
Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Inner Peace Power of Buddhist Mind Training

Cultivating mental clarity involves Mind Training practices sharpening focus through Mind Training techniques calming emotions with Mind Training exercises enhancing resilience and guided by intentional Mind Training.

There are some steps to go or attain mastery of mind training technique of Vipassana meditation course India.

Mind Training -
Come thou,Brother! Be virtuous. Abide, constrained by the restrained of the obligation. 

Become versed in the practice of right behavior, seeing danger in triffing fault,do you undertake the mind training and be a pupil in the moralities. 

Are you excited ? Keep reading.

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Mind Training Techniques

Come thou,Brother! Seeing an object with the attention , be not charmed by its general appreance or its details. 

Persist in the restraint of that dejection that come from craving, caused by the sense of sight uncontrolled ,these ill state ,which would overwhelm one sort of a flood.

Guard the sense of sight ,win control over the sense of sight.

And so do with the other organs of sense .

When you hear a sound with the ear , or smell a scent with the nose,taste a taste with the tongue,or with body touch things tangible, and when with mind you are conscious of a thing,be not charmed with its general appreance or its details. 

Come thou ,Brother! 

  • Be moderate in eating, 
  • earnest and heedful does one take your food,
  • not for sport not for indulgence,
  • not for adding personal charm or comeliness to body ,
  • but roll in the hay for body's stabilising ,
  • for its support for protection from harm ,
  • and for keeping up the practice of the righteous life ,
  • with this thought, 
  • I check my former feeling .

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Mind Training Exercises

To no new feeling will I give rise ,that maintainance and comfort may be mine.

Come thou,Brother! Abide given to watchfullness ,by day when walking or sitting, cleanse your heart from things which will hinder you ,by night spend the primary was walking up and down or sitting and do likewise.

By night within the second watch ,lie down on the proper side within the posture of a lion,and placing one foot upon the opposite ,mindful and self-possessed,set your thoughts on the idea of exertion. 

Then the third watch of the night rise up,and walking up and down or sitting, cleanse the heart of things that may hinder .

Come thou,Brother! Be possessed of mindfulness and self-control. 

In going forth or going back ,have yourself in check . 

In looking forward or looking back, in bending or relaxing ,in wearing robes or carrying robe and bowl,in eating, chewing, tasting, in eating yourself in going, standing, sitting, lying, sleeping, or walking, in speaking or keeping silence have yourself under control.

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Mind Training Courses

Come thou,Brother! 

  • Seek out a secluded lodging,
  • a forest or root of a tree ,
  • a mountain or a cave or a mountain grotto 
  • a charnel field,
  • a forest retreat ,
  • the outdoors , 
  • a heap of straw,
  • and he does so.

And when he has eaten his food he sits down crosslegged and keeping his body straight up,he proceeds to practice the four ecstacies.

It is not appropriate for a teacher to issue certificates to student to announce that they have attained nibbana 

Otherwise it becomes an ego building competitions for teacher and for student 

The students strive only to get a certificate and the more certificates for teacher issue, the higher is his reputation 

The exprience of nibana become secondary, this certificate takes primary importance, and it all become mad game 

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Mind Training Topics

Pure Dhamma is only to help people and the best help is to see that a student really experiences nibbana and become liberated 

The whole purpose of the teacher and the teaching is to help people genuinely, not to boost their ego 

It is not game
There are two sides of the same coin 

Emotion is a mental and sensation is a physical but the two are interrelated 

Actually every emotions, anything that arise in the mind, must arise along with the sensation in the body. 

This is the law of nature.
If you see it and observe respiration, it will clam and concentrate the mind, but unless you feel sensation, the process of cleansing cannot work at the different levels 

Conclusion -

In the depths of the mind training, reaction start with sensation, which occurs constantly.

It is the wish to serve people, to help them out of suffering. 

But it must be without attachment. 

If you start crying over the suffering of others, you only make yourself unhappy .

This is not the path of Dhamma. 

If you have true compassion then with all love you try to help others to the best of your ability .

If you fail you smile and try another way to help. 

You serve without worrying about the result of your service. This real compassion proceeding from a balance mind.