Addressing Social Problems In India requires understanding Social Problems In India, analyzing Social Problems In India, and solving Social Problems In India.
Problems of Society at different levels personal, family, community and Society constitutes social problems in India.
Social Problems In India - Some of these problems may arise out of the existing structures and functions but bulk of them are the result of social changes.
No society can remain static.
But the direction in which changes takes place will determine whether the existing social problems will be solved and social tensions reduces or new social problems will be created and social tensions promoted.
Some of the serious social problems in India at present are suicide crimes alcoholism Drugs addiction juvenile delinquency sex vices etc.
Resulting from personal disorganisations, dowry crimes increasing diverse broken and separated families generation gap etc caused by this organisation in the family life degree poverty unemployment slum conditions labour unrest file collar crimes arising out of economic causes untouchability and casteism in the state system student undressed cost and communal conflicts corruption gangs terrorism etc as manifestation of community disorganisation.
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Social Problems In India - Some of these problems may arise out of the existing structures and functions but bulk of them are the result of social changes.
No society can remain static.
But the direction in which changes takes place will determine whether the existing social problems will be solved and social tensions reduces or new social problems will be created and social tensions promoted.
Some of the serious social problems in India at present are suicide crimes alcoholism Drugs addiction juvenile delinquency sex vices etc.
Resulting from personal disorganisations, dowry crimes increasing diverse broken and separated families generation gap etc caused by this organisation in the family life degree poverty unemployment slum conditions labour unrest file collar crimes arising out of economic causes untouchability and casteism in the state system student undressed cost and communal conflicts corruption gangs terrorism etc as manifestation of community disorganisation.
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Importance of spirituality in real spirit in the life.
Social Problems Definition And Social Conflicts
A conflict in the society that has its roots in social matters may be described as a social conflict.
In this sense political conflict and economical conflict do not come under the purview of social conflicts.
Social completes social conflicts acua between social groups and may not necessary be violent.
Communal riots between two religious communities or between two caste groups in an instance of a serious social conflict.
Protest against the policy of reservation for scheduled caste and tribes and backward classes may also be interpreted as social conflicts.
When the natural social mobility is sougt to be curbed conflict is likely to arise.
Social logically social conflicts are the the manifestations of social disorganisation and constitute an important category of social problems in India.
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Donate Aim freedom to all.
Social Problems Examples And National Integration
There is no uniformity in India with the reference to any of the features.
Show the existence of different religions languages region costus races and culture has to be reconciled with the fundamental unity of nation.
Two Nation theory of the Muslim League was responsible for the partition of undivided India.
Even today some may wonder whether India is a single Nation or multinational state.
Attachment to once religion language reason Art is a natural sentiment.
Sore National Integration should aim at reducing hostility competition an conflict based on any of the factor rather than at eliminating the natural attachment.
When natural attachment based on these factors goes wrong problems arise.
Such problems are communalism, linguism, linguistic, fanaticism, regionalism, (provincialism)., racial, arrogance, culture dominance etc cast is not a natural institution but cast attachment based on kinship is one of the most fundamental factor to reckon with in the Indian society.
Not only Hindus but practically all other religionists in India, sometimes including atheists go bike cost considerations even when they do not subscribe to the theory of caste system.
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Such problems are communalism, linguism, linguistic, fanaticism, regionalism, (provincialism)., racial, arrogance, culture dominance etc cast is not a natural institution but cast attachment based on kinship is one of the most fundamental factor to reckon with in the Indian society.
Not only Hindus but practically all other religionists in India, sometimes including atheists go bike cost considerations even when they do not subscribe to the theory of caste system.
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Reading online books of religion is not religion
The caste system which is inequitous and pernicious is the root of cause of a host of problems in India and will have to be rooted out in the order to establish an egalitarian society.
The other caste based problem in India are untouchability caste conflict reservation policy caste barriers and casteism.
