
Sunday, 2 February 2025

5 Keys Interrogative Sentence Examples for Everyday Conversations

Interrogative Sentence Conversation - In front of the society many times interrogative sentence conversation used in a simple way.

Interrogative Sentence Conversation -Such a interrogative sentences conversation are used to ask questions and it's shows the sign of Question Mark (?) at the end of sentences.

 A various forms of the sentences used as in English speaking and English writing ways frankly in the Grammar. 

It's form find in Positive as well as in Negative. Mostly this sentences begin with the words likes am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, will, shall, do, did, does, could, would, may, might and can. 

It's types shows in the English Grammar is in this way such as "Yes or No " types question, "Wh " types Question, and " Question Tags " types Question. 

In all of those sentence include always SUBJECT and VERB. You  can make many sentences by using all the types of TENSE. 

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How do you teach interrogative form examples?

Interrogative Sentense Conversation Examples

1) I am here .

Am here? (Interrogative)

I am not  here. (Negative) 

2)I am in the super class now .

Am I in the super class now? (Interrogative)

I am not in the super class now.  (Negative) 

3) I am Ashok's brother

Am Ashok's brother? (Interrogative)

I am not Ashok's brother.  (Negative) 

4) I am Indian first .

Am Indian first? (Interrogative)

I am not Indian first.  (Negative) 

5) He is my intimate friend .

Is he my intimate friend? (Interrogative)

He is not my intimate friend.  (Negative) 

6) She is a a social reformer.

Is she a a social reformer? (Interrogative)

She is not a social reformer.  (Negative) 

 7) It is very bad things.

 Is It  very bad things? (Interrogative)

 It is not very bad things.  (Negative) 

 8) Shila is tall but beautiful girl .

Is Shila  tall but beautiful girl?(Interrogative)

Shila is not tall but beautiful girl.  (Negative) 

9) Ramesh is my relative.

Is Ramesh  my relative? (Interrogative)

Ramesh is not my relative.  (Negative) 

 10) My mother is in kitchen.

Is my mother in kitchen? (Interrogative)

My mother is not in kitchen.  (Negative) 

 11) My father is at at home today.

Is my father at at home today? (Interrogative)

My father is not at at home today.  (Negative) 

 12) We are common people.

Are we common people? (Interrogative)

We are not common people.  (Negative) 

 13) You are a rich man.

 Are you a rich man? (Interrogative)

 You are not a rich man.  (Negative) 

 14) They are proud men .

 Are they proud men? (Interrogative)

 They are not proud men.  (Negative) 

15) We are citizen of India.

Are we citizen of India? (Interrogative)

We are not citizen of India.  (Negative) 

 16) You are so handsome.

 Are you so handsome? (Interrogative)

You are not so handsome.  (Negative) 

 17) I was there at that time.

Was I there at that time? (Interrogative)

 I was not there at that time.  (Negative) 

 18) She was my relative.

 Was she my relative? (Interrogative)

 She was not my relative.  (Negative) 

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  Interrogative Sentense Conversation 55 Examples

 19) It was here yesterday at that time.

Was It  here yesterday at that time? (Interrogative)

 It was not here yesterday at that time.  (Negative) 

20) He was my best friend.

Was he my best friend? (Interrogative)

He was not my best friend.  (Negative) 

 21) You were my intimate friend .

Were you my intimate friend? (Interrogative)

You were not my intimate friend.  (Negative) 

22) We were all brother at that time.

Were we all brother at that time? (Interrogative)

We were not all brother at that time.  (Negative) 

 23) You were in Mumbai at that time .

Were you in Mumbai at that time? (Interrogative)

You were not in Mumbai at that time.  (Negative) 

24) My father and mother were clerk.

Were my father and mother clerk?  (Interrogative)

My father and mother were not clerk.  (Negative) 

25) We have a lot of money. 

Have we a lot of money?  (Interrogative)

We have not a lot of money.  (Negative) 

26) You have 10 acres of land.

Have you 10 acres of land?  (Interrogative)

You have not 10 acres of land.   (Negative) 

27) You have a sister. 

Have you a sister?  (Interrogative)

You have not a sister.   (Negative) 

28) I have 100 rupees in my pocket at this time. 

