
Friday, 9 June 2023

Doing Good Deeds for self improvement

Good Deeds - Even a good man sees evil days so long as his good deeds does not ripen,but which his good deeds ripen,then the good man see good things.

Good Deeds - Far surpassing the fragrance of sandal or incense or Lotus or Jasmine is the fragrance of "Virtue".  Good deeds gives positive result.

Faint is the fragrance of incense and sandal,but the fragrance of "Virtue"ascends to the highest place.

Do deed,Be no party to evil.

Commit no Sin.

If a man should do that which is good, let him do it again and again, let him turn the desires of his  heart thereto.

Happy is the heaping of good.

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Good Deeds Buddhism 

Let no man think highly of good, saying in his heart, it will not come right unto me.

Even by the felling of water drops a water- pot is filled, the wise man become full of good, even if he gathers it little by little.

Think not casually of the good saying. It will not come to me .

Drop by drop is the water-pot filled.By little added to little does grow. 

But well done is that deed which brings one no regrets,the fruit whereof is received with delight and satisfaction.
Well done is the deed which done bring no regrets,the fruit whereof is received with delight and satisfaction. 

If a man does what is good, Let him to do it again .

Let him delight in it,the accumulation of good is delightful. 

Treat not highly of evil,saying it will not come to me.

Drop by drop is the water pot filled.

By little added to little evil accumulates.             

FOLLOW the law of" VIRTUE" do not follow that of Sin

The " Virtue' rests in bliss in the World.

From lust is born sorrow,from lust is born fear.

To him who is wholly free from lust there is neither sorrow nor fear.

Hunger is the worst of component disease,existance the worst of distress.

This knowing in according with truth and fact,NIBBANA or LIBERATION becomes the high test happiness.

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Good Deeds Everyman

Together, we go out into the network with confidence that our administration will bring harmony and comfort, and possibly a wonder or two for those out of luck (and maybe for ourselves.) 

No issue your interests, your aptitudes, or your area, we have ventures that are appropriate for you. 

  • Serve kids, 
  • creatures, 
  • the old and impaired. 
  • Care for the climate. 
  • Feed the hungry. 
  • Welcome the outsider. 

Educate. Cook. Play. Embrace. Tune in. Care. Be one of almost 1,000 gatherers who volunteer huge number of administration hours consistently. 

Irregular Acts of Kindness 

At the point when a criving hits take a stab at diverting yourself for a couple of moments by being useful to a companion, relative, collaborator, or complete outsider.

Put your neighbor's paper on the patio when you're out strolling your canine. Offer a caring remark to the supermarket checkout individual, whose last client was cranky. 

Keep the door open for somebody with their hands full. 

Activities like these let you center around someone else's requirements. 

This makes it simpler to zero in less all alone for a second and adapt to a hankering until it passes. 

Great deeds like these take next to no time, cost you nothing, and help both of you feel better. 

Besides, great deeds can have benefits past encouraging you beat the desire to smoke. 

Carrying out something worth being thankful for causes you center your musings outward toward others. 

It causes you make a stride outside your own reality for a brief period. 

Performing great deeds can effectsly affect your wellbeing, such as diminishing pressure. 

Overseeing pressure can be a critical piece of stopping smoking. 

Being minding toward others causes you diminish your own pressure and may even assistance you live more! 

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Plan to Do Good Deeds Karma

Great deeds are done deliberately. 

That is not quite the same as not accomplishing something you may ordinarily do, as not shouting at another driver who cuts you off. 

That doesn't consider a decent deed. Some great deeds take arranging. 

Arranging causes you focus and be aware of the great deed you're doing.

It likewise encourages you be aware of the other individual's requirements. 

You may help companions or relatives by getting things done or assisting with youngster care. 

Make a few treats for an individual who helped you out. Clean the house or cook supper for a more established companion or relative. 

Great deeds like these take some arranging and assist you with understanding what fulfills the other individual. 

You additionally can carry out beneficial things for absolute aliens to make their lives somewhat better. 