Castelism manifest itself when attachment to once religious community splits over to other spheres of life and Blinds people to the basic needs to maintain harmonious social relations with people of all religions.
Communsalism has resulted in communal riots of increasing frequency in different parts of India.
Linguism manifest itself in the forms of this like of other languages and linguistic groups claims and superior status to one language compared to other and imposition of Hindi and Sanskrit unwilling people.
When linguism demonstrated itself trhrough action and programs linguistic fanaticism results language riots anti Hindi agitation anti English agitation are the manifestations of the language problem in India.
Prevalence of racism in subtle forms is proved when some Aryans asserts their superiority over the native races of India and propagate the view that their culture is the basic culture of India.
Differences in dresses food habits feast and festivals volk arts and classical arts etc are natural and healthy science of regional diversity.
But dislike of people of others states and reasons son of the soil theory interested border and river dispute etc are the manifestations of regionalism.
Differences in dresses food habits feast and festivals volk arts and classical arts etc are natural and healthy science of regional diversity.
But dislike of people of others states and reasons son of the soil theory interested border and river dispute etc are the manifestations of regionalism.
The problems arising out of diversity can be effectively dealt with only if the modern norms of equality and Social Justice are not merely preached but effectively practised. Wrong interpretation of the natural attachment to one's language reason and culture as something inherently bed has to be given of even while promoting the secular values of equality and Social Justice.
Equality of opportunity in education and Employment equal promotion of all languages and cultures by the states and reduction of of inequality are important component of equality whereas reservation of seats and post for backward classes protection of minorities prevention of exploitation of the people of one reason by outsider etc are essential components of Social Justice.
Sum of the practical steps that may be taken to promote National Integration are:
1. Use of formal education to to inculcate the spirit of tolerance.
2. Informal education through schools and media to promote National Integration.
3. Public celebration of national days with processions meetings etc.
4. Family rising the people of one state with the traditional arts and literature of other states.
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Equality of opportunity in education and Employment equal promotion of all languages and cultures by the states and reduction of of inequality are important component of equality whereas reservation of seats and post for backward classes protection of minorities prevention of exploitation of the people of one reason by outsider etc are essential components of Social Justice.
Sum of the practical steps that may be taken to promote National Integration are:
1. Use of formal education to to inculcate the spirit of tolerance.
2. Informal education through schools and media to promote National Integration.
3. Public celebration of national days with processions meetings etc.
4. Family rising the people of one state with the traditional arts and literature of other states.
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The origin of universe ancient philosophy.
Social Problems List And Secularism
Secularism which is mainly a political Idea has its social component also dip transformation of India from a scared society to a secular society is not an easy process.
The fact is that Indians in all religions are highly religious.
The Twin aspect of secularism tolerance towards all religions and separation of religion and politics are being gradually promoted in India.
Although India had a long tradition of tolerance the communal rights which have been acquiring since the end of the 19th Century are pointers to the loopholes in the Indians tolerance.
Deeply religious outlook of Indian leaders and masses is offering stiff resistance to the separation of politics and religion.
Infect in recent years there has been a spurts Hindu religion based politics
The Akali agitations existence of political parties like.,
Diya Kali education Exhibition of political parties like Vishwa Hindu Parishad RSS emergence of fundamentalism conversation politics and performance of religious ritual in government functions certainly make it difficult to promote secularism in India.
Besides the state in India has a role to play in promoting social reforms in Hinduism and in maintaining Hindu temples and religious institutions.
However the intervention of the state in the realm of personal law Hindi contact of the the constitutional directive in article 44 does not conflict with the principle secularism since this state may regulate all aspect of the life of an individual except the purely personal religious aspect.
Only when poverty ignorance and superstitions are removed from the society and the scope of religion in the life of an individual is limited to his inner life there will be a substantial progress towards secular society.
Practice of ethics for its own sake rather than as part of religion will bring about sea changes in the Indian society which is riddled with corruption of all types and sociology economics crimes committed by deeply religious people.
Conclusion -