Religious Universe Philosophy explores the mysteries of existence and the cosmos through a spiritual lens while Religious Universe Philosophy delves into the intersection of faith and reason to understand the human experience and ultimately Religious Universe Philosophy seeks to unify the quest for meaning and purpose with the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment.
The Chief Propounder Of Purana Kassappa ,Makhali Ghosal ,Ajit Kesakambal and their Religious Universe Philosophy.
Religious Universe Philosophy
- Of these schools of theory there was one headed by Purana Kassappa. His precept was known as " Akriyavada " He kept up that the spirit was not influenced at all by Kamma.One may do , or one may complete things. One may do injury or one may get somebody to slaughter.
One may submit burglary or dacoity or one may get robbery or A dacoit submitted, one may submit infidelity or one may get infidelity submitted , one may lie or one may get a falsehood told.
The five best propounder of religious universe philosophy school run by them in varies part of india.
Nothing influences the spirit. A demonstration, anyway vulgar, doesn't influence the spirit with wrongdoing. A demonstration , anyway great, doesn't carry legitimacy to the spirit.
Nothing has any Kriya (result) on the spirit. At the point when an individual kicks the bucket, all the components of which he is made participate in their firsts. Nothing makes due after death, neither body nor soul.
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Philosophy Of Religion Notes - Makkhali Gosal
Another way of thinking was known as "Niyativada".It's boss propounder was Makhali Ghosal.His tenet was a sort of resignation or determinism.
He trained that nobody can do anything or fix anything. Things occur. Nobody can get them going. Nobody can eliminate despondency, increment it or lessen it. One must go through a lot of the encounters of the world.
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Philosophy Of Religion - Pakudha Kacchyana -
The third school was known as "Uccheddavada". It boss propounder was Ajit Kesakambal. His principle was a sort of Annihillism.
He instructed that there was nothing in Yajna, Haom; there is nothing of the sort as the natural products or impacts of deeds to be appreciated or endured by the spirit.
There is neither paradise nor damnation. Man is comprised of specific components of despondency on the planet.
The soul can't get away from it.Whatever distress or despondency there was on the planet the spirit can't get away.
This distress or despondency will reach a conclusion naturally. The spirit must go through resurrection during 84 lakhs of patterns of Mahakalpas.
At that point just the distress and misery of the spirit will end, not before nor by some other methods.
The fourth school was known as "Annyonyavad".The top of this school was Pakudha Kacchyana .
He lectured that there are seven components which go to make up a being, in particular ,Prathvi, Papa, Tej, Vayu, Sukha, Dukha and the spirit.
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Religious Philosophy Of Sanjay Belaputta
Each is free of the other; one doesn't influence the other. They are self-existent and they are everlasting.
Nothing can demolish them. On the off chance that any one slashes off the head of man he doesn't execute him.
All that happens is that the weapon has entered the seven components.
Sanjay Belaputta had his own school of theory. It was known as "Vikshepavada", a sort of scepticisms. He contended, " on the off chance that anybody asked me is there paradise ,on the off chance that I feel there was I would state yes.
Yet, on the off chance that I feel there was no paradise I would state no.
If I am found out if individuals are made, regardless of whether man needs to endure the products of his activity whether fortunate or unfortunate, and whether the spirit lives after death, I express nay to all these in light of the fact that I don't think they exist.
This is the way Sanjaya Belaputta summarized his regulation.
If I am found out if individuals are made, regardless of whether man needs to endure the products of his activity whether fortunate or unfortunate, and whether the spirit lives after death, I express nay to all these in light of the fact that I don't think they exist.
This is the way Sanjaya Belaputta summarized his regulation.
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An Introduction To The Philosophy Of Religion - Ajit Kesakambal
If the convention of Makhali Ghosal is genuine then man turns into the captive of fate. He can't free himself.
If the tenet of Ajit Kesakambal is genuine then all that man needs to do is to eat, drink and make joyful.
If the principle of Religious Universe Philosophy of Sanjaya Belaputta was genuine then man must buoy about and live without a positive way of thinking of life. As indicated by everybody suspected they were the considerations of men who had gotten sad, defenseless and wild.
Conclusion -
In this way all of these philosophers has decited that the creation of religious universe philosophy as per their knowledge.