Or on the other hand surrendering a portion of your leisure time to chip in, regardless of whether it's serving at a soup kitchen, tidying up litter, or taking older individuals to the market. 

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Good Deeds For The Day

Leave your first check of the year alone to noble cause. 

Help a companion out of luck. 

Volunteer for an hour at an association of your decision. 

Spare power by unplugging your gadgets when not being used. 

Purchase a present for your mom or grandma – on the grounds that. 

Permit an individual driver to converge into your path. 

Compose a card to say thanks to somebody who won't anticipate it. 

Find unneeded things in your home and give them to an altruistic association. 

Plant a tree. 

Consider something you progress admirably, and utilize your ability to profit others – for instance performing enchantment stunts at a kids' clinic or playing music at a nursing home. 

Show an old individual to utilize a PC to ride the Internet or compose messages. 

Arrange a family supper and value being together

Gather squishy toys or toys from relatives, companions, and neighbors and give them to an association that helps youngsters. 

At the point when you are outside, stop and check out you. 

Set aside some effort to acknowledge nature

Discover a bit of winter apparel that you haven't worn the entire season, and give it to a foundation. 

Give an old mobile phone. 

Be naturally cognizant – utilize the two sides of the paper prior to discarding it. 

Offer to cook or clean for the group of somebody who has as of late conceived an offspring. 

Consider at any rate three things you should be grateful for in your life. 

Pursue a CPR course. 

Plant a vegetable nursery, and give the vegetables to a food storeroom. 

Gather duffle packs, short-term sacks, and bags from companions and give them to associations that send them to youngsters in child care. 

Add yourself to a bone marrow vault and partake in a bone marrow drive. 

Get garbage from the walkway. 

Offer to peruse to or mess around with somebody living in a nursing or retirement home. 

Give blood. 

Ration energy. Mood killer the lights in case you're the last individual to leave a room. 

Spare articles about individuals performing thoughtful gestures as a wellspring of motivation and inspiration for you and your family. 

Choose to roll out one improvement in yourself that will make you a superior individual. 

Bite the bullet and apologize for something you've done – regardless of whether large or little. 

Take food to another neighbor. 

Partake in an education program, to help kids or grown-ups figure out how to peruse. 

Give school supplies to kids from oppressed homes. 

  • Gather little cleansers, 
  • shampoos, 
  • antiperspirants, 
  • and other little toiletries, 
  • and give them to battered ladies' sanctuaries, recovery habitats for youngsters, 
  • or different spots that would profit by them. 

Give your old eyeglasses to an association that will reuse them. 

Treat a companion to supper. 

Return a call you have been putting off. 

Give 10% of your compensation to good cause. 

Volunteer at a soup kitchen. 

Pick up the telephone in a happy voice. 

Reuse whatever paper, containers, and plastic things conceivable. 

Hold a cause day at work. Empower your partners and bosses to get durable things to be given to a worthwhile motivation. 

Turn the tap off when you're shaving, brushing your teeth, or cleaning the dishes – each drop checks. 

Take public vehicle as opposed to driving. 

Embrace a haven creature. 

Make a twofold group of something scrumptious and freezable and offer it to a more established neighbor who doesn't cook for oneself as much any longer. 

Conclusion -

Change your lights to the energy-proficient assortment. 

Get some information about their day. 

Hold the entryway open for an outsider. 

Recognition an associate's decent work. 


At the point when you're out purchasing food, buy an additional thing to give to a food wash room or to a vagrant. In this way everybody should try to follow the way of  good deeds in everyday in everywhere to all.

Thursday, 8 June 2023

Secret doctrine of creator of the Universe .

Creator Of The Universe - The Great Philosopher Kapila denied the theory that there was a being who Creator Of The Universe.

Creator Of The Universe - What then is the source of the Creator Of The Universe.? The empirical universe consists of things evolved (Vyakta) and things that are not evolved  (Avyakta).

Individual things(Vyakta Vastu )can not be the source of unevolved things(Avyakta Vastu ).

An effect must differ from its cause,though it must consist of the cause.

