
Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Unconditionally Live Love Life Fully

Live love life, and live love life every day, by living love life fully, loving live life deeply, and embracing live love life.

 Now Live Love Life is the part and art of social and Religion factors. Live Love Life music therapy is a wonderful feeling to health. 

Live Love Life - Is not personal purity the foundation of good in the world? 

Is not personal purity undermined by covetousness, passion, ignorance,the destruction of life,theft, aduttery and lying?

Is it not necessary for personal purity to build up sufficient strength of character so that these evils should be kept under control? 

How can a man be the instrument of good if he has no personal purity in him? 

Again why do men not mind enslaving or dominating others? 

Why do men not mind making the lives of others unhappy? 

Is not because men are not righteous in their conduct towards one another? 

Live Love Life is inspired to make body wellness. 

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Progressive principle of Good deeds

Live Love Life meaning

              Is not DANA necessary to remove the suffering of the needy and the poor and to promote general good? 

Is not KARUNA necessary to be drawns to the relief of poverty and suffering wherever it exists? 

Is not Nekkamma necessary to selfiess work? 

Is not Uppekka necessary for sustained endeavour even though there is no personal gain? 

Love is not enough: what is required is MAITRI? 

It is wider than love.

It means fellowship not merely with human beings, but with all living beings. 

It is not confined to human beings. Is not such MAITRI necessary? 

What else can give to all living beings the same happiness which one seeks for one's own self,to keep the mind impartial, open to all,with affection for every one and hatred for none?


Never in the history of the world has any founder of religion taught that the recognition of human suffering was the real basis of religion. 

Never in the history of the world has any founder of religion taught that the removal of this misery is the real purpose of it. 

Never in the history of the world had a scheme of salvation been put forth,so simple in its nature, so free from supernatural and superhuman agency,so independent of, even so antogonistic to,the belief in the soul,to the belief in GOD and to the belief in life after death! 

Never in the history of the world has salvation been conceived as the blessing of happiness to be attained by man in his life and on this earth by righteousness born out of his own efforts!
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Live Love Life Lyrics music

Live Love Life" I have heard about something Lyrice too like that.... Which make some good sense of...... Meaning. 

I know it's difficult for you to deal with my life 

You're so desolate and it slaughters you inside 

At the point when I left you, the tears in your eyes 

It makes me extremely upset 'cause I'm makin' you cry 

In any case, I-I've, been thinkin' of you 

What's more, I-I, don't realize that I can make it without you 

What's more, I love the manner in which you live love life 

You keep me breathin' 

What's more, I, I'm the person who fell so quick 

Furthermore, you're the explanation 

I live love life 

Consistently that I live love life 

I'm only tryin' to hit you up, hold up 

I love the way that you live 

Possibly I missed you all the more without fail 

It's cold and forlorn yet I'm livin' my life 

At the point when I was vulnerable and everyone went 

You connected and you gave me your hand 

Furthermore, I-I, keep thinkin' of you 

Furthermore, I-I, don't realize that I could do this without you 

What's more, I love the manner in which you live love life 

You keep me breathin' 

What's more, I, I'm the person who fell so quick 

What's more, you're the explanation 

I live love life 

Consistently that I live love life 

I'm only tryin' to hit you up, hold up 

I love the way that you live 

I simply needed to be there with you 

It gets hard to go on without you 

Be that as it may, I-I've, been thinkin' of you 

Be that as it may, I-I've, been waitin' for you 

What's more, I love the manner in which you live love life 

You keep me breathin' 

Furthermore, I, I'm the person who fell so quick 

Furthermore, you're the explanation 

I live love life 

Consistently that I live love life 

I'm only tryin' to hit you up, hold up 

I love the way that you live 

You keep me breathin' 

I love the way that you live 

You keep me breathin' 

I love the way that you live 

Live love life 

Consistently that I love life 

I'm only tryin' to hit you up, hold up 

I love the way that you live.

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Live Love Life Social Philosophy

You thusly don't embrace the here and now or what's to come. 

You live as though you are never going to bite the dust, and afterward kick the bucket having never truly lived."

(To become familiar with commonsense methods to live at the time and carry on with a more joyful life,

"From the logical view, the hypothesis of karma might be a powerful supposition — yet it is no more so than the presumption that all of life is material and begun out of unadulterated possibility"

They may surely cause extraordinary damage."

On affection and empathy
"Love and sympathy are necessities, not extravagances. 

Without them, mankind can't endure."

I'm not discussing the transient satisfaction of joys like sex, medications or betting (however I'm not thumping them), yet something that will bring valid and enduring joy. 

The sort that sticks.

The more you are spurred by Love,
The more Fearless and Free your activity will be."

However, we can't get away from the need of adoration and sympathy… .This, at that point, is my actual religion, my straightforward confidence. 

In this sense, there is no requirement for sanctuary or church, for mosque or place of worship, no requirement for muddled way of thinking, tenet or doctrine.

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Learn about standard principles.

Live Love Life Quotes Of Religion

"Love is the nonappearance of judgment

"My religion is straightforward. My religion is graciousness."

Conclusion -

"This is my straightforward religion. 

No requirement for sanctuaries. 

No requirement for muddled way of thinking. 

Your own psyche, your own heart is the sanctuary. 

Your way of thinking is basic thoughtfulness." 

You must lead a good live Love Life skills.