepts, all participants must take a vow of silence until the last full day of the course. They may speak with the teacher or course management, but not with other meditation. 

In this way all distraction are kept to a minimum, people are able to live and work in close quarters without disturbing each other. 

In this clam, quite, and peaceful atmosphere it is possible to perform the delicate task of introspection. 

In return for performing their work of introspection, mediators receive food and shelter, the cost of which has been donated by others. 

In this way, during a course they live more or less like true recluses, subsisting on the charity of others. 

By performing their work to the best of their ability, for their own good and the good of others, the mediators practice right livelihood while participating in a Vipassana course. 

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Buddhist Meditation For Peace

The practice of sila is an integral part of the path of Dhamma. Without it there can be no progress on the path, because the mind will remain too agitated to investigate the reality within. 

There are those who teach that spiritual development is possible without sila. Whatever they may be doing, such people are not following the teaching of the Buddha. 

Without practicing sila it may be possible to experience various ecstatic states but it is a mistake to regard these as spiritual attainments. 

Certainly without sila one can never liberate the mind from suffering and experience ultimate truth.      

The Buddha said :
                         A man does not really apply Dhamma in life 
                           Just because he speaks much about it. 
                            But though someone may have heard little about it, 
                             if he sees the Law of Nature by means of his own body, 
                              then truly he lives according to it ,
                               and can never be forgetful of the Dhamma.     

Conclusion :-

Vipassana Meditation practice way to examine the reality of one's own body and mind. Meditation is a unique technique in Buddhism. But meditation need not be an escape.


Monday 19 February 2024

101 Palash Flowers Celebrate Herbal Holi Festival.

Good morning friend,

101 Palash Flowers Celebrate Herbal Holi Festival.

Palash Flowers celebrate Holy 2023 Natural herbal colour of Palash  flowers used in Holi celebration, Palash flowers related to Holy festival 2023.

Palash Flowers celebrate Holy 2023   - It was originally a Palash Flowers celebrate Holy 2023  the start of spring, good harvests and fertility of the land. 

The first mentions of it date back to a poem from the 4th century .

Foremost is the legend of Prahlad and Hiranyakshyap.

The legend says there once lived a devil and powerful king.

Hiranyakshyap who considered himself a God and wanted everybody to worship him. 

To his great ire ,his son Prahlad began to worship, Lord Vishnu. To get rid of his son. 

Hiranyakshyap asked his sister, Holika to enter a blazing fire with Prahlad in her lap, as she had a boon to enter fire unscathed. 

Legend has it that Prahlad was saved for his extreme devotion for lord while Holika paid a price for her sinister desire. 

The tradition of burning Holika or the Holika Dahan comes mainly from this legend.

Holi also celebrates the legend of Radha and Krishna which describes the extreme delight. 

Krishna took in applying colour on Radha and others hopes gopis. 

This prank of Krishna later became a trend and a part of the Holi festivities .

Mythology also states that  Holiis the celebration of death of ogress Pootana who tried to kill infant, Krishna by feeding poisonous milk to it.

One day Krishna complained to his mother Yashoda about the injustice of nature which made Tasha so fair and he so dark. 

To pacify the crying young Krishna, the doting mother asked him to go and colour Radhas face in whichever colour he wanted. 

In a mischievous mood, naughty Krishna heeded the advice of mother Yashoda and applies colours on her beloved Radhas face making her one like himself.

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Maha Shivaratri 2022 - Fasting And Worshiping .

Palash Red Flowers Uses In Holi

Palash Red Flowers Uses In Holi

The Palash is a small shrub native to the Indian subcontinent. It is also known as Indian Red or Indian Sorrel. 

The Palash is used in herbal medicine to treat a wide range of ailments. 

It is mostly associated with Holi, an ancient Indian festival of colors where people come together to playfully splash colors on each other to celebrate the coming of spring. 

Today, Palash Flowers often play a significant role in the Holi festival. They are used in making tea and other drinks to help people get the most out of the Holi experience.

Palash, the vibrant red flower that dots the landscape in spring, is synonymous with celebrations and festivals. 

Palash is a red and white flower native to India and Nepal, which blooms in March. 

The flower is used in the Indian festival of Holi, where it's tossed at people, and in other Holi-related festivals. 

Its red color, especially its petals, is used in the art of Holi painting and as an alternative to turmeric for coloring foods.

Palash red flowers in garden provide the amount of honey. Palash reds are known for their sweet nectar. 

