
Sunday 13 December 2020

Culture History World - Tradition And Research Topics.

 Good Morning Friend,

Culture History World

Culture History World - Art is not a culture history world but an important indicator about the culture history world of people. 

Culture History World- Is there are things known as Indian culture ? The answer depends on the definition that we give to the term Indian culture .

The meaning of  culture history world depends on the context .

When we say that universities should be centres of culture for the country We mean that University should show evidence of a higher level of intellectual development in Art Science etc, then the society that surround it. 

In the same sense we can consider am and cultured when he is above the average men around him in intellectual development and refinement of taste. 

The element of comparison in the above uses is absent or should be absent when we talk of any group or National culture .

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Social Development - Skills, Issues And Theory.

Culture History World Process 

Culture History World Process

African culture for the Muslim culture in India simply means the state of development with emphasis on the mind of the people in Africa or of the Muslim in India respectively .

This development is seem in the systems of values and goals of the people in the Institution and codes which they have designed to realise these values and goals, in the material objects used by them, and in the the their manners and manners of Life.

Similarly , civilization is different from culture sins it is mainly concerned with the state of material life and development of Technology .

In which sense, civilization is a part of culture or rather one another indicator of culture .

Different culture may be compared in specific aspect .

However, it is undesirable to claim Superiority to one's culture or to assign inferiority to another. 

Whenever we talk of Civilization we always mean high standard of material life and sense of superiority on the superiority of the material and Technology used one is automatically  implied .

But the same cannot be said of culture. 

Every Nation one community one hour sect has its culture .

To claim one culture or to disparage another is unbecoming of anyone who believes in the essential equality of mankind .

Again the the Ambit of a culture maybe as vague as we would like to make it .

You main talk about your family culture .

Normally , every section or community , identified on religious , sectarian , or class criteria , claims to have a culture of its own .

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Casteism And Caste - Conflicts In India The Ugly Truth.

Culture History World National Geographic 

Culture History World National Geographic

Every geographical reason or Nation certainly had its distinctive culture .

We may even talked of Asian culture, European culture, African culture .

To world citizen universally human culture may already be in the the offing.

By Indian culture we mean the essential mental Ultra good and characteristic peculiarities which are generally shared by all Indians irrespective of their religious Linguistic and regional distinction. 

These mental trait and peculiarities need not be found in every Indian and there may be differences in the intensity of any trait between one Indian and another .

Undoubtedly Jade culture is a statistical concept and should be understood only in that light .

Cultured in it's broadest sense include mental traits, manner of Living Jade external objects associated with life , and institution in addition to goal and values and their symbols. 

So  in section 3 and 4 we discuss some aspect of temperament Bade mental qualities and values and Lifestyle , etc , that are characteristics of Indian .

Before we proceed further two qualifications may be useful. 

When we say that tolerance or religiousness is the characteristics aspect of Indian culture Jade we do not mean that now where else in the world you find the virtues. 

In fact ,  many of the effect of Indian culture form part of Universal human values .

So it will be parochial and unrealistic to claim any exclusive possession of the aspect of culture .

Secondly ,  certain aspect of culture are mentioned here because historically they have been held to be a part of the culture of the entire Indian subcontinent .

Traditionally , section of Indian have assumed for themselves the role of representatives of India and element of their culture have been conventionally projected as applicable to the whole of India .

So such elements have been accommodate with appropriate comments .

Finally , it is good to remember that Indian culture is complex and composite. 

This has been acknowledged by no less a person than Jawaharlal Nehru when he says , If look at India I find the annual growth of composite culture of Indian people .

This perspective is necessary so that the history and culture of our culture may be properly understood.

There are two theories on the evolution of culture .

According to one , the physical environment of human being in a society shapes their culture .

The Other theory say that the idea and Idol in the minds of men are the real foundation of culture and gradually main try to modify their environment according to their Idea and ambitions. 

Probably , both physical environment and human thoughts contributed , through continuous interaction led to the emergence of any culture .

Whatever may be the origin of culture, we consider the history of culture only after it has reached reasonably advanced states development app development .

Thus , for the first time did we notice The fountain head of the Indian culture in the Indus Valley Culture that prevailed between 3000 B. C.  and 2000 B. C. 

The people of the Indus Valley Culture had reached a very high state of Civilization .