Things that have evolved have a cause and the things that have not evolved have also a cause,

just as other things of whole existence there is no doubt,cannot be perceived; 
  • or because of their too great a distance 
  • or proximity; or though the intervention of a third object, 
  • or though admixture with a semilar matter;
  • or though the presence of some more powerful  Sensation   
  • or the blindness 
  • or other defect of the senses or the mind of the observer. 
This post is about to the problem of creator of Universe , this post give you better solution on the topic of reality about secret creation philosophy of universe.

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Beginning Of The Universe 

The process of development of the unevolved is though the activities of three constituents of which it is made up,
(3)Tama's is called three Gunas.

The three constituents act essentially in close relation,they overpower and support one another and intermingle with one another.

They are like the constituents of a lamp,the flame,the oil and wick.

When the three Gun as are in perfect balance, none overpowering the other,the universe appears static(Achetan ) and creases to evolve, when the three Gun as are not in balance, one overpowers the other the universe become dynamic (Sachetan ) and evolution begins

The invocations are mere prayer for help against enemies, for gift of wealth, for accepting the offering of food,flesh and wine from the devotee. 

These vedic sages were 
5.Dirghatamas, Narayan.

The main problems of these vedic philosophers were: 
  • How did the world originate? 
  • In what manner were individual things created? 
  • Why have they their unity and existence? Who created,and who ordinate? From what did the world spring up and to what again will it return ?

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The King Of The Universe 

Aghamarsana said that the world was created out of Tapas(heat).

Tapas was the creative principle from which eternal law and truth were born. 

From these were produced the night(Tama's). 

Tama's produced water and from water originate time. Time gave birth to the sun , and the moon ,the heaven and the earth,the firmament and light and ordained the days and night.

Brahmanaspati postulated the genesis of being from non - being By the tern non -existance, he denoted apparently the infinite. 

The existent originally sprang up from the nonexistent. 

The nonexistent (as at, nones) was the permanent foundation of all that is existent (sat, en's)and of all that is possible and yet non existent (as at).

Prajapati started with problem :Did being come out of non- being? 

His view was what this was an irrelevant question. 

For him water was the original substances  of that which exists. 

For him the original matter_water_came neither under the defination of being nor under that of non- being.

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Should you donate to charity ?

Rular Of The Universe 

Anila was another vedic philosopher. To him the principal element was air(vayu).

It possesses the inherent capacity for movement. 

It is endowed with the generating principle.

Dirghtamas maintained that all living beings rest and depend ultimately on the sun. 

The sun held up and propelled by its inherent force went backward and forward.

The sun composed of a grey colored substance and so are lightning and fire.

The sun lightning and fire formed the germ of water .water forms germs of plants,such were the view of Dirghatamas

According to Narayana ,purusha(God) is the first cause of the universe. 
  • It is form purusha that the sun ,
  • the moon, 
  • the earth, 
  • water,
  • fire,
  • air,
  • mid_air,
  • the sky, 
  • the regions , 
  • the seasons, 
  • the creatures of the air,
  • all animals,
  • all classes of men,
  • and all human institution, had originated.

Hiranyagarbha ,form doctrinals point of views he stood midway between Parjapati and Narayanas. 

He means the golden germ. It was the great power of universe, from which all other powers and existences, devine and earthly were derived.

Their theories were mere speculations not based on logic nor facts. 

Their contribution to philosophy created no social values. 

Thus the great philosopher Kapila and Budhha rejected  the philosophy of the vedic rishis as useless. 

But the kapila prove that for purposes of proving the truth only two meaning of proof 

Kapila said the empirical universe, world consists of things evolved(vyakta) and things that are not evolved(avyakta).

The disturbance in the balance of the three Gunas was due to the presence of Dukha(suffering).

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Roll of Inference In Perception

Creator Of The Universe In Legends

Nama-Rupa is a collective name for a sentient being. 

Nama Kaya 

A sentient being is a compound thing consisting of a certain physical element and certain mental elements. They are called"Khandas".

The Rupa khandas primary consists of the physical elements such as earth,water,fire and air. 

