
Monday, 10 February 2025

Happy Family Building a Haven of Togetherness

Creating a happy family is a journey that nurtures love, laughter, and togetherness. A happy family builds a strong foundation, supports each other's dreams, strengthens relationships, and inspires others to do the same. 

Stress free happy family improved good relationships qualities with quotes. Healthy and happy family habits to live greedily, 

Happy Family - Happiness of enjoyment and possession : The first happiness of possession. A householder / happy family is possessed of wealth, justly and righteously acquired by great industry, amassed by strength of arm, and earned by sweat( of the brow). 

At the thought I am possessed of wealth justly gained, he gain happiness. Second is the happiness of enjoyment.

A householder/ happy family is possessed of wealth justly and righteously acquired by great industry amassed by strength of the arm, and Earned by sweat ( of the brow) enjoys his wealth and performs acts of merit. 

Thus at the thought , I am doing meritorious deeds with my wealth which Was justly gained, and so forth he gains happiness regarding.

Are you excited? Keep reading.

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Happy Family Status 

Happiness of freedom and blamelessness : Third is the happiness of freedom from debt. 

  • A householder, 
  • owes no one any debt great or small ,
  • thus he gains happiness, 
  • thus he at the thought of thus he gains happiness, 
  • thus he at the thought of ,
  • I owe no man anything, 
  • and so forth ,gains happiness.

Forth is the happiness of blamelessness  

  • A householder, 
  • who is endowed with blameless action of body, 
  • blameless speech and blameless thinking,
  • gains happiness of blamelessness ,
  • these are four kinds of happiness are constantly obtainable by the householder.


Householders, there are four ways for a husband and wife of living together.

A vile man lives with a vile woman ,a vile man lives with a goddess,a god lives with a vile woman and a god lives with a goddess.


  • a husband kills,
  • steals,
  • commits impurity,
  • lies and indulges in fermented liquir, 
  • is wicked and sinful,
  • with his heart possessed by avarice he lives life of householder / happy family and abuses and reviles virtuous people.

Also his wife kills, 
  • steals, 
  • commits impurity,
  • lies and indulges in fermented liquor,
  • is wicked and sinful with her heart possessed by avarice she lives,
  • the life of the family and abuse and reviles virtuous people,
  • Thus indeed, householder,a vile man lives with a vile woman.

  • A husband kills,
  • steals, 
  • commits impurity,
  • lies and indulges in fermented liquor,
  • is wicked and sinful,
  • with his heart possessed by avarice,
  • he lives the life of a householders and abuses and reviles virtuous people. 

But his wife abstains from killing, thieving, sexual impurity,lying and indulgence in fermented liquor.

His wife is virtuous and of good behavior, with her heart freed from the taint of avarice she lives the family life and abuses not nor reviles virtuous people.

Thus indeed,householder ,a vile man lives with a goddess.

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Happy Family Topics 

Householder ! 
  • A husband abstains from killing,
  • thieving impurity,
  • lying and indulgence in fermanented liquor,
  • is virtuous and of good behavior, 
  • with his mind freed from the strain of avarice,
  • he lives the family life and abuses not nor revile virtuous people. 

But his wife kills,
  • steals,
  • commits impurity,
  • lies and indulges in fermented liquor,
  • is wicked and sinful,
  • with her heart possessed by avarice she lives the family life and abuses and reviles virtuous people.

Thus indeed,householder ,a god lives with a vile woman. 

Householder ! herein, a husband and a wife both abstain from killing,
  • thieving, 
  • impurity,
  • lying and indulgence in fermented liquor ,
  • are virtuous and of good behavior, 
  • with mind freed from taints of a car ice they live the family life and abuse not nor revile virtuous people .

Thus indeed,householder, a god lives with a goddess.  These are the four ways of living together.

Effortlessness in way of life, happiness of enjoyment and possession 

A stupid individual doesn't trouble himself with extravagances. 

That is the reason a stupid individual is shielded himself from inefficient spending. 

In this period of rivalry, each person's objective of an effective life relies exclusively upon extravagance and riches. 

Also, to get the title of these extravagances and wealth, man keeps himself occupied constantly. 

Also, he continues tiring himself to arrive at his objective of effective life. 

Be that as it may, a stupid individual defines the objective of his effective life just on straightforwardness. 

What's more, along these lines, a moronic individual doesn't tire himself in the bait of pointless extravagances. 

A basic way of life is a simple way of life and a simple way of life is an effective way of life. 