After the sudden disappearance of the Indus Valley Civilization and the focus shifted to the extreme south where the Dravidian culture with its advanced social system , industries and trade furnished about 2000 B. C.

Their academic( Sangams) with Amy and literary men , spread over a long period, produces some of the finest pieces of ancient Tamil literature. 

Unfortunately historical records where new kept. 

However did the Dravidian culture has come down to us in an unbroken chain of succession and of course with the modification and adaptations introduced through centuries .

The next major stream of culture fluid into Indian from Central Asia .

The barrier of this culture where the the Aryans who came to India from fore of but settled , in course of time Z throughout Northern India , some of them even migrating further to the south .

Their original Rig Vedic culture underwent some changes in the encounter with the original inhabitants of the land but,  by and large their culture became the foundation of the Hindu culture that provided throughout Northern India and exercise its influence for and wide, including southern India , near east countries Sri Lanka etc .

In course of time, this culture was identified with the whole of India and to foreigner, the vedic Hindu culture represented the accident Indian culture in its entirely. 

The basic of this culture where the four Vedas, there commentaries, the brahmins and the Upanishad .

The main Legend of this culture are contained in the two epics, Ramayana And Mahabharata and the Purana. 

A Sanskrit, the original language of the Aryans begin to spread throughout India in the Limited circle only after it be came a dead language .

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Culture History World Examples 

Culture History World Examples

The Buddhist religion that florist in India between  the 6 century B. C. Andy 6 century A. D. contributed the next major stream to Indian culture.

The Buddhist culture was an of shoot of the later Vedic culture but with certain basic differences .

That is why Buddhism became per different religion not another set of Hinduism .

Jainism which also Rose about the same period developed more or less like a set of Hinduism Buddhism introduced basic changing in the thoughts moral and mode of living of the people in many parts of the countries .

It was mainly through Buddhist and Jain missionary's that Hindus culture and Sanskrit where carried to the different parts of South India between the 3rd Century B. C. and the first century A. D.

A Remarkable and major culture 26 took place in India between the 6th and 10th century A. D.

There was an encounter between three distant culture which had maintained their identity very clearly till then .

They were the purani Hindu culture, the Buddhist culture and the Dravidian culture .

It is worth nothing that these three culture had received substantial state patronage for sufficiently long period before this fusions .

The distinct durable element of the Buddhist culture, especially ahimsa styles of painting and sculpture vegetarian etc were by the Hindu culture.

The Buddhist culture will not with stand the assault of the caste system and the popular attraction multiplicity of gods .

A Source will it lost its identity in the absence of state pattern age .

The Dravidian culture assimilated some of the major elements of the Puranic Hindu culture while retaining its separate identity. 

The Puranas religious tenant and Gods of Hindus culture slightly modified to accommodate the Dravidian legend, religious principles, and gods .

Does culture almost sketch out of this encounter what did Dravidian culture was substantially affected assimilating parts of the Aryans culture and maintaining the major aspect of its origin culture. 

Sanskrit was accepted along with the original language as one of the court language of scholar in South India .

It was a result of this fusion that the Bhakati cult rose in the south and prayed to the north.

Contact with Islam after the the tenth century and the Muslim rule in India for nearby sixth century did change the basic culture of India but the changes where more in the nature of mutual understanding and Accommodation than in the fundamentals .

But by this time the Indian culture, Nanak, Kabir and Ramanand communal harmony to the masses Sikkim was born out of the efforts to bring together Hindus and Muslims .

Two important culture consequences of the Muslim rule in India are worth nothing .

Persian and Arabic words where absorbed in the administrative language change you very much. 

Till then Hindu with various data and belonging to different state had been the only religious community of India is perfect for small pockets accommodating Jain, Parsis, Jews and Christians .

Low minority communities appeared on a large-scale everywhere .

In certain religion Muslims and six became the major it is communities .

The need for communal harmony became compulsive .

In addition we may mention that Hindustani culture common to Hindus and Muslim prevailed in the royal court and among the upper classes .

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Culture History World Emotions 

Culture History World Emotions

The impact of the English culture in India was marginal during the first part of the British rule in India .

Only when the English culture took in the element of modernization Indian where affected by the English culture .

The reaction of Indians to the modern European culture watch two - fold .

