
Friday, 21 February 2025

Self-Discovery Relationship of Earth and Sages

Earth And Sages awaken individuals to mystical relationships between nature wisdom unlocking secrets universe ancient teachings ultimately Earth And Sages connect spiritual heritage embarking journeys self-discovery exploration unleashing earth's power tapping sages' wisdom reclaiming inner balance reconnecting natural world discovering hidden patterns harmonizing human existence planetary rhythms embodying sacred wisdom embracing cosmic consciousness transcending limitations realizing ultimate truth.

 History of earth and Sages philosophy decided the age and evolution of earth. Life of earth and Sages suggested to all.

Earth And Sages - Earth formed around 4.54billion years ago, approximately one - third the age of the universe, by accretion from the Solar nebula. 

Today we will learn about who bind the universe as per earth and Sages  philosophy.

The invocations are mere prayer for help against enemies, for gift of wealth, for accepting the offering of food,flesh and wine from the devotee. 

These vedic sages were 

  • Avhamarsana 
  • prajapati 
  • Brahmanaspati 
  • Manila 
  • Dirghatamas, 
  • Narayan.

The main problems of these vedic philosophers were: 

How did the world originate? 

In what manner were individual things created? 

Why have they their unity and existence? 

Who created,and who ordinate? 

From what did the world spring up and to what again will it return ?

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Earth Formation

Aghamarsana said that the world was created out of Tapas(heat).

Tapas was the creative principle from which eternal law and truth were born

From these were produced the night(Tama's). Ta ma's produced water and from water originate time. 

Time gave birth to the sun. and the moon ,the heaven and the earth,the firmament and light and ordained the days and night.

Brahmanaspati postulated the genesis of being from non - being By the tern non -existance, he denoted apparently the infinite. 

The existent originally sprang up from the nonexistent. The nonexistent (as at, nones) was the permanent foundation of all that is existent (sat, en's)and of all that is possible and yet non existent (as at).

Prajapati started with problem :Did being come out of non- being? 

His view was 5hat this was an irrelevant question. For him water was the original substances  of that which exists. 

For him the original matter_water_came neither under the defination of being nor under that of non- being.

Anila was another vedic philosopher. To him the principal element was air(vayu).It possesses the inherent capacity for movement. 

It is endowed with the generating principle.

Dirghtamas maintained that all living beings rest and depend ultimately on the sun. 

The sun held up and propelled by its inherent force went backward and forward.

The sun composed of a grey colored substance and so are lightning and fire.

The sun lightning and fire formed the germ of water .water forms germs of plants,such were the view of Dirghatamas.

According to Narayana ,purusha(God) is the first cause of the universe. 

It is form purusha that the sun ,

  • the moon, 
  • the earth, 
  • water,
  • fire,
  • air,
  • mid_air,
  • the sky, 
  • the regions , 
  • the seasons, 
  • the creatures of the air,
  • all animals,
  • all classes of men,
  • and all human institution, had originated.

Hiranyagarbha ,form doctrinals point of views he stood midway between Parjapati and Narayanas. 

He means the golden germ. It was the great power of universe, from which all other powers and existences, devine and earthly were derived.

Their theories were mere speculations not based on logic nor facts. Their contribution to philosophy created no social values. 

Thus the great philosopher Kapila and Budhha rejected  the philosophy of the vedic rishis as useless. 

But the kapila prove that for purposes of proving the truth only two meaning of proof 

  1. Perception 
  2. Inference. 

Kapila said the empirical universe, world consists of things evolved(vyakta) and things that are not evolved(avyakta).

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Age Of Earth 

Our reality, otherwise called planet Earth, is the main realized planet to hold life

It is third planet from the Sun, the densest in our Solar System and was conformed to 4.54 billion years prior. 

The Earth turns at an amazing 1,040 mph and moves around the Sun at an unbelievable 30 kilometers for each second. 70% of the Earth's surface is canvassed in water, yet with the rising danger of a dangerous atmospheric devation and ocean level ascent, this could increment 

Individuals have been attempting to gauge the age of the Earth for a great many years

All legends have their own creation fantasies, while some Ancient scholars like Aristotle thought our planet was interminable. 

In 1654, the Archbishop James Ussher of Ireland determined the age of all the Biblical ages and detailed that the Earth was 4004 years of age. 

Obviously, none of those are valid, however how would we know it? 

