
Monday, 10 February 2025

Discovering the Secrets of Real Happiness Balance in Life

Real Happiness brings inner peace Real Happiness fills the heart Real Happiness comes from within Real Happiness lasts forever.

All Real happiness get at the work place in the life and accepting challenge. Real happiness thought to full perfection. 

Real happiness - with friends once the Buddha was asked to explain real happiness. 

He enumerated various wholesome actions which are productive of the happiness, which are real blessings. 

All these blessing fall into two categories: performing actions that contribute to the welfare of others by fulfilling responsibility to family and society, and performing actions that cleanse the mind. 

One's own good is inextricable from the good of others. And at last he said, 

When faced with all the ups and downs of life, still the mind remains unshaven, not lamenting , not generating defilements, always felling secure, this is the greatest happiness. 

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Real Happiness Only When Shared

No matter what arises ,whether within the microcosm of one's own mind and body or in the world outside, one is able to fact it -not with tension, with barely suppressed craving and aversion -but with complete ease, with a smile that comes from the depths of the mind. 

  • In every situation, 
  • pleasant or unpleasant, 
  • wanted or unwanted, 
  • one's has no anxiety, 
  • one feels totally secure, 
  • secure in the understanding of impermanence. 

This is the greatest blessing.

Knowing that you are your own master, that nothing can over -power you, that you can accept smilingly whatever life has to offer-this is perfect balance of the mind, this is true liberation. 

This is what can be attained here and now through the practice of Vipassana meditation. 

This real equanimity is not merely negative or passive aloofness. 

It is not the blind acquiesce or apathy of one who seeks escape from the problem of life, who tries to hide his head in the sand. 

Rather, true mental balance is based on full awareness of problems, awareness of all levels of reality. 

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 Real happiness is cheap enough

The absence of craving or aversion does not imply an attitude of callous indifference, in which one enjoys one's own liberation but gives no throught to the suffering, of others. 

On the contrary, real equanimity is properly called"holly indifference ." 

It is a dynamic quality, an expression of purity of mind. 

When freed of the habit of blind reaction, the mind for the first time can take positive action which is creative, productive , and beneficial for oneself and for all others. 

Along with equanimity will arise the other qualities of a pure mind : 

  • good will, 
  • Love that seeks the benefit of others without expecting anythings in return, 
  • compassion for others in their failings and suffering, 
  • sympathetic joy in their success and good fortune. 

These four qualities are the inevitable outcome of the practice of Vipassana.

Previously one always tried to keep whatever was good for oneself and pass anything unwanted on to others. 

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 Real happiness at work

Now one understands that one's own happiness cannot be achieved at the expense of others, that giving happiness to others brings happiness to oneself. 

Therefore one seek to share whatever good one has with others. 

Having emerged from suffering and experienced the peace of liberation, one realizes that this is the greatest good. 

Thus one wishes that others may also experience this good, and the find the way out of their suffering. 

This is the logical conclusion of Vipassana meditation, the development of good will towards others. 

Previously one may have paid lip service to such sentiments , but deep within the mind the old process of craving and aversion continued. 

Now to some extent the process of reaction has stopped, the old habit of egoism is gone, and good will naturally flows from the depths of the mind. 

With the entire force of a pure mind behind it, this good will can be very powerful in creating a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere for the benefit of all. 

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 Real happiness the power of meditation

There are those who imagine that always remaining balanced means that one can no longer enjoy life in all it's variety, as if a painter had a palette full of colors and chose to use nothing but gray. 

The Buddha said that in cleansing the mind and attaining "wisdom brought to full perfection, " 

  • one experiences joy, 
  • bliss tranquility, 
  • awareness, 
  • full understanding ,
  • real happiness. 
With a balanced mind we can enjoy life more. 

When a pleasant situation occurs, we can savor it completely, having full and undistracted awareness of the present moment. 

But when the experience passes, we do not become distressed. 

We continue to smile, understanding that it was bound to change. 

Equally, when an unpleasant situation occurs, we do not become upset. 

Instead we understand it and by doing so perhaps we find a way to alert it. 

If that is not within our power, then we still remain peaceful, knowing full well that this experience is impermanent,  bound to pass away. 

In this way, by keeping the mind free of tension, we can have a more enjoyable and productive life. 

Conclusion -

Real happinesscome from with friends, in life quotes and images. 

  1. They smile because they can smile. 
  2. Theirs was a smile not of attachment or ignorance, but of Dhamma. 
  3. Someone who has cleansed the mind will not go about with a frown. 
  4. When suffering is removed, naturally one smiles. 
  5. When one learns the way to liberation, naturally one fill happy. 
  6. This smile from the heart expressing nothing but peace, equanimity and good will, a smile that remains bright in every situation, is real happiness.