They constitute the Body or Rupa.This Nama Khandas is called Vinana or consciousnesses.

This Nama Khan days includes the three mental elements 
(1) Vedana (sensation) springing from contact of the six sense with the world),
(2) Sanna (perception), 
(3) Sankhara (state of mind),
(4) Chetana (consciousness) is sometimes spoken of along with the three other mental states as being one of them.

A modern psychologist would say that consciousness is  the   mainspring from which other psychological phenomenona arise.

Rupa Kaya 

Vinana is the center of a sentient being. It is true that consciousness arises with Birth and dies with death. 

Wherever there was Rupa or Kaya,there was consciousness accompanying it.

To give an analogy from science,there is an electric field and wherever there is an electric field,it is always accompanied by a magnetic field. 

No one knows  How  the magnetic field is created or how it arises. 

But it always exists along with the electric field.

Conclusion -

Why should not the same relationship be said to exist between body and consciousness? 

The magnetic field in relation to electric field is called an induced field. 

Why cannot consciousness be called an induced field in relation to Rupa-Kaya ?

Many Religion in the world believe in the words of God. God is a Creator Of The Universe.or cause.

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

3 of kingdoms of heaven ,earth, hell

Kingdom Of Heaven | God - Everyone should know about the kingdom of heaven | God, kingdom of earth, kingdom of hell powers and principles.

Kingdom Of Heaven - What is the purpose of RELIGION? Different religions have different answers. 

To make man seeks after GOD and to teach him importance of saving his soul is the commonest answer one gets to this QUESTION. 

Most religions speak of THREE KINGDOMS. 

Types of Kingdom :

One is called the kingdom of heaven | God

The second is called the kingdom of earth,.

The third is called the kingdom of hell

The Kingdom of HELL is described to be a place where the SUPERMACY of the EVIL on is undisputed.

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Kingdom Of God 

The Kingdom of EARTH is a disputed field. It is not under dominance of the EVIL one.

 At the same time GODS sovereignt does not extend to it .It is hoped that one day it WILL.

The aim in the life should be to reach some imaginary HEAVEN.  

The Kingdom of RIGHTEOUSNESS lie on earth and is to be reached by MAN by righteous conduct. 

To remove their MISERY each one must learn to be righteous in his conduct in relation to others and there by make the EARTH the KINGDOM OF RIGHTEOUSNESS .

The mans misery is the result of mans INEQUITY and the RESULTANT MISERY. 

Religion must not only peach but must inculcate UPON the mind of MAN the SUPREME  necessity  for ubeing righteous in his CONDUCT. 

For the purpose of inculcating righteousness RELIGION, had certain other functions to UNDERTAKE.

RELIGION must teach man to know what is RIGHT and follow what is RIGHT.

Religion must teach man to know what is WRONG and not to follow what is WRONG

The first is training of mans instincts and DISPOSITIONS  as distinguished from  offering PRAYERS or performing OBSERVATIONS or doing SACRIFICES, of a purge for former MISDEEDS,

What is the use of not committing fresh MISDEEDS

if there is no  training of the mind to turn BAD DISPOSITION into GOOD DISPOSITIONS.

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Kingdom Of  Hell 

Realm Keys Ministry is a Christian group dependent on the expression of god. 

For we are God's picked individuals, 
  • a regal brotherhood, 
  • a sacred country, 
  • God's unique belonging. 
We pronounce the gestures of recognition of Him who called us out of obscurity into His superb light. 

Realm keys withdraws are piously made on the shrewdness of God, by His insight each retreat is set up and by His seeing all the offices of Kingdom Keys withdraws are loaded up with all wonderful profound wealth and excellent endowments. 

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It is our Lord The God all-powerful that picks His kin and will draw them through His Holy Spirit unto the Kingdom Keys Retreats. 

He will experience His kin and convict them of His uprightness with the goal that they will be moved unto contrition, wherein there is pardoning of their transgressions. 

He will draw His kin close unto Himself through our Savior, our Redeemer our Lord Jesus Christ. 