Some Indians decided to receive their ancient culture in a bid to stand against the modern European culture .

Some other wanted to assimilate the good features of the modern culture brought from Europe .

The compulsions of the time saw that the latter succeeded while the former are still fighting a losing battle .

When an irrational glorification of the past did not appeal to many Indians who wanted India to prosper in the modern world .

They will come the good features of modern culture while maintaining firmly rooted in the traditional India culture .

In the above brief history of Indian Culture we have certainly ignore the valuable contribution made by foreign culture from time to time and have confine our attention to the majors cultures of India .

This does not mean that the rest of India did not have their own culture or had little to contribute to the common culture of India .

Conclusion -

The culture history of India should draw our attention to the fact that Indian culture is composite and should win our admiration for the wonderful power of assimilation and fusion that its has displayed throughout history .

culture history world synthetic has been a continuous process in India.

Saturday 12 December 2020

Social Change - Best Agent Of Global Society.

 Good Morning Friend,

Social Change

Social ChangeReligion, culture, education, mass media and the like act simultaneously at agent of social change and areas of social change .

Social Change - Change that occurs in a society may be called social change . Social change may also be considered as a process through which definite alteration in the structure and functions of a particular social system result. 

Change is value neutral concept and so a particular change may be good or bad desirable or undesirable scared are profile progressive or regressive depending upon the view and understanding of the observer. 

When we say that change is value free the idea is not that no distinction can be made between good changes and bad changes or between welcome changes and unwelcome development. 

It is to be understood that when a particular social change acquire it will be evaluated in the light of the ideal goals the theories of the observer. 

Secondly change employees continuity. 

Only when certain existing conditions situations or things are partially modified we use the term change. 

So change an continuity context .

Any social change may produce discernible and widespread change in social structures functions behaviour values norms ways of life attitude roles and status .

Regarding social changes psychologist have made detailed study and have formulated various theories on the direction of changes factors of change and areas of change.

If we assess the changes that have acquired in the Indian society the middle of the 19th century we notice the two direction in which such changes have proceed. 

Certain changes in the traditional values and convention have been wholly beneficial and are the result of the social reform movements which had only e marginal influence on the society during this second half of the nineteenth century but gathered Momentum since 1920 when the Indian National Movement become mass. 

Second set of changes which have been increasing in intensity or average throughout the 20 century particularly after independence consider the disturbing features of the present Indian society and have generally turned out to be serious problems .

Such features are increasing now explosive population increasing this organisation at all levels means materialism coupled with religiosity but without morality increase in sophisticated crime and socio - economic crime etc.

Hindi Indian contacts certain terms westernization current legislation ration are used to explain the direction of social change .

The various factors of social change our Technology, industrialisation, organisation, legislation, education economic factors, planning demography, religion and mass media .

Some of the major areas in which social change is significant in the post independent India are the caste system status of women the status and role of backward classes family etc .

This is because these institutions in track with the society in such a way as to influence and to be influencer by the society they changed social behaviour structure and value and in their turn undergo changes. 

To important consequence rather manifestations of social change are social conflict and social mobility.

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Technology as a agent of social changes

Technology as a agent of social changes

Introduction of new technology has always changed our communities and societies .

The modern period in the age of Technology. 

While Modern Technology cannot be completely identified with westernization it has to be acknowledged that bulk of the technology used in India and elsewhere had their origin and development in Europe and USA .

With traditional Technology being used in India since long before the the advent of the British is still in uses in the form of modern cottage industries.

But with the introduction of the nuclear Technology, space Technology, Computer technology and the like profound changes have taken place and are bound to take place in the future in the Indian society. 

Technology per se is value neutral and hence can be used for the good or Evil depending on the intention of the user .

Again it is to be noted that Technology affect society mainly through the process of industrialisation .

This is not to deny that certain changes in values and attitude can be directly brought about by technology for example decline in in religious belief removal of superstitions locations of scientific temper and rational approach to life and problems etc .

It is for society to decide consciously the level of Technology required in different field taking into account the economic compensation and social needs .

In general sense we may associate with technology all the social changes brought about by industrialisation itself.

We may attitude to technology remarkable changes in attitude lifestyles social structures and economic well being of the people which have taken place in India throughout the 20 century .

