Interrogative Form Example - Uses of English speaking to college student so many way to teach interrogative form time for a go on trip.
Interrogative Form Example : - In an interrogative form examples or sentences consistently pose inquiries with cross Interrogative point. In present like straightforward, proceed and brilliant, when you endeavor to make Interrogative form examples or sentences, right off the bat take or put helping verb(Do,Does,am,is,are,have,has in past like basic, proceed, great, when you make a sentences consistently put first aiding action word (did, was, were, had) .
Inside the same way you'll make a huge number to English language talking inside the future to foster own expertise in front of the speake
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Present Tense Interrogative Form example
Simple present tense
For Example :-
1) I break my promise about complete the class homework.
Do I break my promise about complete the class homework ? (Interrogative)
I do not break my promise about complete the class homework. (Negative)
2) She brings a bucket of water from her neighbors house.
Does she bring a bucket of water from her neighbors house ? (Interrogative)
She does not bring a bucket of water from her neighbors house. (Negative)
3) We build a row houses( Successfully ) in the new society area.
Do we build a row houses in the new society area ? (Interrogative)
We do not build a row houses in the new society area. (Negative)
Continuous present tense
For Example :-
1) I am beginning new business of clothes in the market.
Am I beginning new business of clothes in the market ? (Interrogative)
I am not beginning new business of clothes in the market. (Negative)
2) He is bending the copper wire bundle. ( How many times)
Is he bending the copper wire bundle ?(Interrogative)
He is not bending the copper wire bundle. (Negative)
3) They are burning their houses in the War.
Are they burning their houses in the War ? (Interrogative)
They are not burning their houses in the War. (Negative)
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Perfect present tense
For Example :-
1) I have brought a new bungalow in new Mumbai.
Have I brought a new bungalow in new Mumbai ? (Interrogative)
I have not brought a new bungalow in new Mumbai. (Negative)
2) It has caught the thief in the night .
Has it caught the thief in the night ? (Interrogative)
It has not caught the thief in the night . (Negative)
3) We have seen a beautiful dream girl.
Have we seen a beautiful dream girl ? (Interrogative)
We have not seen a beautiful dream girl. (Negative)
Past Tense Interrogative Form Example
Simple past tense
For Example :-
1) I chose the right Direction to go ahead.
Did I chose the right Direction to go ahead ? (Interrogative)
I did not choose the right Direction to go ahead. (Negative)
2) She came from Japan last night ship.
Did she came from Japan last night ship ? (Interrogative)
She did not come from Japan last night ship. (Negative)
3) You dug their garden area to plantation.
Did you dug their garden area to plantation ? (Interrogative)
You did not dig their garden area to plantation. (Negative)
Continuous past tense
For Example :-
1) I was doing my office work very well.
Was I doing my office work very well ?(Interrogative)
I was not doing my office work very well. (Negative)
2) He was drinking a alcohol in the marriage ceremony.
Was he drinking a alcohol in the marriage ceremony ? (Interrogative)
He was not drinking a alcohol in the marriage ceremony. (Negative)
3) You were making a picture on the Black Board.
Were you making a picture on the Black Board ? (Interrogative)
You were not making a picture on the Black Board. (Negative)
3) They were eating a dish of fish in the " Paradise Inn " Hotel.
Were they eating a dish of fish in the " Paradise Inn " Hotel ? (Interrogative)
They were not eating a dish of fish in the " Paradise Inn " Hotel. (Negative)
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Perfect past tense
For Example :-
1) I had fallen in the rainy season on the road very badly.
Had I fallen in the rainy season on the road very badly ? (Interrogative)
I had not fallen in the rainy season on the road very badly. (Negative)
2) It had found a lot of full money bag in the Mall.
Had it found a lot of full money bag in the Mall ? (Interrogative)
It had not found a lot of full money bag in the Mall. (Negative)
3) We had fought in the war in 1965.
Had we fought in the war in 1965 ? (Interrogative)
We had not fought in the war in 1965. (Negative)
Future Tense Interrogative Form Example
Simple future tense
For Example :-
1) I shall forget to her dress at home. (why)
Shall I forget to her dress at home ? (Interrogative)
I shall not forget to her dress at home. (Negative)
2) she will get good mark in English subject in S. S. C. Board Exam.
Will she get good mark in English subject in S. S. C. Board Exam ?(Interrogative)
She will not get good mark in English subject in S. S. C. Board Exam. (Negative)
3) You will grow new green herbal plants in the balcony.
Will you grow new green herbal plants in the balcony ? (Interrogative)
You will not grow new green herbal plants in the balcony. (Negative)
Continuous future tense
For Example :-
1) I shall be having my food after some time.
Shall I be having my food after some time ? (Interrogative)
I shall not be having my food after some time. (Negative)
2) He will be hearing good news in You Tube channel.
Will he be hearing good news in You Tube channel ? (Interrogative)
He will not be hearing good news in You Tube channel. (Negative)
3) We shall be hurting the old person in the cinema hall.
Shall we be hurting the old person in the cinema hall ? (Interrogative)
We shall not be hurting the old person in the cinema hall. (Negative)
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Perfect future tense
For Example :-
1) I shall have kept my all books in the study room.
Shall I have kept my all books in the study room ? (Interrogative)
I shall have not kept my all books in the study room. (Negative)
2) It will have known their whole bad habits.
Will it have known their whole bad habits ? (Interrogative)
It will have not known their whole bad habits. (Negative)
3) They shall have left their village due to bad circumstances.
Shall they have left their village due to bad circumstances ? (Interrogative)
They shall have not left their village due to bad circumstances. (Negative)
Conclusion -
All above setences is interrogative form examples which is used in daily bases English spoken language for improving English speaking skills which is more important in the grammerly sentences.