Religious Beliefs shape our values and principles while Religious Beliefs also influence our attitudes and behaviors and understanding Religious Beliefs is essential for fostering tolerance and respect and embracing Religious Beliefs can bring people together in unity and harmony.
An organised collection of religion belief,cultural systems, Religious beliefs is attitudes, practices institutionalized system.
Religious Beliefs - Every religion preaches morality but morality is not the root of religion. It is a wagon attached to it.
It is attached and detached as the occasion requires. The action of morality in the functioning of Religions in india and religious beliefs is therefore casual and occasional.
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Religions And Religious Tradition
Types of Religions
Religion belief in worship of God or gods. A system of religious beliefs and practices.
Religion is belief in a God or gods. The word of " Religion " is an indefinite word with no fixed meaning. It is one word with many meanings.
Human nobility is the result of material and spiritual education. Nearby 75 percentage of the world's population practices one of the five most influential religions of the world : Christianity, Hindhuism, Islam,Judaism
and Buddhism (Dhamma).
and Buddhism (Dhamma).
Hindhuism is belief in a God or gods and the activities that are connected with this.
Most of the religious western world ( Birthday America, Europe, and Oceania ) follows this monotheistic religion based on a Bible. Islam literally means "submission to God "and the Quran is its holy book.
Some European theologians refuse to recognize the Buddha's Dhamma as Religion.
Religion has passed through many stages.
The concept at each stage is called Religion though the concept at one stage has not had the same meaning which it had at the preceding stage or is likely to have at the succeeding stage.
The conception of Religion was never fixed. It has varied from time to time.
Because most of the phenomena such as lightning, rain, and floods, the occurrence of which the primitive man could not explain, any weird performance done to control the phenomenon was called magic.
Because most of the phenomena such as lightning, rain, and floods, the occurrence of which the primitive man could not explain, any weird performance done to control the phenomenon was called magic.
Religion therefore came to be identified with magic.
Then came the second stage in the evolution of religion.
In this stage religion came to be identified with beliefs, rituals, ceremonies, prayers and sacrifices.
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Defination of Religion
The pivotal point in the religion starts with the belief that there exists some power which causes these phenomena which primitive man did not know and could not understand.
Magic lost its place at this stage. This power was originally malevolent. But later it was felt that it could also be benevolent.
Beliefs, rites, ceremonies and sacrifices were necessary both to propitiate a benevolent power and also to conciliate an angry power.
Later that power was called God or the Creator.
Then came the third stage that it is this God who created this world and also man.
This was followed by the belief that man was a soul and the soul is eternal and is answerable to God for man's actions in the world.
This is, in short, the evolution of the concept of religion.
This is what Religion has come to be and this is what it connotes belief in God, belief in soul, worship of God, curing of the erring soul, propitiating God by prayers, ceremonies, sacrifices, etc.
Some European theologians refuse to recognize the Buddha's Dhamma as Religion.
Some European theologians refuse to recognize the Buddha's Dhamma as Religion.
Religion, it is said, is personal and one must keep it to oneself. One must not let it play its part in public life.
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Religions And Religious Laws
What is the purpose of Religion? Some days ago,
Lord, a good many days ago, Sunakkhatta of the Lucchavis called on me and spake thus : I have now given up the Exalted One, Bhaggava.
I am remaining no longer under him.(as my teacher ).' Is the fact really so, just as he said?
" It is just so Bhaggava, as Sunakkhatta of the Lucchavis said, " replied the Blessed One.
Well, but sir, the Exalted One works me no mystic wonders surpassing the power of ordinary men Why now Sunakkhatta, have I ever said to you :
Come, take me as your teacher, Sunakkhatta, and I will work for you mystic wonders surpassing the power of ordinary men?
' You, have not sir. '
If then, Sunakkhatta, it matters not to that object whether mystic wonders are wrought or not, of what use to you would be the working of them?
If then, Sunakkhatta, it matters not to that object whether mystic wonders are wrought or not, of what use to you would be the working of them?
See foolish one, in how far the fault here is your own. But sir, the Exalted One does not reveal to me the beginning of things.
Why now, Sunakkhatta, have I ever said to you :Come, Sunakkhatta, be my disciple and I will reveal to you the beginning of things?
"Sir, you have not ' If then, Sunakkhatta, it matters not to that object whether the beginning of things be revealed, or whether it be not, of what use to you would it be to have the beginning of things revealed?
This illustrates that Religion is concerned with revealing the beginning of things r
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Religions And Religious Books
The Blessed One was once staying at Shravasti in Anathapindika's pleasance of the Jeta 's wood.
Now at that time potthapada, the wandering mendicant was dwelling in the hall put up in Queen Mallikas park for a debate on general systems of philosophical opinion.
There was with him a great following of mendicants, to wit, three hundred.
A dialogue took place between the Blessed One Lord and Potthapada.
Potthapada asked :
Then sir, if that be so, tell me at least : Is the world eternal?
Is this alone the truth, and any other view mere folly?
That Potthapada, is a matter on which I have expressed no opinion, " replied the Blessed Lord.
Then, in the same terms, Potthapada asked each of the following questions :
- Is the world not eternal?,
- Is the world finite?
- Is the world infinite?,
- Is the soul the same as the body?,
- Is the soul one thing, and the body another?,
- Does one who has gained the truth live again after death?,
- Does he not live again after death?,
- Does he both live again and not live again, after death?,
- Does he neither live again, nor not live again, after death?,
And to each questions the Exalted one made the same reply:- That too, Potthapada, is a matter on which I have expressed no opinion.
But why has the Exalted One expressed no opinion on that?
" Because this question is not calculated to profit, it is not concerned with Dhamma.
What is the place of morality in religion?
Religions In Religious Country
Meaning of Religious
What is the place of morality in religion?
As matter of truth morality has no place in Religion.
The content of religion consists of God, soul, prayer, worship, ritual, ceremonies and sacrifices.
Morality comes in only wherein man comes in relation to man.
Morality comes in into religion as a side wind to maintain peace and order. Religion is a triangular piece.
Be good to your neighbour because you are both children of God. That is the argument of religion.
Conclusion -
Morality in Every religion preaches morality but morality is not the root of religion. It is a wagon attached to it.
It is attached and detached as the occasion requires. The action of morality in the functioning of religion in india and religious beliefs is therefore casual and occasional.