Seeking liberation fosters freedom through liberation empowering minds with inner liberation and culminating in ultimate liberation.
From right Awareness proceeds right Concentration, right Concentration proceeds right Wisdom, right Wisdom proceeds right Liberation.
Liberation - Developing Awareness, Concentration with Equanimity : Liberation depends on by developing awareness and equanimity, One can liberate oneself from suffering.
Suffering begins because of ignorance of one's own reality. In the darkness of this ignorance ,the mind reacts to every sensation with liking and disliking, craving and aversion.
Every such reaction creates suffering now and sets in motion a chain of events that will bring nothing but suffering in the future.
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Liberation Defination And Meaning
How can this chain of cause and effect be broken? Somehow, because of past actions taken in ignorance, life has begun, the flow of mind and matter has started.
Should one then commit suicide?
No, that will not solve the problem.
At the moment of killing oneself the mind is full of misery ,full of aversion. Whatever comes next will also be full of misery.
Such an action can not lead to happiness.
Life has started, and one cannot escape from it. Then should one destroy the six bases of sensory experience?
One could pluck out the eyes, cut out of tongue, destroy the nose and ears.
But how could one destroy the body? How could one destroy the mind? Again it would be suicide, which is useless.
Should one destroy the objects of each of the six bases,all the sights and sounds, and so on?
This is not possible. The universe is full of countless objects :one could never destroy them all.
Once the six sensory bases exist,it is impossible to prevent their contact with their respective objects.
And as soon as contact occurs,there is bound to be a Sensation.
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Liberation Psychology
But this is the point at which the chain can be broken. The crucial link occurs at the point of sensation.
Every sensation gives rise to liking and disliking.
These momentary, unconscious reactions of liking and disliking are immediately multiplied and intensified into great craving and aversion, into attachment, producing misery now and in the future.
This becomes a blind habit which one repeats mechanically.
By practice of Vipassana meditation (bhavana),however, we develop awareness of every sensation.
And we develop equanimity :we do not react.
We examine the sensation dispassionately ,without liking and disliking it, without craving aversion,or attachment.
Instead of giving rise to fresh reactions ,every sensation now gives rise to nothing but wisdom, panna, insight : This is impermanent, bound to change, arising to pass away. "
The chain has been broken, suffering has been stopped.
There is no fresh reaction of craving or aversion, and therefore no cause from which suffering can arise.
The cause of Suffering is the kamma, the mental deed,that is, the blind reaction of craving and aversion, the sankhara.
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Liberation Energy
When the mind is aware of sensation but maintains equanimity, there is such reaction, no cause that will produce suffering .We have stopped making suffering for ourselves.
The Buddha said, All sankharas are impermanent.
When you perceive this with true insight, then you become detached from suffering, this is the path of purification.
Developing Wisdom, Sensation with Equanimity
Here the word sankhara has a very wide meaning.
A blind reaction of the mind is called sankhara, but the results of that action, it's fruit,is also knowns as sankhara, like seed, like fruit.
Everything that we encounter in life is ultimately the result of our own mental actions.
Therefore in the widest sense, sankhara means anything in this conditioned world, whatever has been created, formed, composed. Hence, "All created things are impermanent, "whether mental or physical, everything in the Universe.
The entire effort is to learn how not to react, how not to produce a new sankhara.
A sensation appears, and liking or disliking begins.
This fleeting moment, if we are unaware of it, is repeated and intensified into craving and aversion, becoming a strong emotion that eventually overpowers the conscious mind.
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Liberation Theology
We become caught up in the emotion ,and all our better judgement is swept aside.
The result is that we find ourselves engaged in unwholesome speech and action, harming ourselves and others.
We create misery for ourselves, suffering now and in the future, because of one moment of blind reaction.
But if we are aware at the point where the process of reaction begins --that is, if we are aware of sensation --we can choose not to allow any reaction to occur or to intensify. We observe the sensation without reacting,neither liking nor disliking it.
It has no chance to develop into craving or aversion, into powerful emotion that can overwhelm us, it simply arises and passes away.
The mind remains balanced, peaceful. We are happy now, and we can anticipate happiness in the future, because we have not reacted.
This ability not to react is very valuable. When we are aware of the sensations within the body, and at the same time maintain equanimity, in those moments the mind is free.
Perhaps at first these may be only a few moments in a meditation period, and the rest of the time the mind remains submerged in the old habit of reaction to sensation, the old round of craving, aversion ,and misery.
But with repeated practice those few brief moments will become seconds, will become minutes, until finally the old habit of reaction is broken, and the mind remains continuously at peace.
This is how suffering can be stopped. This is how we can cease producing misery for ourselves.
Conclusion -
When one observes this truth with experiential wisdom though the practice of Vipassana meditation (bhavana) then suffering disappears,because one turns away from causes of suffering, that is, One gives up the habits of craving and aversion. This is the path of liberation.