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Happy Family Goal

At the point when the Buddha seemed 2500 years prior, 
  1. the Brahmans were isolated into two camps, 
  2. one gathering, 
  3. who took the philosophical disposition of keeping up the more honest rule of good character above simple birth, 
  4. attempting to persuade the other that simple birth was nothing in the event that one had not learning and great character. 

The Brahmans were bending over backward to show that they were the most predominant, 
  1. having been conceived out of the mouth of Brahma, 
  2. while different classes were instructed to accept that they originated from more ruffian appendages of a similar maker. 

The old age of Brahmans must be persuaded of the absurdity of the refined hypothesis, 
  1. and it was clear that among them were probably the noblest, 
  2. who were prepared to acknowledge Truth over the simple affirmation of a network that they were prevalent, 
  3. and just an extraordinary character was expected to storm the post.

The more youthful age of Brahmans who followed the more established were additionally isolated: the distinguished party treating the Kshatriyas with amazing scorn : and the exemplary nature incomparable gathering, who held that enormity comprises in honorable character. 

India was then secluded, no Alexander had originated from the West to show his capacity, and Europe was then soaked in murkiness. 

Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were not conceived, Mahommad, Jesus, and other later day prophets had not yet shown up. 

The Buddha showed up and lectured the Gospel of Universal Brotherhood, 
  1. Unity, 
  2. Love, 
  3. Mercy and the possibility of the person, who, whatever his gotra and jati, 
  4. had the capability to comprehend, and the wellbeing to endure in the way of Truth.

In the Pali it is called Khanasampatti,

  1. benefiting of the occasion to move high to arrive at the culminations of opportunity from the four sorts of predisposition, demonstrating partiality, doing foul play through contempt, 
  2. doing unfairness through dread of power, doing what isn't as per Truth through obliviousness of the shrewdness which must be picked up by an information on logical examination. 

To comprehend the extraordinary mission that the Tathagata had achieved, it is essential that one should make an investigation of the various parts of Religion and social associations, particularly of India, and if conceivable of the world. 

The extension of the insight by a more extensive investigation of human laws will assist with finding Truth. 

We should not dismiss the way that anyway great the article might be, in the event that it isn't very much publicized, another person would enter the field, and by broad promoting may get his substandard article acknowledged. 

Most of individuals are half crazy and effortlessly forced upon by quacks. 

We as a whole realize that intoxicants are harmful to wellbeing, yet take a gander at the techniques embraced by the distinctive Whisky sellers to publicize their own uncommon whisky. 

The things that die, and are temporary and disgraceful get a regal gathering, while the more magnified, which is related with the Mind and which is more lasting, is ignored 

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Happy Family Secrets 

The blessed Bhikkhus and Brahmans by their righteous and honorable life show the astuteness of observing the law of Renunciation. 

The individuals who invest their energy in indulgent delights can never turn into the best instances of a people. 

What's more, the sacred instructor is he who acquires from the delights that the householder appreciates. 

On the off chance that the householder doesn't find in the profound instructor ideals, for what reason should he pay him respect ? 

He should he a case of self-refusal, developing the higher life to get the reverence of the householder. 

An otherworldly instructor can surrender the strict life. 

What's more, embrace the life of a government official, and hold individuals down in a condition of vassalage and medievalism, similar to the case with the European people groups, under the political incomparability of the Roman Church. 

A little class will obviously be profited by following this childish and undemocratic source. 

Yet, it isn't savvy to keep the individuals in a condition of obliviousness, and servitude for sudden calamities happen, and the intensity of the choose cleared off, just like the case with the brotherhood of the Roman church, in France, Italy and Portugal. 

The decrease of Indian opportunity started with the degeneration of the individuals, who were brought under the religious law of rank, and permitted to stay in absolute obliviousness. 

Missions were dismissed and permitted to move themselves in the purported discouraged classes, which number around 140 millions.

Man as opposed to being raised, turned into a savage, mentally dim witted, and genuinely a captive to accomplish crafted by a monster. 

The outcome we find in India in the regiments of coolies battling for presence. 

Such a sight as is to be found in Indian railroad stations, at the appearance of traveler trains, when these men are seen really occupied with hand to hand battle, to get the gear of the travelers is seen no place else. 

Conclusion -

This sort of life responds upon the country, and a way should be found to make the weight of the poor simple.

we don't  live happily in state happy family of peace due to the lack of right wisdom. Live with happiness of enjoyment, possession, blamelessness and greedily.