The martian theory which state that the modes of production in a society determine the class relation in the society and consequently the entire superstructure of political social and culture institutions in that society will also support this view.

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Industrialisation as an agent of social change

Industrialisation as an agent of social change

Since the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century all states consider industrialisation as their basic Pursuit and seek solution to their problems through industrialisation in spite of the known defects and drawbacks of intense industrialisation. 

The term industrialisation here includes public and private Management Business service and other modern avenues of employment and profession .

The advanced countries complete with one another for higher and higher level of industrialization .

The developing countries consider Rapid industrialisation as their ultimate goal .

The poor and undeveloped countries yearn for industrialization and  ape the industrialized countries in more than one way .

Of course modern industrialisation is based on technology more and more technology and more sophisticated Technology .

Obsolescence is an inherent feature and problem of industrialisation. 

While industrialisation is affected primary to affect the economy of a country and improve it it does not produce a host of social effects .

The social changes brought about by industrialisation in India in diverse areas such as the caste system backward classes women education and mass media etc are numerous indeed .

The emergence of new classes such as capitalist industrial labour and minor.

The breakdown of caste rule and taboos in factories Rapid and safety improvement in the consumption pattern of the masses urbanisation and new types of social relation in industries brand new means of Mars entertainment and Recreation new wholly range of sport and games are bought some of the the instance of social changes producer directly or indirectly by industrialisation.

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 Legislation as an agent of social change

Legislation as an agent of social change

Legislation is a political instrument which can affect all aspects of life including the social .

It is the that legislation is used as in agent of social change. 

In a liberal democracy as we have in India the government generally does not direct its attention to social problems and process unless certain desirable changes have to be brought through government till interference.

In traditional societies any change in social values Institutions and processes is generally not favoured by the people and so the states does not interfere with them .

A dictatorial tutorial States under communism Fascism or fundamentalism would like to effect radical changes in society and hence would undertakes measure to cause drastic social changes through legislation. 

The British ruler in the India where generally vary of interfering with the social life and hence did not initiate social changes in the form of social reformer .

As a result certain social evils and undesirable social practices continued for a long time .

Lord Bentinck affected the first social legislation in 1829 by banning Sati and making it an offence through regulation. 

Important social legislative measures enacted during the British rule are the Hindu widow remarriage act of 1856,  female infanticide prohibition act of 1870,  the special Marriage Act of 1870, the Age of Consent Act of 1891, child marriage (restraint Sharda ) act of 1929, The Hindu gains of learning act of 1934, children act of 1920, the beggary act of 1940, the factory act of 1881,  the workmen compensation act of 1923 etc. 

These legislative measures were aimed at preventing harmful social practices and providing a better deal for workers .

Since Independence the government have carried forward the momentum of social reforms through legislation .

The Indian Constitution prohibiting practice of untouchability and describing a number of directive principle of State Policy for the government clearly indicates that which state has to play a positive role in bringing about desirable changes through legislation. 

Some of the social legislative measures introduced by the central government since Independence are the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 , The Hindu Succession act of 1956, The Hindu adoption and maintenance act of 1956 , dowry prohibition act of 1961,  the untouchability offence act of 1955 letter renamed as a civil rights act etc. 

To provide a better deal for the workers and the unemployed new legislations has been made in the form of factory act of 1948, the employment exchange act of 1959 etc.

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 Education as an agent of social change

Education as an agent of social change

Education is one of the culture factor responsible for Major social changes in society .

We have already pointed out that education is a matter which is both a factor of change and and area of change .

The social change brought about by Education in modern time is many times more impressive that the changes undergone by education as a result of other social changes .

Changes in attitude Outlook basic per seat and values are the result of education. 

Education also explain partially the generation gap and cultural lag in society .

Public support to social reforms and legislative reforms mother is a result of widespread education .

It is through Mass education that modernization of society can be effected substantially .

Education also promote mobility vertical and spatial .

On the other hand the education has undergone vast changes since the beginning of 19th century .

Conclusion :-

These social changes were basically introduced through government policies but many other factors where is responsible for the general acceptance of these changes.

Friday 11 December 2020

Social Development - Skills, Issues And Theory.

 Good Morning Friend,

Social Development

Social Development - Many top person make a career in social development.  social development is necessary in the society activities.

