You Work With Modes of morals. People Don't Know Abou Mode of Moral. It is Truth About Mode of Moral. Mode of Moral is changing with Technology.
Modes of morals -
The moral code of Indians is typically Indian whatever maybe the religious source of the code. Deep foundation of any modes of moral code in society is to be found in religion. In this sense the normal code of different religions and sects in India I have separate Theological foundations.
However the practical modes of moral codes dictated by the same spirituality and common physical and economic circumstances almost coincide objectively speaking the modes of moral codes of Indians is not always scrambler .
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Positive features of this moral code are individual charity hospitality temperance chastity and modesty.
Individual Charity of the Indians it seem in their help to beggars anxiety to feed the medicant conquer for one's relatives and may be extended to absurd limits in the pampering of false Sadhu and the deceitful tantriks .
Sincerity is performed mainly on religious motive wealthy man who may be ready to spend thousands of rupees on "Godman" or diety may without the least scruples drive away starving beggar.
It is worth nothing that the the main motive of an Indian in giving charity to a beggar is not altruism compassion or fellow feeling but anticipation of religious rewards.
Hospitality is moral trait which Indians share with many other Nations in the world.
The average Indians is temperate by force of habit temperament and circumstances.
Indulgence and gluttony are frowned upon not admired in India.
Indians of all religious and caste are sensitive on the issue of chastity.
Do act of in continuance are not unknown violator of family morality are ostracisedn Hindi Indian society
Indians are generally modest to the point of suffering from inferiority complex.
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The most important moral virtues which are conspicuously absent in the moral code of the Indians are social service and public spirit.
while there is no dearth of philosophical and religious theories advocating service to the society and honesty in public life these were never part of the national character of Indians is in the past.
As a result we have put up a poor show in public hygiene Civic sense and public honesty.
It is a a irony that while private dishonesty is severely condemned in social life public dishonesty is taken as a matter of routine.
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Buddha gave his own interpretation of Dhamma and exalted it to the law of universe.
morality Samadhi and wisdom are three effect the Dharma preached by the Buddha. Long long ago the Buddha became the the embodiment of Indian culture.
More than his teachings the example of his personal life has inspired thousands of mens to take to truth ahimsa and renunciation.
Even as morals cannot be taught the supreme teacher he taught the the middle path between access and abstinence.
The Buddhist showed the way to self-restraint instead of self-mortification the way to action not in action and thus become living symbol of all that was based in Indian culture .
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Introduction on morality and moral -
Morality is a code conduct in a private and social life received and accepted by the community in general all the models are relative to time and space humanity cannot pull on without some moral ATI needs few morals in different aspects of life.
The problem of decline of morality in private and public life the issue of include morals different methods are knowledge example emulation an experience.
The given statements suggest that morals cannot be taught this stand is not correct teaching morals is possible desirable and essential morals may be taught at home in the classroom in offices and in the wide world with out knowledge and understanding practice will be difficult and meaningless the underlying idea of the statement is that mere teaching is not enough.
There is a case for learning morals through practice those in positions of responsibility main practice moral so that others may emulate them elders at home to set examples teachers in school and college can become model of mortality public may become shining example of morality in public life.
Conclusion -
Modes of morals -
The moral code of Indians is typically Indian whatever maybe the religious source of the code. Deep foundation of any modes of moral code in society is to be found in religion. In this sense the normal code of different religions and sects in India I have separate Theological foundations.
However the practical modes of moral codes dictated by the same spirituality and common physical and economic circumstances almost coincide objectively speaking the modes of moral codes of Indians is not always scrambler .
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Self Conquest - Spiritual Life Theory Practices.
Modes Of Morals Development
Individual Charity of the Indians it seem in their help to beggars anxiety to feed the medicant conquer for one's relatives and may be extended to absurd limits in the pampering of false Sadhu and the deceitful tantriks .
Sincerity is performed mainly on religious motive wealthy man who may be ready to spend thousands of rupees on "Godman" or diety may without the least scruples drive away starving beggar.
It is worth nothing that the the main motive of an Indian in giving charity to a beggar is not altruism compassion or fellow feeling but anticipation of religious rewards.
Hospitality is moral trait which Indians share with many other Nations in the world.
The average Indians is temperate by force of habit temperament and circumstances.
Indulgence and gluttony are frowned upon not admired in India.
Indians of all religious and caste are sensitive on the issue of chastity.
Do act of in continuance are not unknown violator of family morality are ostracisedn Hindi Indian society
Indians are generally modest to the point of suffering from inferiority complex.
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Power Of Women - Courtesy Balm And Ascetics History.
Modes Of Morals Learn Full Guide
while there is no dearth of philosophical and religious theories advocating service to the society and honesty in public life these were never part of the national character of Indians is in the past.
As a result we have put up a poor show in public hygiene Civic sense and public honesty.
It is a a irony that while private dishonesty is severely condemned in social life public dishonesty is taken as a matter of routine.
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Universal ruler and purpose of life.
Philosophy Of Buddha And Dhamma
morality Samadhi and wisdom are three effect the Dharma preached by the Buddha. Long long ago the Buddha became the the embodiment of Indian culture.
More than his teachings the example of his personal life has inspired thousands of mens to take to truth ahimsa and renunciation.
Even as morals cannot be taught the supreme teacher he taught the the middle path between access and abstinence.
The Buddhist showed the way to self-restraint instead of self-mortification the way to action not in action and thus become living symbol of all that was based in Indian culture .
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Attachment - The Root Cause Of Suffering.
Morals cannot be taught they must be learnt by practice
Introduction on morality and moral -
Morality is a code conduct in a private and social life received and accepted by the community in general all the models are relative to time and space humanity cannot pull on without some moral ATI needs few morals in different aspects of life.
The problem of decline of morality in private and public life the issue of include morals different methods are knowledge example emulation an experience.
The given statements suggest that morals cannot be taught this stand is not correct teaching morals is possible desirable and essential morals may be taught at home in the classroom in offices and in the wide world with out knowledge and understanding practice will be difficult and meaningless the underlying idea of the statement is that mere teaching is not enough.
There is a case for learning morals through practice those in positions of responsibility main practice moral so that others may emulate them elders at home to set examples teachers in school and college can become model of mortality public may become shining example of morality in public life.
Conclusion -
The significance of modes of morals and morality in society cannot be overstated. While imparting these values to the younger generation is crucial, it is equally essential for elders and leaders to go beyond mere instruction.
Setting a compelling example through their actions and decisions is paramount, as it provides a practical blueprint for others to follow. In cultivating a culture of morality, the collective effort of both teaching and leading by example creates a robust foundation for a harmonious and ethically sound society.
Continuous practice and reinforcement of these principles are vital to ensure that moral modes remain ingrained in the fabric of the community, fostering a lasting commitment to ethical conduct among its members.