However, when I compared their flower with flowers in other varieties, their blooms are big and long and contain a lot of nectar.

Springtime in India is a season of festivals and celebrations. 

One of the most colorful and fragrant celebrations is the Holi festival, also known as the Festival of Colors. 

The festival is a celebration of spring and a time to spread happiness and good cheer. 

The festivities include an exchange of colorful powders and water guns, with the goal being to spray each other with water and paint the town white and pink.

For the first time in the history of the Palash, the flagship plant in the 101% ecosystem, the Palash flower has begun to celebrate Holi.

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   Holi Indian And Skin Care

Holi Indian And Skin Care

The lesson of the story is that acceptable consistently prevails upon evil, and the individuals who look to torture the devoted will be annihilated. 

To praise the story, huge fires are singed during Holi. In numerous pieces of India, a sham of Holika is scorched on the fire. 

The temperature all around is moderate. This gives an ascent to various unsafe microbes in the climate and furthermore in the body. 

The custom of consuming the huge fire and circumventing it helps in executing these microbes. Plus, the tones additionally ownly affect the body. 

Holi celebration and skin health management points 

Holi, the celebration of shadings, carries with itself the coolness of spring and many delights. 

Yet, now and then we go over the edge in commending the celebration and wind up hurting ourselves somehow or another or the other. 

What's more, for the most part, individuals will in general disregard these reasoning that it will recuperate with time. That is the place where they turn out badly. 

Contaminations which appear to be minor from the start can deteriorate if not dealt with. 

In this way, in the event that you are experiencing any shading identified with different contaminations, you can attempt the accompanying: 

Clean: You ought to consistently make it a highlight scrub down following playing with colors. 

Regardless of whether you didn't, you ought to now get it done for seven days after Holi if there are still leftovers of tones in your body parts. 

Simply add a cap of germicide to your container of water and clean up. 

Cuts and Breaks: On the off chance that you had cuts and breaks in your body and shading cleared its path through it during playing Holi, you should take additional consideration of it. 

Clean your injury with sterile fluid routinely, and apply calming creams like Boroline. 

On the off chance that the bothering continues, if it's not too much trouble, counsel a Specialist to try not to expand the disease. 

Skin bothering: Shading fabricating isn't generally something very similar. 

It is conceivable that the shading that was utilized on you had a few synthetics or items not appropriate for your skin. 

Going to locally established medicines can shape further disturbance as you don't have the foggiest idea what may respond further with it. 

Visit your closest clinic for discussion all things considered. 

Privates: Private parts are really touchy piece of our bodies. As we as a whole realize Holi is energetically played in our nation, shading, generally in water structure, may clear a path to your privates when you are tones or water containers are tossed on you. 

On the off chance that you feel any disturbance around your privates, visit a gynecologist promptly fail to remember the legitimate line of treatment. (On the off chance that it is out of badgering during Holi, you should report it to concerned specialists too) 

The Holi Celebration (or celebration of tones) is an interesting social and strict festival that envelops significantly more than simply tossing shaded color noticeable all around. 

In this article, you'll become familiar with some broad Holi Celebration data and realities, and get a brief look into the rich strict practices behind its festival. 

We'll additionally educate you concerning some volunteer associations facilitating programs in India so you can have the chance to encounter the Holi Celebration firsthand. 

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Friendship Day 2023 Celebrate - Speech & Thought.

  Festival Of Holi In India

Festival Of Holi In India

What Is Holi Celebrated for? 

Holi is a Hindu celebration that has been commended since antiquated occasions. 

The Holi Celebration is commended as an approach to welcome in spring, and furthermore is viewed as a fresh start where individuals can deliver every one of their restraints and start new. 

It is said that during the Holi Celebration, the divine beings choose not to see, and it's one of only a handful multiple times very faithful Hindus permit themselves to let free. 

They open up and appreciate each other's conversation, set aside some effort to move and gathering, and toss their social standards aside. 

On the main day of the celebration, a huge fire is lit to emblematically consume with extreme heat all the awful and offer route to a vivid and energetic new future. 

At the Holi Celebration, members toss powder color into the air, covering all in participation with lively tones. 

From a strict perspective, the tones are rich with imagery and have numerous implications: they can mean an energetic new life and even address sin as it were. 

For a few, washing off the color by the day's end can mean new obligation to live well, as purging oneself of shades of malice and evil presences. 

Religion Celebrates 

The Holi Celebration is fundamentally celebrated by Hindus. 

