Embracing the bodhisattva path through mindfulness and meditation leads to spiritual enlightenment and a deeper understanding of Buddhist philosophy which fosters personal growth and self-actualization within the context of Mahayana Buddhism ultimately culminating in inner peace and the realization of the bodhisattva ideal through the pursuit of bodhisattva wisdom and the embodiment of the bodhisattva spirit.
What must a Bodhisattva do qualify himself to become a Buddha? Bodhisattva must be a Bodhisattva for ten lives in succession.
Bodhisattva - In his first life he acquires mudita(joy). A Bodhisattva is a person who is seeking to be a Buddha
The Bodhisattva having blown off his impurities , as the smith blows the dross from silver, reflects that man who has been reckless and becomes sober brightens up the world like the moon freed from clouds.
Joy springs up in him realising this, and he is fervent in his desire to benefit all beings.
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Bodhisattva Path
In his second life he acquires Vimala(purity).
The Bodhisattva has now removed all thoughts of lust, he is kind : he is kind to all, he neither flatters the vices of men nor disparages their virtues .
In his third life he acquire Prabhakari (Brightness).
The intellect of the Bodhisattva now becomes as bright as a mirror.
He fully knows and grapes the truths of Anatta and Anicca. His only wish is for the highest wisdom, and for this he is ready to sacrifice anything.
In his fourth life he acquire Arcishmati (Intelligence of fire).
The Bodhisattva in this life fixes his mind on the Eightfold path, the Four Contemplations, the Fourfold Contest, the Fourfold Will Power, the Fivefold Morality.
In his fifth life he acquires Sudurjaya (Difficult to conquer). He fully understands the connection of the relative and the absolute.
In his sixth life he becomes Abhimukhi. In this stage the Bodhisattva is now prepared fully to grasp the evolution of things ,
- its cause,
- the Twelve Nidanas,
- and this knowledge,
- called Abhimukhi,
- awakens the most propound compassion in his heart for all beings blinded by Avidya.
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Bodhisattva Characteristics
In his Seventh life the Bodhisattva becomes a Durangama (going far off).
The Bodhisattva is now beyond time and space, he is one with Infinity, but he still retains nama -rupa out of his great compassion for all beings .
He is secluded from others, in that the lusts of the world no more cling to him than water to a lotus leaf.
He quenches desires in his fellow beings, practices charity, patience, tactfulness, energy, calmness, intelligence and the highest wisdom.
While in this life he knows the Dhamma, but presents it in ways understood by the people, he knows he must be tactful and patient.
Whatever men do to him he bears with equanimity, for he knows that it is through ignorance they misunderstand his motives.
At the same time he never slackers his energy to benefit all beings, nor does he withdraw his mind from wisdom, therefore misfortune can never turn him from the righteous path.
In his eighth life he becomes Acala .In the stage of Acala ,or immovable, 'all strivings on the part of the Bodhisattva cease.
He follows good spontaneously ,whatever he will do he will succeed in
In his nineth life he becomes Sadhumati .
This is the stage or condition of one who has vanquished and penetrated all dharmas or systems, all quarters , and does not enter time .
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Bodhisattva Buddha Life
In his tenth life he becomes Dharmamegha.
The Bodhisattva attains the infinite divine eye of a Buddha. The Bodhisattva acquires these ten powers which are necessary for him when he becomes a Buddha.
The Bodhisattva must not only acquire these ten powers as he evolves from stage to stage but he must also practice to perfection the ten Paramitas .
One Paramitas is to be the end of one life. Specialisation in the Paramitas must go stage by stage .One Paramitas in one life and not a little of one and little of the other.
It only when he is doubly equipped that a Bodhisattva becomes qualified for becoming a Buddha.
The Buddha is a culminating point in the life of a Bodhisattva.
The Jatakas theory is based upon the Buddha having the highest degree of purity as the essence of his being.
The Avatar theory does not require that the God should be pure in his making. All that the Bramhnic theory of Avatar says is that God saves his followers by taking different forms although the God may be very impure and immoral in his conduct.
The theory that to be a Bodhisattva for ten lives as a condition precedent for becoming a Buddha has no parallel anywhere.
No other religion calls upon its founder to answer such a test .
Edification Or Enlightenment
On a full-moon day in May, he sat under the Bodhi tree in profound contemplation and said. "I won't leave this spot until I discover a finish to affliction."
During the evening, he was visited by Mara, the shrewd one, who attempted to entice him away from his highminded way.
First he sent his excellent girls to bait Gautama into delight. Next he sent electrical discharges, wind and weighty downpour.
Last he sent his satanic armed forces with weapons and flaring rocks. Individually, Gautama met the militaries and crushed them with his ideals.
As the battle finished, he understood the reason for affliction and how to eliminate it.
He had acquired the most incomparable insight and perceived things as they genuinely are. He turned into the Buddha, 'The Awakened One'.
From that point on, he was called Shakyamuni Buddha.
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The Buddha Teachings
After his edification, he went to the Deer Park close to the blessed city of Benares and imparted his new understanding to five sacred men.
They saw quickly and turned into his followers. This denoted the start of the Buddhist people group.
For the following 45 years, the Buddha and his devotees went all around in India spreading the Dharma, his lessons.
Their sympathy knew no limits, they helped everybody en route, hobos, lords and slave young ladies.
Around evening time, they would rest where they were; when hungry they would request a little food.
At whatever point the Buddha went, he won the hearts of the individuals since he managed their actual sentiments.
He prompted them not to acknowledge his words on visually impaired confidence, yet to choose for themselves whether his lessons are correct or off-base, at that point follow them.
He urged everybody to have sympathy for one another and build up their own temperance, "You ought to accomplish your own work, for I can show just the way."
He never lost control or anxious or talked cruelly to anybody, not even to the individuals who restricted him.
He generally instructed so that everybody could comprehend.
Every individual idea the Buddha was talking particularly for him. The Buddha advised his devotees to help each other in transit.
Following is an account of the Buddha living as an illustration to his pupils.
When the Buddha and Ananda visited a religious community where a priest was experiencing an infectious sickness.
The helpless man lay wrecked with nobody taking care of him. The Buddha himself washed the wiped out priest and set him on another bed.
Conclusion -
A short time later, he advised different priests.
"Priests, you have neither mother nor father to take care of you. In the event that you don't care for one another, who will care for you? Whoever serves the wiped out and enduring, serves me."
The theory of the Jatakas or the birth stages of a Bodhisattva appears analogous to the Brahmanic theory of Avataras, means the theory of incarnations of God.