
Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Harmful Psychology effects of bad deeds

Bad deeds can have severe consequences, leading to harm and suffering. Engaging in bad deeds can damage relationships and reputations. Bad deeds can also perpetuate a cycle of negativity and hurt. Ultimately, bad deeds can have long-lasting impacts on individuals and communities.

 Bloggers need to find guest blogging opportunities on bad deeds. Improving "Trends" about bad deeds in socials activities.

Bad Deeds  - If a man speaks or acts evil of mind,suffering follows him close as the wheel the hoof of the beast that draws the cart.

Treat not lightly of evil ,saying it will not come to me.

Drop by drop is water-pot filled.By little added to little evil accumulated. 

If is not well do a deed which done brings regrets,the fruit whereof is received with tears and lamentation.

Follow not after things evil. Dwell not in negligence. Cherish not a false ideas. 

Hasten towards the excellent, suppress all evil thoughts,who so is backward in doing good, his mind delights in evil.

Bad deeds and deeds hurtful to ourselves,are easy to do,difficult to do what is beneficial and good.

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Bad Deeds list 

It is not well to do that deed which done brings regrets,the fruit whereof is received with tears and lamentation.

Even and evil doev sees happiness so long as his evil deed does not ripen,but when his evil deeds ripen,then does the evil-does see evil.

Let no man think lightly of evil saying in his heart ,It will not come right into me.

Even by the filling of water drops a water pot is filled,the foot becomes full of evil,even if he gathers it little by little.

A man should hasten towards to good and should keep his thought away from evil, if a man does what is good slothfully ,his mind delights in evil.

If a man commits a sin,Let him not do it again

Let him not delight in sin,the accumulation of evil is painful. Do not follow that of Sin.

          From lust is born sorrow, from lust is born fear.

To him who is wholly free from lust there is neither sorrow nor fear.

Hunger is the worst of diseases(component),existence the worst of distress. This knowing in accordance with truth and fact.

Nibbana Or Liberation becomes the highest happiness .

The evil done by oneself,self-begotten,self-bred,crushes the doer as a Diamond breaks even a precious.

He whose wickedness is very great brings himself down to that state where his enemy wishes him to be ,as a creeper does with the tree which it so surrounds .

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 Ten Unwholesome Deeds 

  1. Substantial Actions 
  2. Slaughtering living creatures 
  3. Taking or cheating Being engaged with wrong doing concerning people or things dear to other people. 
  4. Verbal Actions 
  5. Bogus discourse 
  6. Disruptive or contemptuous discourse 
  7. Brutal discourse 
  8. Pointless discourse 
  9. Mental Actions 
  10. Avarice 

This is an individual who is having loaded with wants. He has a solid avarice to the abundance and properties of others. Continuously he wishes that may what have a place with others be mine. 

2. Hostility or Anger 

He has furious and contemptuous musings. 

3. Wrong view or Wrong Understanding 

On the off chance that one has an off-base comprehension about "What is in reality wrong and What is in reality right" in this Noble way to Nirvana.

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Bad Deeds Means 

What causes BAD DEED or negatives behavior patterns? 

The greater part of your unfortunate propensities are brought about by two things… 

Stress and Weariness. 

More often than not, negative behavior patterns are just a method of managing pressure and weariness. 

Everything from gnawing your nails to overspending on a shopping binge to drinking each end of the week to squandering energy on the web can be a basic reaction to stress and fatigue. 

However, it doesn't need to be that way. 

You can show yourself new and sound approaches to manage pressure and fatigue, which you would then be able to substitute instead of your unfortunate propensities. 

Obviously, in some cases the pressure or fatigue that is on a superficial level is really brought about by more profound issues. 

These issues can be difficult to consider, yet on the off chance that you're not kidding about making changes, at that point you must be straightforward with yourself. 

Are there sure convictions or reasons that are behind the negative behavior patterns? 

Is there something more profound — a dread, an occasion, or a restricting conviction — that is making you clutch something that is terrible for you? 

Perceiving the reasons for your unfortunate propensities is essential to conquering them. 

You don't dispose of an unfortunate propensity, you supplant it. 

The entirety of the propensities that you have at this moment — positive or negative — are a major part of your life on purpose. 

Somehow or another, these practices give an advantage to you, regardless of whether they are awful for you otherly .

Once in a while the advantage is organic like it is with smoking or medications. 

Here and there it's passionate like it is the point at which you remain in a relationship that is terrible for you. Furthermore, much of the time, your negative behavior pattern is a basic method to adapt to pressure. 

For instance, gnawing your nails, pulling your hair, tapping your foot, or holding your jaw. 

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Bad Deeds Examples 

These "advantages" or reasons reach out to more modest negative behavior patterns too. 

For instance, opening your email inbox when you turn on your PC may cause you to feel associated. Simultaneously taking a gander at all of those messages demolishes your efficiency, partitions your consideration, and overpowers you with stress. 

Yet, it keeps you from feeling like no doubt about it … thus you do it once more. 

Since unfortunate propensities give some sort of advantage in your life, it's hard to just kill them. (This is the reason shortsighted guidance like "simply quit doing it" infrequently works.) 

All things being equal, you need to supplant a negative behavior pattern with another propensity that gives a comparative advantage. 

For instance, on the off chance that you smoke when you get focused on, at that point it's a terrible arrangement to "simply quit smoking" when that occurs. 

All things considered, you should concoct an alternate method to manage pressure and supplement that new conduct as opposed to having a cigarette. 

Conclusion -

All in all, unfortunate propensities address certain necessities in your day to day existence. 

What's more, therefore, it's smarter to supplant your unfortunate propensities with a more beneficial conduct that tends to that equivalent need. 

On the off chance that you anticipate that yourself should essentially remove negative behavior or bad deeds. patterns without supplanting them, at that point you'll have certain requirements that will be neglected and it will be difficult to adhere to a daily practice of "simply don't do it" for extremely long.