Social Development - Society in India , society in a simple language society main defined as a network of social relationship among people. It is good to remember that the term society does not refer to people or a group of people 

In fact society is a complex pattern of norms of interaction between people in a group.

Some have defined society  as a complex of farms process association and institution in a community .

Society has certain structure and functions .

The term community is generally used for a smaller group within a society .

Such a group has all tribute such as community for entertainment definite locality and concrete existence . In the living life in the society the  social development is essential to improve the poverty guideline.

Generally it is associated with faith customs natural solidarity and a common will where as a society is associated with public opinion fashion contractual solidarity private property and individual will .

Chief characteristic of Indian society are the caste system Agrarjan class structure urban classes multiplicity of months multiplicity of religion with free dominance of Hinduism variety of regional culture the joint family system spiritual Outlook and superstitions stream resistance to change in traditions and value etc .

While the Indian society is built on the above mentioned foundations Rapid changes that have been taking place since the beginning of the 20th century have resulted in or brought to focus the social problem and the the nascent features of the present day Indian society .

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  • Social Development Goal And Social Stratification 
Social Development Goal And Social Stratification

The horizontal division of society into higher and lower social units is called social stratification .

Division of society into various economic social political or religious classes is a basic features of society. 

Every type of division cannot be described as a stratification for example made division of society in two different religion communities is not a social stratification .

Inequality of status is a basic cried on for societies stratification .

While there are various theories on the origin of social stratification all are agreed the stratification is based on inequality .

Division of society into social classes may be based on criteria of birth wealth occupation education etc .

In the modern society we generally recognised the following classes capital list high upper middle lower middle low.

Further classification search as manager White Collar and blue collar worker etc may also be made according to to convenience .

The functional utility of class division in society that are generally altribute are stability of society and motivation and coordination of people .

In the Indian context cost is an important Criterion for society stratification .

Big caste system which might have originally evolved from the the varna system of the vedic Aryans has resulted in the division of society into a number of strata .

Inter relation between caste and class in the Indian context is matter on which scholar are divided in their opinions 

However it is undeniable the satisfaction the class stratification have been super imposed on Indian society 

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Inequality - Poverty Guideline Problem Of The Nation.

Social Development Skills And Social Mobility 

Social Development Skills And Social Mobility

When a person family or group in a society which is stratified move up or down vertical mobility take place. 

a in this sense there can be no vertical mobility in the caste Harish in India expect through the process described as a Sanskritisation .

But the class hierarchy clearly permits vertical mobility .

Scenes class is based on status when status of a person or group changes his its class also may change .

Person may improve his status through education wealth political power or personal connections .

Some of the agent of social change which cause social mobility directly or indirectly our education economic development westernization and urbanization .

Horizontal mobility acquires mainly in the form of occupational mobility .

When a person gives up one equation profession or employment and takes up another which does not necessarily increases his economic or political power there is occupational mobility for example han medical practitioner in government service resign the job and set up private practice equational mobility occurs .

The Other types of mobility spatial mobility take place when a person or family changes is its normal place of Residence or work .

Seasonal and Temporary migration within the country and aboard also will result in hierarchy mobility .

As instance we make coat this is Null out- migration of agriculture labour or from a group of countries for definite periods .

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Social Development Issue And Westernisation 

Social Development Issue And Westernisation

Indian psychology the term westernization refers to the social changes that have acquired in Indian during the British rule and after .

The changes contemplated under this term over Lifestyle relating to eating racing dancing entertainment it is a mental aspect such as a knowledge of English literature and Science and value aspect like punctuality rationalism humanitarianism secularism etc .

Does the youth Revolt against author of way of living rejection of taboos regarding food and social relations ship taking in of Western habits and practices such as happy culture .

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Social Development Theory And  Sanskritisation 

Social Development Theory And  Sanskritisation

This is a term introduced by the Indian sociologist to interpret the phenomenon in which the behaviour of person or a group in a society is inclusive and guided by a reference group .

In social logical purlins reference group is a group in society which is used as a standard to evaluate Vansh attitude customs rituals etc .

In the Indian context it is assume that some of the so called low cost Hindus or tribals at the custom rituals and ways of life of the twice born caste particularly the brahmins .

Some persons of a low-cost or a middle cast Mein practice vegetarianism and teetotalism with the false hope that after sometime probably after generations they will acquire a better status in the caste hierarchy .

