
Thursday, 6 February 2025

The Caste System and the Role of Brahmins in Modern India

Historically the Caste System Brahmin maintained power through Caste System Brahmin dominating social hierarchy with privileged Caste System Brahmin and influencing sacred Caste System Brahmin traditions.

Mantra sayer Brahmin declared the Brahmin like, the deva-like, the bounded, the breaker of bounds and the Brahmin outcast.

Caste System Brahmin  - How becomes a Caste System Brahmin  Brahma-like? 
Take the case, of a Brahmin who is well born on both sides, pure in descent as far back as seven generations, both of mother and father, unchallenged and without reproach in point of birth -he for eight and forty years leads to the Brahma-life of virginity, applying himself to the teacher's fee for teaching according to Dhamma, not Non-Dhamma.

And what there is Dhamma?  Never as ploughman nor a trader nor cowherd nor bowman nor rajah's man nor by any craft, but solely by going about for alms, despising not the beggars bowl.

And he hands over the teacher's fee for teaching, has his hair-beard shaved off, dons the yellow robe and goes forth from the home to the homeless life. 

And thus gone forth, he abides in mind pervading with amity one world quarter, so a second, a third, a forth, then above, below, athwart, everywhere, the whole wide world he pervades with thoughts of amity, far reaching, expensive, measureless, without hatred or ill will.

And having made these four Brahma - abiding become, on the breaking up of the body after death, he arises in the well faring Brahma world. Thus Brahmin becomes Brahma-like.

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Facts About Brahmins And How Becomes A Brahmin Deva-Like?

Take the case if a Brahmin of similar birth and conduct.  He does not get a living by ploughing and so forth, but by going about for alms.  

He hands over the teachers fee for teaching and seeks a wife according to Dhamma, not Non-Dhamma.

And what then is Dhamma? Not with one bought or solid, but only with a Brahmini on whom water has been poured. 

And he goes only to a Brahmini, not to the daughter of an outcast, hunter, bamboo worker, cart maker, or aboriginal, nor goes to a woman with child, nor to one giving suck, nor to one not in her season.

And wherefore goes not Brahmin to one with child? If he go, the boy or girl will surely be foully born, therefore he goes not. And wherefore goes he not to one giving suck? I

f he go, the boy or girl will surely be an unclean suckling, therefore he goes not.

And wherefore goes he not to one not in her season? If a Brahmin go to one not in her season, never for him does the Brahmini become a means for lust for sport, for pleasure, the Brahmini is for the Brahmin just as a means to beget offspring. 

And when in wedlock he has begotten he has his hair beard shaved off and goes forth.

And being thus gone forth, aloof from sensuous appetites ,he enters and abides in the first fourth musing he enters and abides in the first fourth musing . 

And having made these four musings become on breaking up of the body after death, he arises in the well faring heaven world. Thus a Brahmin becomes deva-like.

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Brahmin Religion And How Becomes A Brahmin Brahmin Bounded?

Take the case of a Brahmin of similar birth and conduct.. Who weds in like manner.. And when in wedlock he has begotten a child, the fondness for children obsesses him and he settles on the family estate, and does not go forth from the home to the homeless life.

In the bounds of the Brahmin of old he stays nor transgresses them., and it is said :within bounds he keeps and transgresses not. 

And therefore the Brahmin is called bounded. Thus the Brahmin becomes bounded.

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Brahman And How becomes A Brahmin A Breaker Of Bounds?

Take the case of a Brahmin of similar birth and conduct... He hands over the teacher's fee and seeks a wife either according to Dhamma or non Dhamma : one bought or sold or Brahmini on whom the water pouring ceremony has been performed.

He goes to a Brahmini or to the daughter of a noble or a low caste man or a serf., to the daughter of an outcast or a hunter or a bamboo worker or a craft maker or an aboriginal., he goes to a woman with child, to one giving suck, to one in her season, to one not in her season., and for him the Brahmini becomes just a means for lust, for sport and for pleasure or to beget offspring.

And he keeps not within the ancient Brahmin bounds, but transgresses them., and it is said :He keeps not within bounds but transgresses, 'and therefore he is called a breaker of bounds. 

Thus the Brahmin becomes a breaker of bounds.

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Top Brahmin And How Becomes A Brahmin A Brahmin Outcast?

Take the case of a Brahmin of similar birth, he for eight and forty years leads the Brahma-life of virginity ,applying himself to the mantras, then completing that course, he seeks the teachings fee for teaching., as ploughman, trader, cowherd, bowman, rajah's man or by some craft or, despising not the beggars bowl, just by going about for alms.

On handing back the teacher's fee, he seeks a wife according to Dhamma or non Dhamma., one bought or sold or a Brahmini on whom water has been poured. He goes to a Brahmini or any other woman.. one with child, giving suck and so forth.. and she is for him a means for lust.. or to beget offspring. 

He leads a life doing all these things. Then the Brahmans say thus of him :How is it that an honourable Brahmin leads this sort of life?

And to this he replied :Just as fire burns clean things or unclean, but not by that is the fire defiled., even so, good sirs, if a Brahmin lead a life doing all these things, not by that is a Brahmin defiled. 

And it is said :He leads a life doing all these things, 'and therefore he is called a Brahmin outcast. Thus a Brahmin becomes a Brahmin outcast.

Conclusion -

He abides in mind pervading with pity sympathy poise, one world quarter, so a second, a third, a fourth,then above, below, athwart, everywhere, the whole wide world he pervades with thoughts of pity, sympathy and poise, far reaching, expensive, measureless, without hatred or ill will. These are the top caste system Brahmins in the Indian society.