Right vieaws - Buddhist teachings emphasize the importance of Right View, which begins with Right View, is deepened through Right View, transforms understanding through Right View, and ultimately leads to liberation through Right View.
Buddhism first part is right views (SAMMA DITTI) requires the abandonment of superstition and supernaturalism.
Right views - You must realize that the world is dungeon and man is a prisoner in the dungeon.
This dungeon is full of darkness.
So dark is it that scarce anything at all can rightly be seen by the prisoner.
- The prisoner can not see that he is a prisoner,
- Indeed,
- man has not only become blind by living too long in the darkness,
- but he very much doubts if any such strange things as light is said to be can ever exists at all.
The Lord Buddha says if you procceed right views or understanding procceed right thoughts.
This post is about to the problem of the post gives you better solution on the topics of priority to Right views/ wisdom /virtue /SAMMA DITTI.
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Right Views Buddhism
Mind is the only instrument though which light can come to man.
But the mind of these dungeon -dwellers is by no means a perfect instrument for the purpose.
It let's though only a little light, just enough to show to those with sight that there is such a thing as darkness.
Thus defective in its nature, such understanding as this is.
But know, the case of the prisoner is not as hopeless as it appears, for there is in man a thing called will.
When the appropriate motives arise the will can be awakened and set in motion.
With the coming of just enough light to see in what directions to guide the motions of the will,man may so guide them that they shall lead to liberty.
Thus though man is bound ,yet he may be free,he may at any moment begin to take the first steps that will ultimately bring him to freedom.
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Right Views Meaning
This is because it is possible to train the mind in whatever directions one choose.
It is mind that makes us to be prisoner in the house of life,and it is mind that keeps us so.
But what mind has done ,that mind can undo.
If it has brought man to thralldom,it can also, when rightly directed,bring him to liberty.
This is what" SAMMA DITTI " can do.
What is the end of samma ditti ?
Is the destruction of AVIJJA(nescience) It is opposed to "MICCHA DITTI."
And Avijja means the faiture to understand the noble truths,of the existence of suffering and the removal of suffering ".
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Right Views Eightfold Path
" SAMMA DITTI "requires giving up of belief in the efficaey of rites and ceremonies to have disbelief in the sanctity of the Shastras.
SAMMA DITTI" requires the abandonment of superstition and supernaturalism.
SAMMA DITTI " requires the abandonment of all doctrines which are mere speculations without any basis in fact or exprience.
People who have grown up in a community with a certain ideology, a system of beliefs, religious or otherwise, may accept a without questioning the ideology of the community.
Or the acceptance may be out of craving
Leader of the community may declare that accepting the established ideology, the traditional beliefs, will guarantee a wonderful future; perhaps they claim that all believers will attain heaven after death.
Naturally the bliss of heaven is very attractive, and so willingly one accepts.
Or the acceptance may be out of fear.
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Right Views Example
Leaders may see that people have doubts and questions about
- the ideology of the community,
- so they warm them to confirm to the commonly held beliefs,
- threatening them with terrible punishment in the future if they do not confirm,
- perhaps,
- claiming that all unbelievers will go to hell after death,
- Whether it is accepted out of blind faith,
- out of craving,
- or out of fear,
- received wisdom is not ones own Wisdom, not something experience for oneself.
It is borrowed wisdom
Each one of us must liveTruth by direct exprience by the practice of Bhavna only this living experience with liberate the mind .
No one else realization of truth will liberate us ok even the enlightenment of the Buddha could liberate only one person Siddharth Gautam.
At most someone else realisation can act as an inspiration for others, offering guidelines for them to follow, but ultimately we each must to do the work ourselves.
Truth can be lived, can be experienced directly, only within oneself.
whatever is outside is always at a distance from us.
Only within can we have actual, direct, living experience of reality.
Conclusion -
The unique contributions of the Buddha to the world was the way to realise truth personally and the to develop experiential wisdom
This way to achieve direct realization of Tut it is the unique technique of (SAMMA DITTI )right views.