Conclusion -

The sociologist are agreed that this process has very limited scope and Italy scenes any improvement in status in the Varna hierarchy is simply ruled out 

The basic differences between Sanskritisation  and westernization are clear. That's why everybody learn more social development theory keyword for network.

Sunday 23 August 2020

Casteism And Caste - Conflicts In India The Ugly Truth.

 Good morning friend, 

Casteism And Caste

Casteism And Caste - Due to the lack of Love, Smile, Morality in the society responsible for Casteism and Caste Conflict, improving Caste System

Casteism And Caste  -  The term is conveniently used as a label to find fault with the people of backward caste who have recently awakened to they writes casteism has been practicing the down the age by the upper cut particularly the Brahmins during the British period the upper caste used to Corner almost all the jobs in the governments and in private sector the cast affiliation was the predominant consideration for requirement of personnel under the old regime since the establishment of democracy the backward classes and schedule caste who continues and overwhelming  majority of population in most part of India have been demanding their due share of the government post seats in educational institutions and positions in public life the Congress the communist parties and some other national parties whose top leadership accommodate very few persons of the majority of backward and depressed caste have made the maximum possible collective efforts to maintain the hegemonic of the brahmins and other upper caste in the National life .

Yet under the pressure of mass politics gradual concessions in favour of scheduled caste Scheduled Tribes and backward classes have been extracted the backward classes have now a days organised themselves through caste organisations in order to assert their political weight this phenomenon which is definitely caste based is dubbed as casteism by the upper castes or classes   who have grown intolerant of the rising stature of the backward majority in the country.

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Inequality - Poverty Guideline Problem Of The Nation.

Caste Definition 

Caste Definition -

Based on the age old old actress caste system with 4 its varnas numerous caste and subcaste the Indian society has always had the potential for exploitation based on this hereditary treat casteism is defined as attachment to once caste and allowing one perception and decisions to be crowded it cost consideration even today there are some who denounce casteism without condemning the caste system caste conflicts have taken new form in the post independence period oving to circumstances arising out of Democratic practice and setup.

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Caste system and Conflicts 

Caste system and Conflicts

1. several forms of conflicts based on this cost 

2. atrocities on Harijan in the present context assertion of their rights by the backward caste and scheduled caste in rural areas is recent it too by the upper caste and dominant backward caste of the areas caste violence on schedule caste and minority backward classes in order to teach lesson 

3. reaction from the awakened and organises dual caste and backward classes in the form of Counter attack on the upper caste and organising for protection etc 

a search caste conflict quite common in the village of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar .

4. caste conflict between the dominant backward caste of the area instigated by the upper caste organisation and leaders and the minority difference caste gathering Momentum in states like Tamil Nadu Andhra Pradesh etc.

 5. another form of caste conflict is anti reservation and Pro reservation agitations.

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Agitation against Reservations Caste matters - 

Caste matters -

5 reservation for backward classes in the context of mass politics the affected upper caste who had once more no polished practically all feat in educational institution and post in government in the name of merit have started fighting back in order to maintain their traditional stranglehold in 1981 the Parliament passed resolution unanimously that the constitutional protection for scheduled caste and tribes through reservation should continue without time limit as at present .

Agitation was directed against the reservation for scheduled caste and tribes the court in India had once fully backed the upper caste in curtailing the scope of reservation the present legal position is that caste based reservation can be made without limitation on the percentage - yet whenever reservation is made for backward classes on the basis of their population strength anti reservation agitation have been started by the vested interest search education success rate in Gujarat but did not success the match in Madhya Pradesh Andhra Pradesh etc .

If the anti reservation agitations in favour of privileged minority caste are allowed to succeed backlash in the form of reservation agitation by the difference from majority is bound to make more dangerous impact on the Indian polity.

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Culture Of India - Religion, Secularism Language History Problems.

Religion and Politics, Casteism in India  

Casteism in India  -

Mixing or religion and politics has become very common despite India basic commitment to secularism even Mahatma Gandhi can be accused of having mixed up the to although he did not wish to produce the disharmony among people through such mixing religion oriented political parties like Muslim League jansangh Akali Dal etc religious affiliation and cost of party members and the constituencies taken into account in choice of election candidates by National and state parties the short-term gains served by many political leaders in rousing the communal feelings the disgruntted leaders and dissident in ruling party for menting communal trouble I want only open identification of ruler and officers with communal organisations meeting and proper conduct during the last few years even the major political parties like the Congress approving blatantly communal arts in order to win the favour of the majority community formation of majority Wings in political parties in order to neuture vote banks.

