
Saturday, 8 February 2025

Social justice for Indian women movement

Indian Women
Indian women empower Indian women through education, Indian women drive social change, and Indian women inspire future generations.

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Indian Women -
women constituting nearly half of the population have to be treated under a separate heading since the Indian society like most other societies has been male-dominated and has subjected Indian Women too many liability and disabilities through the ages.

The tremendous changes that have occurs in the role status and position women in the Indian society since he middle of the 19th Century have to be analysed in brief .

The efforts made by individual and if stations to improve the status of women from the beginning of the 19th Century up to Independence and the matter of history .

There have been significant in various aspects relating to women since independence .

They are brief fly outline in the following paragraph .

In addition the current problem of rape Dowry and working women are treated in separate paragraph.

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Unemployment is the tragedy of country.

Role And Status Of Women 

The role of women in the family had been gradually changing .

While most of the urban women still remains as a housewife the number of women as having the role of bread earner for the family is steadily increasing .

In this context it is ultimately to note that ruler women have always been co-worker along with man in traditional agriculture .

In case of working women there has been no significant changes in their role in the matter of bringing up the children .

Provision of the scratches an appointment of servant maids for this purpose has produced qualitative changes in the role of women.

However not much change in the notice in the position of the daughter in law in the family and in the mutual relations among women in the family .

Did explain to some extent why dowry deaths are increasing instead of decreasing as a result of modernization.

As a result of education and Employment of women the relationship between the husband and wife in the family had also been altered in a different way .

While it cannot be said that roles have been exchanged between men and women in the family more and more men are coming forward to share the house chores with their women.

Regarding the status of women in the society a significant change in the attitude in noticeable.

Women do not feel the Earth for seclusion and fear as in the past.

Men tend to treat women with better understanding and respect .

The status achieved by women through education and Employment is duly recognised in the most cases .

How your this is not to say that women do not face any problem in the society.

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History of social problems in India.

The Problem Of Working Women 

The central Advisory Committee on employment of women met in August 1983 and has recommended certain major States to deal with three importance problem relating to working women .

One relate to the enforcement of the equal remuneration act.

The committee has recommended appointing prominent women social workers as a enquiry magistrate and Inspector to supervise the implementation of this act .

Regarding II problem of harassment of women in office and other white collar jobs the same on a Legally magistrates maybe the power to enquire into complaints of this nature .

III problem description by which committee refers to the large scale displacement women workers from the organised sector into in informal and contractual sector.

At present 22% of the total employment in the organises sectors go to the woman .

But there is a increasing tendency on the part of the private sector and public sector management to discharge women employee as a result of technology changes.

The Advisory Committee has set up study group to collect statistic on employment of women and unemployment of potential for women in industry.

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Education and Employment Of Women

There has been all round improvement in women's education since the beginning of the century.

The percentage of girls in the total Primary School enrollment has increased from 10% in 1901 tomorrow then 40% now .

Women teachers are appointed in ruler school with a view of to encouraging girls education .

At the level of secondary school although the percentage of enrolment of girls is definite less than that of boys it is found girls are able to complete with boys in in textual and other achievements .

In many school and colleges girl students outside boy and top the rank.

The Education Commission of 1966 recommended special step for promotion of women's education .

It is noticed that the number of women getting to it and taking two full-scale research as their profession is increasing.

Need of women in traditional occupation such as spinning weaving agriculture dairy and animal husbandry which has been going on since time in memorial has not experience much changes in the modern India.

How your effort has been made to improve the working condition and remuneration of the traditional women labourer .

Employment of women in the factory mine increasing in absolute numbers.

Largely outside the scope of women for example commerce trade legal profession manager post and police and military establishment .

The recent National scheme of training of rural youth and self employment had covered a large number of womens the new urban education employment scheme also give special consideration for women self employment.

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Donate Aim freedom to all.

Legislation Regarding Women 

Legislation has played a notable role in the bringing about improvement in the role and status of women .

The server disabilities from which Indian women suffered at the beginning of the 19th Century where to numerous and district and have been gradually removed through laws and successive amendment .

Lord Bentinck at the instance of Ram Mohan Roy abolished Sati through at regulation in 1829 the Civil Marriage Act of 1872 the married women's Property Act of 1874 and the Age of Consent Act of 1881 lead to the gradual emancipation of women in the India.

The child marriage restaurant Sharda act 1929 has recently been amended to rise the marriageable age for boys and girls to 21 and 18 respectively .

The marriage validation act of 1892 and the special Marriage Act of 1954 permit inter caste and inter religious marriages .

The Hindu Marriage Act 1955 is a major social legislation covering all aspects of Hindu marriage including evolution of bigamy and provision of divorce for women .

It has been recently amended to live rise the provision in the favour of women .

The gains of learning act 1930 protect individual women's earning in a joint Hindu family The Hindu Succession Act 1956 confers property rights on women.

The Hindu adoption and maintenance act 1956 in hands the status of women in the matter of adoption .

The dowry prohibition Act 1961 complete the list .

The Indian Constitution assert the equality of sex and prohibit discrimination solely on the ground of sex .

The equal remuneration act of 1976 provides for payment of equal remuneration for the main and women performing the same job .

The factory made main act 1976 provide for compulsory establishment of creches where at least 30 Women are employed .

The Maternity Benefit Act 1961 now cover all women who do not enjoy the benefit of the employees Insurance Scheme.

Conclusion -

The removal of disabilities of the women and betterment of working condition of  Indian Women have been brought about through legislation .

However since implementation of laws depend much on the social attitude.

Statement that registration in itself cannot bring about social change.