The Religion of Man emphasizes human values, The Religion of Man fosters compassion and empathy, The Religion of Man promotes self-reflection and growth, and ultimately, The Religion of Man empowers individuals to become the best version of themselves.
The Religion of man must teach him to shun bad conduct.
The Religion of man - A religion to be religion the destruction of life, the taking of what is not given, licentiousness and lying speech are four vices of conduct which he must avoid. Evil deeds are done from motives of partiality, enmity, stupidity and fear. If he is not led away by these motives, he will do no evil deed. A religion to be a religion of man must teach him not to dissipate his wealth. Dissipation of wealth results from being addicted to intoxicating liquors, frequenting the streets at unseemly hours, haunting fairs, being infatuated by gambling, associating with evil companions, the habit of idleness.
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The Original Religion Of Man
There are six dangers which follow from being addicted to intoxicating liquors, actual loss of wealth, increase of quarrels, susceptibility to disease, loss of good character, indecent exposure, impaired intelligence.
Six are the perils from frequenting the streets at unseemly hours : he himself is without guard or protection and so also are his wife and children, so also is his property, he, moreover, becomes suspected as the doer of undiscovered crimes, and false rumours fix on him, and many are the troubles he goes out to meet.
Six are the perils from the haunting of fairs : he is ever thinking where is there dancing? Where is there singing? Where is there music? Where is recitation? Where are the cymbals? Where the tam-tams?
Six are the perils for him who is infatuated with gambling : as winner he begets hatred, when beaten he mourns his lost wealth, his actual substance is wasted, his word has no weight in a court of law, he is despised by friends and officials, he is not sought after by those who would give or take in marriage, for they would say that a man who is a gambler cannot afford to keep a wife.
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The Religion Of Man Summary
Six are the perils from associating with evil companions: any gambler, any libertine, any tippler, any cheat, any swindler, any man of violence is his friend and companion.
Six are the perils of the habit of idleness : he says it is too cold and does no work, he says it's too hot and does no work, he says it's too early or too late and does no work, he says I am too hungry and does no work, he says I am too full and does no work. And while all that he should do remains undone, new wealth he does not get, and such wealth as he has dwindles away. A religion to be a religion of man must teach him to know who is true friend.
Four are they who should be reckoned as foes in the likeness of friends., to wit, a rapacious person, the man of words not deeds, the flatterer, and the fellow waster.
Of these the first is to be reckoned as a foe in the likeness of a friend : for, he is rapacious, he gives little and asks much., he does his duty out of fear, he pursues his own interests.
A man of words who is not a man of deeds is to be reckoned as a foe in the likeness of a friend : For, he makes a friendly profession as regards the past, he makes friendly profession as regards the future, he tries to gain your favour by empty saying, when the opportunity for service has arisen he avows his disability.
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The Religion Of Man Critical Analysis
The flatterer is to be reckoned as a foe in the likeness of a friend : for, he both consents to do wrong, and dissents from doing right., he praises to your face., he speaks ill of you to others.
True and bad friend type......
So also the fellow waster companion is to be reckoned as a foe in the likeness of a friend., for, he is your companion when you frequent the streets at untimely hours, he is your companion when you haunt shows and fairs, he is your companion when you are infatuated with gambling.
Four are the friends who should be reckoned as sound at heart : the helper., the friend who is the same in happiness and adversity., the friend of good counsel., the friend who sympathies.
The friend who is a helper is to be reckoned as sound at heart : because, he guards you when you are off your guard, he guards your property when you are off your guard, he is a refuge to you when you are afraid, when you have tasks to perform he provides a double supply of what you may need.
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The Religion Of Man Quotes
The friend who is the same in happiness and adversity is to be reckoned as sound of heart : because he tells you his secrets, he keeps secrets your secrets, in your troubles he does not forsake you, he lays down even his life for your sake.
The friend who declares what you need to do is sound of heart., because, he restrains you from doing wrong, he enjoins you to do what is right, he informs you of what you had not heard before, he reveals to you the way of heaven.
The friend who sympathises is to be reckoned as sound at heart., because, he does not rejoice over your misfortunes, he rejoices over your prosperity, he restrains anyone who is speaking ill of you, he commends anyone who is praising you. " Thus speaks the Exalted One.
Conclusion -
Instead of teaching to a man worship the six quarters, a religion which is a religion of man must teach him to respect and revere his parents, his teachers, his wife and children, his friends and companion, his servants and workmen and his religious teacher.
Instead of teaching to a man worship the six quarters, a religion which is a religion of man must teach him to respect and revere his parents, his teachers, his wife and children, his friends and companion, his servants and workmen and his religious teacher.