Transcending to enlightment means to Cross The Existence overcoming suffering through Cross The Existence revealing true nature with profound Cross The Existence and ultimately liberating beyond Cross The Existence.
Buddha Existence Suffering Nirvana Liberation Enlightenment Rebirth Freedom
Happiness Spiritual awakening
Cross The Existence - The help of spiritual guide, Best Religions and Good Karma can cross the existence.
Cross The Existence - The flood by faith and purifies by wisdom only cross the existence
Once the Blessed Lord was dwelling in the realm of the Yakkha Alavaka in the town of Alavi.
Once the Blessed Lord was dwelling in the realm of the Yakkha Alavaka in the town of Alavi.
Then the Yakkha Alavaka approached the Blessed Lord and having approached him, " said thus : Get Out, O Monk !
The Blessed Lord departed, saying : "Very Well, friend. " The Yakkha then ordered " Enter, O Monk. " The Blessed Lord entered, saying : " Very well, friend."
For the second time also the Yakkha told the Blessed Lord, " Get out, O Monk ! The Blessed Lord departed, saying : 'Very well, friend." Enter, O Monk ! said Yakkha, the second time.
The Blessed Lord departed, saying : "Very Well, friend. " The Yakkha then ordered " Enter, O Monk. " The Blessed Lord entered, saying : " Very well, friend."
For the second time also the Yakkha told the Blessed Lord, " Get out, O Monk ! The Blessed Lord departed, saying : 'Very well, friend." Enter, O Monk ! said Yakkha, the second time.
The Lord entered, saying : "Very well, friend."
For the third time also the Yakkha told the Lord, "Get out, O monk! The Lord departed, saying : "Very well, friend." Enter, O Monk! said the Yakkha again. The Lord entered, saying : Very well, friend."
For the fourth time did the Yakkha tell the Lord, "Get out, O Monk.! This time the Lord replied : I shall not get out, friend, you may do what you like. "
For the third time also the Yakkha told the Lord, "Get out, O monk! The Lord departed, saying : "Very well, friend." Enter, O Monk! said the Yakkha again. The Lord entered, saying : Very well, friend."
For the fourth time did the Yakkha tell the Lord, "Get out, O Monk.! This time the Lord replied : I shall not get out, friend, you may do what you like. "
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Buddha And Yakkha Alavaka -
I shall put a question to you, monk., if you don't answer my question, I will drive you out of your wits or I will tear your heart, or I will take you by the feet and throw you to the other side of the river, " said the angry Yakkha.
I do not see, friend, anyone in the world who could drive me out of my wits or tear out my heart, or take me by the feet and throw me across the river.
I do not see, friend, anyone in the world who could drive me out of my wits or tear out my heart, or take me by the feet and throw me across the river.
Still, friend, you may put any question you like. Then the Yakkha asked the Lord the following questions :
What is the noblest wealth for man in this world? What pure action brings happiness?
What is the sweetest of all test? What manner of living is said to be the noblest living?
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The Lord replied :Faith is the noblest wealth for man in this world.
The Dhamma well observed brings happiness. Truth is the sweetest of all tastes.
The living endowed with wisdom is said to be the noblest thing.
Yakkha asked : " How does one cross the flood(rebirth)? How does one cross the sea (existence)?
Yakkha asked : " How does one cross the flood(rebirth)? How does one cross the sea (existence)?
How does one overcome suffering?
The Lord replied : " One crosses the flood by Faith. One crosses the sea by vigilance.
The Lord replied : " One crosses the flood by Faith. One crosses the sea by vigilance.
One overcomes suffering by Exertion. One purifies oneself by wisdom.
Yakkha Alavaka asked: " How does One acquire knowledge? How does one obtain wealth? How does one attain fame?
Yakkha Alavaka asked: " How does One acquire knowledge? How does one obtain wealth? How does one attain fame?
How does one gain friends? Passing from these world to the other world after death, how does one not repent? "
The Lord replied : "Having faith in Arhants and the Dhamma for the attainment of Nibbana, and by obedience, the diligent, attentive person acquires wisdom.
One who does what is proper, one who is resolute, one who is awake, he acquires wealth. One who gives acquires friends.
The Lord replied : "Having faith in Arhants and the Dhamma for the attainment of Nibbana, and by obedience, the diligent, attentive person acquires wisdom.
The faithful householder in whom truthfulness ,righteousness, patience and generosity are found, he does not repent after death.
Come on! Also consult other numerous monks and Brahmans,weather there are any other qualities higher than truth, self -control, charity and patience. "
Yakkha said : "Now, why should I consult various Brahmins and monks? Today I know the prosperity which belongs to my future good. Indeed! the Buddha came to the dwelling of Alavi for my benefit.
Come on! Also consult other numerous monks and Brahmans,weather there are any other qualities higher than truth, self -control, charity and patience. "
Yakkha said : "Now, why should I consult various Brahmins and monks? Today I know the prosperity which belongs to my future good. Indeed! the Buddha came to the dwelling of Alavi for my benefit.
Today I know, to whom when given, it returns the greatest fruit.
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How to describe top five cast of Brahmin?
Respect Of Lord Buddha -
From today I will wander from village to village from town to town, paying my respect to the fully Enlightened One, and his perfect Doctrine
The goal of Buddhism is to end suffering, achieve Nirvana, and escape a cycle of suffering and rebirth.
Feelings, in our way of life, are considered as female and, on the grounds that our way of life is as yet overwhelmed by a male centric valuation framework where levelheadedness, objectivity and thought are valued over their "appearing contrary energies", subjectivity, feeling and instinct, we have far to go, as a culture, to esteem and be associated with our enthusiastic states.
In the expanse of feeling that is accessible to us as people, many consider feelings to be something that should be controlled in case it "dominate" or overpower us, much like a sea wave.
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Personal Emotions -
Well fortunately the more comfortable we get with our feelings, the more agreeable, the less they take steps to overpower us similarly.
It's additionally similar to acclimating ourselves with being in the sea.
At the point when waves go to a surfer, on the off chance that they are experienced, they realize how to ride the wave as opposed to getting sucked under and tossed to the sea floor or suffocated.
I envision, notwithstanding, that paving the way to that capacity to really surf were numerous off-kilter even difficult or unnerving minutes.
Conclusion -
So the lesson of this short story is that We are consistently bustling asking our materialistic necessities from the Lord, rather we ought to approach him for independence from this pattern of life and passing.
Which we as a whole are battling for! Hence wisdom and faith always help to cross the existence .