The Religious Teacher plays a vital role in guiding followers, while a Religious Teacher also interprets sacred texts, and another Religious Teacher provides spiritual counseling, ultimately helping to shape the community's understanding of faith through the wisdom of a Religious Teacher.
The worthy Gautama as the religious teacher. Kabir says, " The Religious Teacher is even greater than God.
The Religious Teacher - Science has proved that the course of the Universe is a grouping and dissolution and regrouping.
The trend of modern science is the trend of an ultimate reality, unity, and diversity of ego.
The Religious Teacher ought to talk bit by bit. It is of almost no utilization to find out about void or non-self, on the off chance that you haven't first perceived that there is an anxiety or uneasiness running for the duration of your life.
At the point when I initially began contemplating Buddhism I had such countless lessons on what a Bodhisattva does and doesn't do, yet didn't know precisely what I should do myself.
I found out about how Milarepa got illuminated in one lifetime, yet Gautama Buddha took three endless ages.
I expect these accounts have there place, however it absolutely isn't the point at which one is simply beginning on the way.
We need to begin toward the start of the way and gradually work our way along, slowly and carefully.
This will help decrease confound.
An extraordinary aspect regarding Buddhism is that things are numbered – five statutes, ten hurtful acts, four realities, five characteristics of an The Religious Teacher – thus it makes it simpler to follow and recall the individual strides of the lessons.
This post is about to the problem of religion of teacher, this post give you better solution on the topic all religion holy and religious teachers history in brief .
Are you excited? Keep reading.
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A Religious Teacher Spiritual Guide
Christian Religion
Christ claimed to be the prophet of Christianity.
He further claimed that he was the Son of the God.
Christ also laid down the condition that there was no salvation for a person unless he accepted that Christ was the Son of God.
Thus Christ secured a place for Himself by making the salvation of the Christian depend upon his acceptance of Christ as the prophet and Son of God.
Every founder of religion has either claimed divinity for himself or for his teachings.
Every founder of religion has either claimed divinity for himself or for his teachings.
Moses, although he did not claim for himself any divine origin, did claim divine origin for his teachings.
He told his followers that if they wished to reach the land of milk and honey they must accept the teachings because they were the teachings of Jehovah the God.
Jesus claimed divinity for himself. He claimed that he was the Son of God. Naturally His teachings acquired a divine origin.
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Name For The Religious Teacher
Muslim Religion
Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, claimed that he was a prophet sent by God.
He further claimed that no one could get salvation unless he accepted two other conditions.
A seeker of salvation in Islam must accept that Mohammed is the prophet of God.
A seeker of salvation in Islam must accept that Mohammed is the prophet of God.
A seeker after salvation in Islam must further accept that he is the last prophet.
Salvation in Islam is thus ensured only to those who accept these two conditions. Mohammed thus secured a place for Himself by making the salvation of the Muslim depend upon his acknowledgement of Mohammed as the prophet of God.
Salvation in Islam is thus ensured only to those who accept these two conditions. Mohammed thus secured a place for Himself by making the salvation of the Muslim depend upon his acknowledgement of Mohammed as the prophet of God.
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The Meaning Of The Religious Teacher
Hindu Religion
Krishna said that he was God himself and the Gita was his own word.
The Buddha made no such claim either for himself.
He carved for himself no place in his religion by laying down any such conditions regarding himself for salvation as Jesus and Mohammed did.
Another illustration of the Buddha keeping himself out of his religion is to be found in his refusal to appoint a successor.
He carved for himself no place in his religion by laying down any such conditions regarding himself for salvation as Jesus and Mohammed did.
Another illustration of the Buddha keeping himself out of his religion is to be found in his refusal to appoint a successor.
Twice or thrice the Buddha was requested by his followers to appoint a successor.
Every time the Buddha refused. His answer was, " The Dhamma must be its own successor.
Every time the Buddha refused. His answer was, " The Dhamma must be its own successor.
Principal must live by itself, and not by the authority of man.
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As The Greatest Religious Teacher
Buddha Dhamma (Religion) :-----
If principal needs the authority of man it is no principle.
If every time it becomes necessary to invoke the name of the founder to enforce the authority of Dhamma then it is no Dhamma.
Most religions are described as revelations. But the Buddha's religion is not a revelation.
Most religions are described as revelations. But the Buddha's religion is not a revelation.
A revealed religion is to called because it is a message of God to His creatures to worship their maker and to save their souls.
Often the message is sent through a chosen individual who is called a prophet to whom the message is revealed and who reveals it to the people.
Often the message is sent through a chosen individual who is called a prophet to whom the message is revealed and who reveals it to the people.
It is then called Religion. The obligation of the prophet is to ensure salvation to the faithful.
Salvation of the faithful means the saving of their souls, from being sent to hell provided they obey God's commands and recognize the prophet as his messenger.
Salvation of the faithful means the saving of their souls, from being sent to hell provided they obey God's commands and recognize the prophet as his messenger.
The Buddha never claimed that he was a prophet or a messenger of God.
He repudiated any such description.
A more important point than this is that his religion is a discovery.
A more important point than this is that his religion is a discovery.
As such it must be sharply distinguished from a religion which is called Revelation.
His religion is a discovery in the sense that it is the result of inquiry and investigation into the conditions of human life on earth and understanding of the working of human instincts with which man is born, the moulding of his instincts and dispositions which man has formed as a result of history and tradition and which are working to his detriment.
All prophet have promised salvation.
His religion is a discovery in the sense that it is the result of inquiry and investigation into the conditions of human life on earth and understanding of the working of human instincts with which man is born, the moulding of his instincts and dispositions which man has formed as a result of history and tradition and which are working to his detriment.
All prophet have promised salvation.
The Buddha is the one teacher who did not make any such promise.
He claimed that he was one of the many human beings and his message to the people was the message of man to man.
He claimed that he was one of the many human beings and his message to the people was the message of man to man.
He never claimed infallibility for his message.
The only claim he made was that his message was only true way to salvation as he understood it.
The only claim he made was that his message was only true way to salvation as he understood it.
It was based on universal human experience of life in the world.
He said that it was open to anyone to question it, test it and what truth it contained.
He said that it was open to anyone to question it, test it and what truth it contained.
No founder has so fully thrown open his religion to such a challenge.
The Religious Teacher ought to clarify the grouping.
I have had lessons were somebody has asked about for what reason are things done in a specific order, just to be informed that it is convention – irritating and not supportive. So the succession ought to be clarified.
Why in the four facts do we start with 'there is enduring' and afterward go on to 'the reasons for torment', trailed by 'there is a finish to torment' lastly, 'the way that prompts the finish of our torment?'
There is a purpose behind this succession and your instructor ought to clarify it unmistakably.
This will guarantee there is no disarray or misjudging.
The Religious Teacher inspiration for educating ought to be one of generosity, mindful and empathy.
He should see that individuals are unhappy with their lives and need some assistance to decrease their misery.
The Religious Teacher ought not be propelled by pride, thinking they are superior to their understudies, or presumption, thinking they know more than their understudies.
Their lessons ought to be grounded from a mind-boggling perspective of needing to help other people.
Conclusion -
The Religious Teacher ought not instructor just to get material increase.
In Tibetan Buddhism (and likely different types of Buddhism too, yet I just have insight of Tibetan Buddhist The Religious Teacher ) numerous instructors have gigantic houses, enormous vehicles, huge TV's and all the material features of the 21st century.
This truly is a mood killer. How might anybody sit and tune in to an The Religious Teacher revealing to them not to get appended to things, when the instructor plainly is connected himself.