
Friday, 21 February 2025

Cognitive Mastery Thinking-Action Connection

Thinking-Action connection fuels Mindful Decision Making and Intentional Thinking to drive Strategic Action and Effective Implementation while Thinking-Action gap demands Cognitive Mastery and Mental Discipline to bridge the divide between Insight and Impact through Thinking-Action alignment that harmonizes Critical Thinking and Decisive Action to achieve Business Excellence and Personal Growth through Thinking-Action synergy.

Thinking And ActingPRADNYA is Vichar Dhamma(Thinking Aright) or SILA is Achar Dhamma(Acting Aright) ,Thinking and Acting related to each other.

Thinking And Acting - PRADNYA is necessary. But SILA is more necessary. Pradnya without Sila is dangerous. 

Mere Pradnya is dangerous. Pradnya is like a sword in the hand of  Man. In the hand of a Man with Sila it may be used for saving a Man with danger.

 But in the hand of a Man without Sila, it may be used for MURDER. That's why SILA is move important than PRADNYA. 

The use of knowledge depends upon a man's SILA.

 Apart from Sila, knowledge has no VALUE. SILA is incomparable in this world. SILA is the beginning and the refuge, Sila is the a MOTHER of all good. 

It is the foremost of all good conditions. Therefore, Purify your SILA.

Vichar and Achar Dhamma means thinking and acting Dhamma.
Are you excited ? Keep reading.

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Earth & Sages 2023 Structure Formation

Buddhism Beliefs 

A man , if he possesses four qualities, as one of great wisdom, as a great man.

What are the four qualities

Of whatsoever he hears he understands the meaning as soon as it is uttered saying. 

This is the meaning of that saying! Moreover, he has a good memory, he can remember and recall a thing done long ago, and said long ago.

Again in all the business of a householder he is skilled and diligent and therein he is resourceful and capable of investigating what is proper to be done what should be arranged . 

Herein, we have a man given to the welfare of many folk, to the happiness of many folk. 

By him are many folk established in the Ariyan method, to wit: in what is of a lovely nature, in what is of a profitable NATURE.

To whatsoever train of thought he wishes to apply himself to that train of thought he applies himself: to whatever train of thought he desires not to apply himself, to that train of thought  he applies not himself.

Whatever intention he wishes to intend,he does so ,or not if he so wishes. 

Thus is he master of the mind in the way of thought.

Also he is one who attains at will ,without difficulty and without trouble the four musings which belongs to the higher thoughts,which even in this very life are blissful to abide in. 

Also by destruction of the ASAVAS (Fetters) in this very life thoroughly comprehending it by himself, he realizes the heart release, the release by wisdom and attaining it abides therein.

Prajna Buddhism 

Prajna is Sanskrit for "wisdom. The English word wisdom is connected to information. 

In the event that you turn the word upward in word references, you discover definitions, for example, "information picked up through experience";  Mahayana is connected to the regulation of sunyata, "vacancy. 

Vacancy is a troublesome precept regularly confused with agnosticism. 

This instructing doesn't state that nothing exists; it says that nothing has free or self-presence. 

We see the world as an assortment of fixed, separate things, yet this is a fantasy. 

What we see as unmistakable things are transitory mixes or congregations of conditions that we distinguish from their relationship to other brief gatherings of conditions. 

Notwithstanding, looking further, you see that these congregations are interconnected to all different gatherings. 

They really are absent." However there is an association: "indeed, association is all you find, without any things that are associated. 

It's the very meticulousness of the association - no holes or knots in it - just the steady nexus - that renders everything void. 

So everything is vacant and associated, or void in light of the fact that associated. 

Void is association.

morality', 'virtue',is a method of brain and volition (cetana) showed in discourse or substantial activity (s. karma).

 It is the establishment of the entire Buddhist practice, and therewith the first of the 3 sorts of preparing (sikkhā) that structure the 3-overlay division of the 8-overlap Path (s. magga), for example ethical quality, fixation and shrewdness. 

Buddhist profound quality isn't, as it might show up from the negative plans in the Sutta-messages, something negative. 

Furthermore, it doesn't comprise in the simple not submitting of abhorrent activities, however is in each occasion the obviously cognizant and purposeful limitation from the awful activities being referred to and relates to the all the while emerging volition. 

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Why is The Prophet so popular?

Sila In Buddhism 

Morality of the 8-overlay Path, specifically, right discourse, right activity and right job, is called 'certifiable or common ethical quality' pakatisīla), as recognized from the outer principles for priests or laymen, the purported 'recommended ethical quality' (paññatti-sīla, q.v.), which, all things considered, is karmically impartial. 

morality; Sila isn't just keeping away from what ought not be done, it is additionally seeing what should be done, we can notice moral statutes which are the establishment of healthy lead. 

1) Śīla alludes to "order" or "profound quality" and is called intrinsic goodness as per the second century 

Śīla is of three sorts: 

  1. hīnaśīla – By methods for "lower ethical quality", one is reawakened among people (manuṣya); 
  2. madhyaśīla – By "average ethical quality", one is reawakened among the six classes of lords of the craving domain (kāmadhātudeva); 
  3. praṇītaśīla – By "unrivaled ethical quality", one is reawakened among the unadulterated divine beings (śuddhāvāsadeva) of the structure domain (rūpadhātu) and the nebulous domain (ārūpyadhātu). 

Despite the fact that the ethical man has no weapons (āyudha), insidious individuals don't assault him. 

Profound quality is a fortune (vitta) that can't be lost; it is a parent (jñāti) who doesn't forsake you even after death; it is a decoration (ālaṃkāra) that outperforms the seven gems (saptaratna). 

This is the reason ethical quality must be protected as though one were guarding the life of the body (kāyajīvita) or as though one were looking after a valuable item. 

The corrupt man perseveres through 10,000 sufferings; he resembles the helpless man who broke his container and lost his riches, This is the reason unadulterated control must be noticed. 

Highminded direct of body and discourse. Sila is otherwise called Precepts. 

Shīla (śīla) Skt. (Pali, sīla), "commitments, pre­cepts"; alludes to the moral rules that in Buddhism decide the conduct of priests, nuns, and laypersons and that comprise the precondition for any advancement on the way of enlivening. 

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What is the right effort in Buddhism?

10 Buddhist Precepts 

The ten shīlas for priests, nuns and beginners are: 

  1. abstaining from executing, 
  2. not taking what isn't given, 
  3. forgoing disallowed sexual action, 
  4. forgoing unfair discourse, 
  5. keeping away from intoxi­cating drinks, 
  6. swearing off strong food af­ter early afternoon, 
  7. dodging music, dance, plays, and different excitements, 
  8. swearing off the utilization of fragrances and elaborate adornments, 
  9. re­fraining from staying in bed high, delicate beds, 
  10. re­fraining from contact with cash and different assets. 

Conclusion -

The initial five shīlas apply additionally to Bud­dhist laypersons, who on specific days notice the initial eight. Thats why everyone ought to follow such thinking and acting Dhamma.