Conversion Politics -

Definition conversion a religious phenomena how it gets politician in the context of recent mass conversion of Schedule Caste to Islam .

Legal position -

Protection given to conversion based on conviction restriction in the forms of freedom of religion X in some States prohibition of use of endorsement or treat for conversion no provision for beering conversion 

Mass conversion earlier there had been mass conversion to Buddhist aur Buddhism initiated by Dr BR Ambedkar conversion to Islam for Christianity individually going on mass conversion to Islam recent event efforts to counter such conversions in Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh 

Conclusion -

Political implication set back to the majority religion hence the UN cry demo graphic significance implications of elections and politicians who are unable to take side openly and Important political issue to divide the country some organisation exploring the situation to with up communal feelings a weapon for scheduled caste to express their political strains a new pressure tactic lack of confidence in government machinery involvement of foreign money. In this way in India remains mindly and internally problems of casteism and caste somebody human thinking tendency till now.

Friday 14 August 2020

Inequality - Poverty Guideline Problem Of The Nation.

 Good morning friend, 

Inequality - Poverty

Inequality - Poverty :- Leave alone measurement even the concept of poverty is complicated and to solve the main issue of poverty is inequality

Inequality - Poverty :- Concept definition and estimate of poverty the difficulty in defining precisely  the poverty line the centre statistical organisation which has studied poverty recently concluded that study of inequality - poverty conducted by Bardhan Minhas Ojha Dandekar and Rath the estimate of poverty given by the the VII finance commission the latest definition and estimate given by VI plan document poverty line is defined as the midpoint of the monthly per capita expenditure class having daily calorie intake of 2400 per person in rural areas and 2100 in urban areas at 1984 - 85 prices the mid-point are  Rupees 107 in rural area and rupees 122 in urban areas according to formal definition in 1977 - 78 the percentage of people below the poverty line 51% in rural area 38% in urban area and 48% .

All India wide variation in the incidence of poverty among different States 4% in Nagaland 15% in Punjab and 66% in Orissa the definition of poverty As given about take into to account only the minimum food requirement other requirements like clothing housing excetra and are taken into account for the people below the poverty line average monthly consumption expenditure workout to rupees 53 where as the average monthly consumption for an Indian is only rupees 96 this shows that many people above the poverty line are not having a satisfactory standard of living.

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Inequality In India 

Inequality In India

B)  Removal of poverty during the plan period :-

Removal of poverty recognised as an important aspect of Social Justice one of the basic objective of planning in India although general rise in the standard of living in face in the formulation of the plans no concrete programs where launcher to deal with poverty during the first three plans only during the fourth plan Ad Hoc measure were taken to make a direct impact on poverty minimum needs programme was made an integral part of fifth plan with an allotment of rupees 2607 crore this program was rain force in the six plan.

C)  VI Plan goods an anti poverty programmes :-

This VI plan deal with problem of poverty in three stages 1 identification and Measurement second development of Elastic targets third formulation of specific programs to match the target it is realised that the people below the poverty line generally have no assets are a little assets with very low productivity if you really want skill and no regular Jobs the target fixed by the 6 plan to reduce the percentage of people below the poverty line to 39% without any redistribution of consumption expenditure and to 30% with distribution of consumption expenditure through different anti poverty programmes the important anti poverty programmes of VI plan are IRDP , NREP special component plan for the treatment of the scheduled caste the integrated rural development programs is expected to covered 12 million household and to lift 61 million persons in rural areas about the poverty line nearly 6 million people in urban areas will also be brought about the poverty line NREP will supplement the Other anti poverty programs by providing jobs to the ruler poor during the slack season.