By examining rocks, researchers have sorted out how long the Earth has been near. Furthermore, the appropriate response is: a long, long time. 

The earth is four billion, 500 and forty million years of age, and in that time, it's experienced a great deal of changes. 

Paradoxically, individuals have just been around for a few million years, a small part of the Earth's tremendous history. 

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History Of Earth 

Numbers this large are difficult to envision. So here's an action that will help

Walk one more movement. A few plants have now developed to develop from seeds, which have a defensive covering. 

Walk two additional movements. Now, all the world's landmasses have combined into a solitary supercontinent, called Pangaea. 

Walk one more movement. This is the hour of gigantic woodlands of trees, overflowing with monster millipedes and dragonflies. 

At the point when these trees fossilized, they became coal, which we actually use for energy today

Simultaneously, the predecessors of reptiles and warm blooded animals created eggs that could be laid ashore, so they not, at this point needed to re-visitation of the water like frogs do. 

Walk two additional movements. This is the hour of animals like Dimetrodon, which seemed as though a major reptile with a goliath sail on its back like an unsettled potato chip. 

Dimetrodon is regularly confused with a dinosaur, however it's in reality more firmly identified with you and me! Additionally, dinosaurs hadn't showed up yet. 

Walk two additional movements. This is the hour of the greatest mass eradication throughout the entire existence of the Earth, which was brought about by volcanoes. 

Heaps of gatherings of creatures vanished, including the trilobites

Walk two additional movements. The world has recuperated from the eradication occasion, and the principal dinosaurs show up. 

As the universe extended, as per current logical arrangement, matter gathered into mists that started to consolidate and pivot, shaping the trailblazers of worlds. 

Inside universes, including our own Milky Way world, changes in constrain made gas and residue structure particular mists. 

In a portion of these mists, where there was adequate mass and the correct powers, gravitational fascination made the cloud breakdown. 

In the event that the mass of material in the cloud was adequately packed, atomic responses started and a star was conceived. 

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Earth Born 

The age of the Milky Way universe has been determined twoly

One includes contemplating the noticed phases of advancement of various measured stars in globular groups. 

Globular bunches happen in a weak corona encompassing the focal point of the Galaxy, with each group containing from a hundred thousand to 1,000,000 stars. 

The extremely low measures of components heavier than hydrogen and helium in these stars demonstrate that they probably framed right off the bat throughout the entire existence of the Galaxy, before a lot of weighty components were made inside the underlying ages of stars and later circulated into the interstellar medium through supernova blasts (the Big Bang itself made fundamentally hydrogen and helium particles). 

Appraisals of the periods of the stars in globular bunches fall inside the scope of 11 billion to 16 billion years. 

A second strategy for assessing the age of our universe depends on the current bounties of a few seemingly perpetual radioactive components in the nearby planetary group. 

Their bounties are set by their paces of creation and circulation through detonating supernovas. 

As indicated by these computations, the age of our system is between 9 billion and 16 billion years. 

Subsequently, the two different ways of assessing the age of the Milky Way world concur with one another, and they additionally are predictable with the autonomously inferred gauge for the age of the universe. 

Radioactive components happening normally in rocks and minerals likewise give a methods for assessing the age of the nearby planetary group and Earth. 

A few of these components rot with half lives between 700 million and in excess of 100 billion years (the half existence of a component is the time it takes for half of the component to rot radioactively into another component).

Utilizing these watches, it is determined that shooting stars, which are parts of space rocks, shaped between 4.53 billion and 4.58 billion years prior (space rocks are little "planetoids" that spin around the sun and are leftovers of the sunlight based cloud that offered ascend to the sun and planets).

A similar radioactive watches applied to the three most seasoned lunar examples got back to Earth by the Apollo space explorers yield ages between 4.4 billion and 4.5 billion years, giving least gauges to the time since the development of the moon. 

The most established realized shakes on Earth happen in northwestern Canada (3.96 billion years), however all around considered shakes almost as old are likewise found in different pieces of the world. 

In Western Australia, zircon gems encased inside more youthful rocks have ages as old as 4.3 billion years, making these minuscule precious stones the most established materials so far found on Earth. 

Conclusion -

The best gauges of Earth's age are gotten by ascertaining the time needed for improvement of the noticed lead isotopes in Earth's most seasoned lead metals. 

These evaluations yield 4.54 billion years as the time of Earth (   earth and Sages   ) and of shooting stars, and subsequently of the close planetary system.