All things considered, the celebration is a comprehensive, as one of the fundamental subjects of the celebration is solidarity. 

In this way, while the Holi Celebration is established in Hindu custom, it is a festival that happens everywhere on the world. 

It unites individuals and welcomes them to discard their restraints, feeling joined in one major brilliant gathering. 

Predominantly Celebrated 

Holi Celebration is principally celebrated in India and Nepal, however throughout the long term it has become a festival that happens in numerous networks the whole way across the globe. 

The celebration is most broadly and straightforwardly celebrated in urban areas like Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur, and keeping in mind that every city may celebrate somewhat in an unexpected way, you can hope to see a lot of tones, music, and dance. 

Observe Holi in America 

There are numerous Hindu populaces in the US, especially in bigger metropolitan territories. 

Notwithstanding the strict significance of the celebration, some have received it in the US for the exhibition and diversion. 

Holi Celebrations can be found in Boston, New York, Houston, and surprisingly Spanish Fork, Utah.

 What Is Holi Day

What Is Holi Day

Uses Of All Faithful Clours -

At some places Holi parties are also organised where the colour and water flows end lessly .  

Till everybody becomes one like nature in the season of HOLI FULL OF COLORS AND LIFE.

It is a real fun to watch the otherwise always sober people making a clown if themselves.

Singing songs at the high pitch and playing practical jokes on others. 

For, the rule of the days is "Bura na mano Holi hai. "(please don't take any offence for it is Holi)

It is to be noted that Holi can become more soothing after the play with colours with the use of natural colours. 

As natural colours are obtained from skin friendly sources such as turmeric or Haldi, flowers extracts ,sandalwood, mehndi besides several others. 

Besides prepared at home  Ancient India was fully aware of the benefits of the fragrant natural colours for our skins and health and also there therapeutic value. 

The ingredients of Gulal were purposely chosen for their emollient qualities.

In Vrindavan, Holi is still played with actual flowers petals chosen for their fragrance and colours such as rajnigabdha and rose.

Colourful waters are sprinkling on people and kids are found playing with Pichakari and water balloons. 

People exchange sweets, Thandai and snacks among neighbours and friends. 

Popular Holi sweets are Gujiya, ladoo, burfi and imarti etc.

 Indian festive celebration is incomplete without delicious sweets. 

People also dance in the beats of Holi songs. 

Exchange of Holi gifts, snacks hampers, dry fruits and greeting cards are also found. 

The festival of the colour gives us are opportunity to reunite with family, friends and dear ones .

This festivity brings colours into the life of people .

When they can take a break from their monotonous life and share the joy with loved ones. 

Everyone play's  Holi by chasing each other and throwing bright gulal and colour water.

Holi Milan

Holi Milan

Significance of different colours 

1) Red---purity,  

2)Green - Vitality  

3)Blue - Calm and awareness 

4)Yellow - Pious felling  .

Chemical colours -

1) Green : copper sulphate -temporary blindness

2) Purple : Chromium Iodide --Bronchial Asthma

3) Silver : Aluminium Bromide --Carcinogenic

4) Black : Lead Oxide - Learning Disability

5) Red : Mercury Sulphite - Skin Cancer

Regional Name Of Holi -

1) Dulandi Holi

2) Rangapanchami

3) Basant Utsav 

4) Dol Shimgo 

5) Dol purnima

6) Lathmaar Holi 

7) Hola Mohallas 

8) Phagu purnima 

9) Kaman pandigai

Gujarati Holi------

The states is famous for the tradition of breaking earthen pot full of buttermilk and tied high on a rope. 

Hundreds of people participate in forming a human pyramids in order to reach the pot. 

At places there are also prizes for the groups which successfully breaks the pot. 

The person who actually breaks the pot is crowned the "Holi King" of the locality for the year. 

Participation of the on lookers is no less. 

They keep throwing buckets of water on the boys forming the pyramid.

Banaras Holi :

Barsana ,the birthplace of  Radha, it is away from Mathura. Men from Nandgaon the land of Krishna come to play Holi with the girls of 'Barsana "and hope of raising their flag over shri Radhikajis temple. 

But instead of colours they are greeted with sticks by the gopis. Hence, the Holi get its new name here "Lathmaar Holi "

The week ling Holi celebrations also continue in the various Krishna temples on different days. 

Conclusion -

Palash Flowers celebrate Holy 2023 are filled with clouds of colours and of course, much fun  .