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Poverty In India 

Poverty In India

D)  Minimum needs programme :-

The program which was introduced in the plan has been continued in the plan with the following components elementary education including adult education ruler health ruler water supply ruler roads ruler electrification housing assistance to ruler handles people urban slum improvement and nutrition the program is conclude essentially as investment in human resource development provision of free or subsidised services through public Agencies is expected to improve the consumption level of the people below poverty line and thereby improve their productive efficiency it has been found that without a program like this the benefits of most schemes may fail to reach the poorest section of the people the allotment in the VI plan rupees 5907 crore long-term objectives and targets for 1984 - 85 have been fixed in the case of most of the times the state governments have to include that bulk of the expenditure except in the programs ruler water supply ruler health and elementary education which the centre will make substantial contribution.

E)  Causes of feature to reduce poverty :-

a the main cause of poverty are under development and integrity in ruler areas poverty previous mainly among the agricultural labour and marginal farmer India won areas power 30 identified with people who are employed an unemployed and are migrant worker the impressive place on growth by the planets totally ignore the poverty of economic development no serious effort made to ensure that the benefits of the welfare scheme and economic assistance assistant reached  mainly the lowest section of the people reduction in inequality was not considered indispensable for an attack on mass poverty production and distribution where generally treated separately the concomitant comment problems relating to land for reforms inflection technological innovation resulted in the worsening of the poverty situation.

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Inequality How To Solve

Inequality How To Solve

F)  Equality in wealth and income :-

1. Bottom 20% of the population accounted for only 4% of the national income and the top five percent concurrent 31% during the poor household as one with asset less than rupees 2500 in 1971 the VI plan en-w many states that the percentage of such households has increased from 33 % in 1961 to 30% in 1971 

2. World bank has classified inequalities into three categories: inequality prevails in the country where the share of the lowest 40% of the population in national income in less than 12% moderate inequalities in countries where the lowest 40% of population have a shared between 12% and 17% of the national income low equality prevails in countries where the lowest 40% of the population accounts for more than 70% of the national income India where the bottom 40% of the population account for 30% in 1967 - 68 comes in the category of moderate inequality countries.

G) Concentration of wealth in India :-

The Mahalabobis committee on the distribution of income in its reports of 1964 has analysed the problem of concentration of economic power in India the mono policy enquiry Commission headed by yes that also dealt with the concentration of economic power of in India the main cause of the concentration of wealth was the prevalence of managing system which was abolished theoretically through the first Constitutional Amendment another cause of concentration intercompany investment third cause maybe conquering of new opportunities and licence of industrial development by well established business houses absence of encouragement to new entrepreneurs according to Datt Committee report concentration of economic power has accelerated economic growth and has supplied managerial skill of high quality in India

The report has been criticized on various accounts based on its recommendation mono policies and restrictive trade practices act of 1970 was passed the Act defines a Big Business House as one with total asset of interconnected undertaking amounting 2 Rupees 20 crore or more in 1975 it was found that as many as 203 atoms were controlled by single farm monopolies the restriction on MRTP companies have recently been relax very much to facilitate their setting of of industries in backward districts and for export promotion.

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Poverty Define 

Poverty Define

H) Growth of monopoly capital and big business houses in India :-

Monopoly capital in the capital investment in joint operation or by a big business houses to acquire a dominant share in the corporate private sector stocks of industrial capital factor contributing to growth of monopoly capital are there control over Financial Institutions even after the nationalisation of banks their diversification and technological innovation government policy encouraging big business through tax incentive on various ground the role of public sector Financial Institutions like LIC and Industrial Development Bank of India grabbing of Business and industrial opportunities by big businesses houses through money Manipulation a few business houses are able to to control big companies even when their investment is very low for example Mafatlal group company in which family shareholding is less than 1% of the total assets Tata who sharing holding in their companies less than 0.4 % etc. big business houses have grown phenomenally since independence they have been allowed to invest in the crore sector following the Recommendation of the committee Tatas and Birlas having almost equal assets rupees 1500 crore each account for nearly 40% of the total asset of the top 20 business houses.

I)  Measures of check concentration of economic power :-

efforts taken by the government from time to time have had little impact on preventing growth of monopoly capital and concentration of economic power from of the measures are expansion of public sector government participation Indian large scale industries licensing system tightening of company administration encouragement of small and medium entrepreneurs use of taxation .

MRTP act imposition of ceiling of urban property through urban land ceiling and Regulation Act of 1976. Economic growth, social justice, self reliance and modernisation with inequality - poverty are the four primary objectives of planning in India.