
Wednesday 24 January 2024

The problem of Political Corruption in Nation

Political Corruption

Political Corruption - Where there is power, there is bound to be misuse of power, i. e. Corruption . Political corruption  is not a mordern phenomenon. 

Political Corruption -  The problem of political corruption  - corruptions as misuse of authority as widely been prevalent in India and else where since ages however the menace of political corruption is a post independent phenomenon political corruption  refer to the corrupt practice included in by political leaders mainly the rulers and members of the ruling party it is differentiated from administrative corruption not merely by the fact that the latter is restored to by bureaucracy and the officials but also by the more important fact that political corruption  is ephemeral exclusive and indefinite period to administrative corruption.

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Nature Of Corruption 

The ruler the member and leader of ruling parties and leaders of other political parties resort to political corruption within the Framework provided by their circumstances use of activity governmental and political for any purpose other than those for which it is mint lead to corruption even within the legal Framework that is four corner of law authority can be misused by the political leadership the different forms of political corruption  such as bribery Nepotism favouritism misuse of official machinery undue influence on official unconscionable use of patronage infer political practices unwarranted claims for villagers status interference with the due process of law etc patronage  of corruption have developed in innumerable ways kick back pay of commissions compulsory donation advertisement in souvenirs in addition to bribes in cash and kind.

The role of the ruling party 

The high constitutional functionaries of India v i z the president and the governors who are protected from arrest and detention during their terms of office have rarely saved the best examples of political integrity and rectitude -  even they have been accused of corruption in various forms many ministers constituting the government at the centre and in the states have not been free from the charges of corruptions practice individually and collectively the leaders of ruling party have often been leading luxuries  lives unjustified by the normal means of livelihood even lower level leaders and members of ruling party of fun trying to rip the maximum advantage using the name of their party all ruling parties freely collecting amount of donation from party funds and election funds main of the appointment for lower lower official post now a days being made at the behest of ruling party politicians and leaders the tendency of ruling party MLAs and MPs interfering with the transfer of the official has almost become proverbial dependent of treating officers as subordinates and personal servants notice in some high level non-official and leaders of ruling parties.

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The Role Of Opposition Parties In Corruption 

Despite basic antagonism between the ruling party and the opposition party much give and take prevails among the political leaders sometimes brtibes beings given to opposition leader in addition to ministers this opposition political leader really committed to exposing of corruptions and candles often fail handicapped by the Kumbhar cumbersome procedure and difficulty in securing convictions the forum of Legislature not too often used for exposing corruption the tendency of gloss over different corrupt practices owes much to the convenience of all political leaders.

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Causes Of Corruption 

The  motivational causes of all corrupt practices are the same v i z.  greed human weakness lack of morality etc however the circumstances enabling political corruption  are different from those applicable to administrative corruption much increase in the circumstances since independence decline of political morality absence of stringent anti corruption clause the general climate of corruption the rate Race for fifthy lucre deep river Island attitude which treats politics not as a service but as an opportunity to make a while the sun shines some politicians have gone to the extent of justifying corruption saying that since they invest hug amount of money for getting a post political legislative or ministerial they have a right to recover their investment with manifold profit politics as a business political will to stop the rot conspicuously absent despite the tall talk the vicious circle of corruption and corruption spiral.

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Effect Of Corruption 

The impact of political corruption seem all around in the political sphere and in other spheres of life as well no more respect for politician the moral fibre of the Nation's seriously weekend the political system becoming moth eaten from inside efficiency and honesty at a discount since they do not pay as much as corrupt practices political corruption leading to linked with administrative corruption some may argue that the permisiveness generated by political corruption is responsible for the Rapid development of the Indian economy the weakening of the administration including the anti-corruption Agencies and the politicians

Step to fight corruption 

Half-hearted steps initiated all along code of conduct for political parties including internal democracy audit of party funds etc not there the problem of high cost of election not tackled no all party conferences Convent to discuss the issue of political corruption seriously states like dropping corrupt ministers conducting Income Tax raids on corrupt politicians etc desirable the anti-corruption Agencies Like The Central Bureau of Investigation and anti corruption Bureau of states not allowed to tackle the political corruption effectively peoples Vigilance bodies not very effective the recommendations of some of the commission including Santhanam commissions Shah commissions etc.

Conclusion :-

Regarding state to tackle political corruption still gathering dost the introduction of of ombudsman type institutions in India Lok Ayukta functioning in some of the states but in no state has this institution made discernible impact the long history of efforts to create Lokpal.