Have I 100 rupees in my pocket at this time?  (Interrogative)

I have not 100 rupees in my pocket at this time.   (Negative) 

29) I have a pen. 

Have I a pen? (Interrogative)

I have not a pen.   (Negative) 

30) He has two brothers. 

Has he two brothers?  (Interrogative)

He has not two brothers.   (Negative) 

31) She has a sister.

Has she a sister?  (Interrogative)

She has not a sister.   (Negative) 

32) He has many clothes. 

Has he many clothes?  (Interrogative)

He has not many clothes.  (Negative) 

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Interrogative Sentence Some Examples

33) They have no money. 

Have they no money?  (Interrogative)

They have not no money.   (Negative) 

34) I have a house it has four windows.

Have I a house it has four windows?  (Interrogative)

I have not a house it has four windows.   (Negative) 

35) I had only 50 rupees at that time. 

Had I only 50 rupees at that time?  (Interrogative)

I had not only 50 rupees at that time.   (Negative) 

36) He had a car and a scooter. 

Had he a car and a scooter?  (Interrogative)

He had not  a car and a scooter.   (Negative) 

37) We had many houses. 

Had we many houses?  (Interrogative)

We had not many houses.   (Negative) 

38) She had a handkerchief. 

Had she a handkerchief?  (Interrogative)

She had not a handkerchief.   (Negative) 

39) I will go to cinema. 

Will I go to cinema ?   (Interrogative)

I will not go to cinema. . (Negative) 

40) She will play with him. 

Will she play with him?   (Interrogative)

She will not play with him. . (Negative) 

41) They shall learn in the school orher verb lesson.

Shall they learn in the school Other verbs lesson?    (Interrogative)

They shall not learn in the school Other verbs lesson.  (Negative) 

42) We shall do this work. 

Shall we do this work?   (Interrogative)

We shall not do this work. . (Negative) 

43) I would eat a mango. 

Would I eat a mango?   (Interrogative)

I would not eat a mango. . (Negative) 

44) We would hear the legend story  past tense.

Would we hear the legend story past tense ?   (Interrogative)

We would not hear the legend story past tense. (Negative) 

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Interrogative Sentence Examples List

45) She would walk on the green grass. 

Would she walk on the green grass?   (Interrogative)

She would not walk on the green grass. . (Negative) 

46) I can send a facebook comment. 

Can I send a facebook comment?   (Interrogative)

I can not send a facebook comment. . (Negative) 

47) We can buy a many homes. 

Can we buy a many homes?   (Interrogative)

We can not buy a many homes. . (Negative) 

48) He can lose the nut bolt thread. 

Can he lose the nut bolt thread?   (Interrogative)

He can not lose the nut bolt thread. . (Negative) 

49) I could welcome to all of my F/B friend. 

Could I welcome to all of my F/B friend ?   (Interrogative)

I could not welcome to all of my F/B friend. . (Negative) 

50) It could rain fall last day.

Could it rain fall last day?   (Interrogative)

It could not rain fall last day. . (Negative) 

51) You could begin a good work. 

Could you begin a good work?   (Interrogative)

You could not begin a good work. . (Negative) 

52) He may pray for us to God  in future tense.

May he pray for us to God in future tense ?   (Interrogative)

He may not pray for us to God (Negative) 

53) They may hit the bad boys. 

May they hit the bad boys?   (Interrogative)

They may not hit the bad boys. . (Negative) 

54) You may make their tutorial present tense.

May you make their tutorial present tense ?   (Interrogative)

You may not make their tutorial present tense. (Negative) 

55) I might marry with sweet girl.

Might I marry with sweet girl?   (Interrogative)

I might not marry with sweet girl. . (Negative) 

56) She might run the coaching class. 

Might she run the coaching class?   (Interrogative)

She might not run the coaching class. . (Negative) 

57) You might catch the thief. 

Might you catch the thief?   (Interrogative)

You might not catch the thief. . (Negative) 

Conclusion -

In this way  interrogative sentense coversation used in the two form like as interrogative into nagative sentence, above all examples are should be used in daily practise of English speaking course. These sentense improve the skills of English language.