Creator Of The Universe - The Great Philosopher Kapila denied the theory that there was a being who Creator Of The Universe.
Creator Of The Universe - What then is the source of the Creator Of The Universe.? The empirical universe consists of things evolved (Vyakta) and things that are not evolved (Avyakta).
Individual things(Vyakta Vastu )can not be the source of unevolved things(Avyakta Vastu ).
Things that have evolved have a cause and the things that have not evolved have also a cause,
just as other things of whole existence there is no doubt,cannot be perceived;
- or because of their too great a distance
- or proximity; or though the intervention of a third object,
- or though admixture with a semilar matter;
- or though the presence of some more powerful Sensation
- or the blindness
- or other defect of the senses or the mind of the observer.
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The process of development of the unevolved is though the activities of three constituents of which it is made up,
(3)Tama's is called three Gunas.
The three constituents act essentially in close relation,they overpower and support one another and intermingle with one another.
They are like the constituents of a lamp,the flame,the oil and wick.
When the three Gun as are in perfect balance, none overpowering the other,the universe appears static(Achetan ) and creases to evolve, when the three Gun as are not in balance, one overpowers the other the universe become dynamic (Sachetan ) and evolution begins
The invocations are mere prayer for help against enemies, for gift of wealth, for accepting the offering of food,flesh and wine from the devotee.
The three constituents act essentially in close relation,they overpower and support one another and intermingle with one another.
They are like the constituents of a lamp,the flame,the oil and wick.
When the three Gun as are in perfect balance, none overpowering the other,the universe appears static(Achetan ) and creases to evolve, when the three Gun as are not in balance, one overpowers the other the universe become dynamic (Sachetan ) and evolution begins
The invocations are mere prayer for help against enemies, for gift of wealth, for accepting the offering of food,flesh and wine from the devotee.
These vedic sages were
5.Dirghatamas, Narayan.
The main problems of these vedic philosophers were:
The main problems of these vedic philosophers were:
- How did the world originate?
- In what manner were individual things created?
- Why have they their unity and existence? Who created,and who ordinate? From what did the world spring up and to what again will it return ?
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The King Of The Universe
Aghamarsana said that the world was created out of Tapas(heat).
Tapas was the creative principle from which eternal law and truth were born.
From these were produced the night(Tama's).
Tama's produced water and from water originate time. Time gave birth to the sun , and the moon ,the heaven and the earth,the firmament and light and ordained the days and night.
Brahmanaspati postulated the genesis of being from non - being By the tern non -existance, he denoted apparently the infinite.
Brahmanaspati postulated the genesis of being from non - being By the tern non -existance, he denoted apparently the infinite.
The existent originally sprang up from the nonexistent.
The nonexistent (as at, nones) was the permanent foundation of all that is existent (sat, en's)and of all that is possible and yet non existent (as at).
Prajapati started with problem :Did being come out of non- being?
Prajapati started with problem :Did being come out of non- being?
His view was what this was an irrelevant question.
For him water was the original substances of that which exists.
For him the original matter_water_came neither under the defination of being nor under that of non- being.
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Anila was another vedic philosopher. To him the principal element was air(vayu).
It possesses the inherent capacity for movement.
It is endowed with the generating principle.
Dirghtamas maintained that all living beings rest and depend ultimately on the sun.
Dirghtamas maintained that all living beings rest and depend ultimately on the sun.
The sun held up and propelled by its inherent force went backward and forward.
The sun composed of a grey colored substance and so are lightning and fire.
The sun lightning and fire formed the germ of water .water forms germs of plants,such were the view of Dirghatamas
According to Narayana ,purusha(God) is the first cause of the universe.
According to Narayana ,purusha(God) is the first cause of the universe.
- It is form purusha that the sun ,
- the moon,
- the earth,
- water,
- fire,
- air,
- mid_air,
- the sky,
- the regions ,
- the seasons,
- the creatures of the air,
- all animals,
- all classes of men,
- and all human institution, had originated.
Hiranyagarbha ,form doctrinals point of views he stood midway between Parjapati and Narayanas.
He means the golden germ. It was the great power of universe, from which all other powers and existences, devine and earthly were derived.
Their theories were mere speculations not based on logic nor facts.
Their theories were mere speculations not based on logic nor facts.
Their contribution to philosophy created no social values.
Thus the great philosopher Kapila and Budhha rejected the philosophy of the vedic rishis as useless.
But the kapila prove that for purposes of proving the truth only two meaning of proof
Kapila said the empirical universe, world consists of things evolved(vyakta) and things that are not evolved(avyakta).
The disturbance in the balance of the three Gunas was due to the presence of Dukha(suffering).
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The disturbance in the balance of the three Gunas was due to the presence of Dukha(suffering).
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Nama-Rupa is a collective name for a sentient being.
Nama Kaya
A sentient being is a compound thing consisting of a certain physical element and certain mental elements. They are called"Khandas".
The Rupa khandas primary consists of the physical elements such as earth,water,fire and air.
They constitute the Body or Rupa.This Nama Khandas is called Vinana or consciousnesses.
This Nama Khan days includes the three mental elements
This Nama Khan days includes the three mental elements
(1) Vedana (sensation) springing from contact of the six sense with the world),
(2) Sanna (perception),
(3) Sankhara (state of mind),
(4) Chetana (consciousness) is sometimes spoken of along with the three other mental states as being one of them.
A modern psychologist would say that consciousness is the mainspring from which other psychological phenomenona arise.
A modern psychologist would say that consciousness is the mainspring from which other psychological phenomenona arise.
Rupa Kaya
Vinana is the center of a sentient being. It is true that consciousness arises with Birth and dies with death.
Vinana is the center of a sentient being. It is true that consciousness arises with Birth and dies with death.
Wherever there was Rupa or Kaya,there was consciousness accompanying it.
To give an analogy from science,there is an electric field and wherever there is an electric field,it is always accompanied by a magnetic field.
To give an analogy from science,there is an electric field and wherever there is an electric field,it is always accompanied by a magnetic field.
No one knows How the magnetic field is created or how it arises.
But it always exists along with the electric field.
Conclusion -
Why should not the same relationship be said to exist between body and consciousness?
Conclusion -
Why should not the same relationship be said to exist between body and consciousness?
The magnetic field in relation to electric field is called an induced field.
Why cannot consciousness be called an induced field in relation to Rupa-Kaya ?
Many Religion in the world believe in the words of God. God is a Creator Of The Universe.or cause.