The master Jesus Christ is the way and thusly He will show His kin the way , He is reality and by His fact He will liberate His kin, He is the life and He will give His kin the wealth of life that must be found in Him. 

Through the valuable blood of Jesus Christ we can come strongly into his sacred presence and assemble our own and cozy relationship with our Heavenly Father. 

The Holy Spirit is the most valuable blessing we get from our God, he is our guide, He shows us all things we require to know in Him and aides us in all reality. 

We are his workmanship and we feel profoundly regarded that we can serve our Lord Jesus Christ in quite a unique manner.

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Kingdom Of Earth 

The individuals of the Earth Kingdom are pleased and solid and hold fast to a way of thinking of tranquil concurrence and collaboration with different countries of the world. 

Earth benders utilize their capacities for safeguard and industry and savagely shielded their urban communities against Fire Nation assaults during the Hundred Year War.

It likewise has a huge economy dependent on agribusiness and restricted industry, however it isn't as monetarily ground -breaking as the Fire Nation, which profits by cutting edge innovation. 

The Earth Kingdom is described by huge ethnic and social variety, an outcome of the nation's huge regional breadth. 

Subsequently, it experiences elevated levels of nearby self -rule and ethnic clash, the two of which started quickening as the focal government became powerless. 

In spite of this division, the individuals' acknowledgment of the Earth Kingdom as a solitary political element is generally fortified through the public faith in a common history and personality

The Earth Kingdom since quite a while ago withstood infringements on their fringes in the Fire Nation's very long term colonialist war. 

Heaven In Christianity

Christianity is the largest religion practiced in the world today. It is the religion of nearly 2 billion people

Heaven is a place of eternal, everlasting, physical, blissful joy in Christianity. 

There is no hell in Christianity. 

  1. There is a heaven, 
  2. and that is the perfect, 
  3. loving, 
  4. welcoming home of everyone who has ever believed in Jesus Christ, 
  5. who has accepted him as their savior, 
  6. and who have made a commitment to follow him and his teachings. 

 It is the final destination of the righteous in many religions, and the ultimate reward for the virtuous in others. 

But what is heaven in Christianity? What does the Bible say about heaven, and what does it say about hell?

The Christian heaven is probably the most well-known afterlife destination in all of mythology. 

Heaven is where all believers go when they die. Gods and heroes go to heaven, and we can go there too. 

The idea of paradise is a big part of what makes the Christian heaven so appealing.

Heaven is a place or state of existence in religious belief. In Abrahamic religions, the heaven is often depicted as an enclosed space with bright light, beautiful scenery, and guardian angels. 

In contrast to this, some view heaven as a place of punishment or a state of suffering, often after death. 

Heaven is often viewed as a future place, in which the righteous will live eternally with God, but is also sometimes viewed as a place or state of existence in the present, as in the view of the Bhagavad Gita.

Heaven description

In many religions, heaven is described as a place of eternal bliss and joy. 

It is the final destination for those who have led good lives, where they will be rewarded for their actions. 

Some religions also describe a hell, which is a place of torment and punishment. 

It is the final destination for those who have led bad lives, where they will be punished for their actions.

The Gates of Heaven are a place where those who have been damned to the Hells are able to find a respite from their eternal suffering. 

The Gates of Heaven are a wondrous place, where the skies are a crystal blue and the grass is a bright green

The trees are tall and majestic, and the water is clear and pure. 

The Gates of Heaven are a place where those who have been good in life can go to enjoy their eternal reward, far away from the suffering of the Hells.

Most people on the planet live in a world that is far from perfect. 

They have to deal with difficult people, unfair circumstances, and other forms of adversity. 

Some people are able to avoid most of these difficulties, but most are not. Instead, they have to face them head-on and find ways to overcome them.

Today, I want to talk about the topic of religion. Specifically, the three major religions of Christainity: Heaven, Hell, and Earth. 

Each of these religions has its own set of rules, and each of them promises a unique experience for those who follow them. But which one is the right one?

You may have heard of heaven, a place where you go when you die. 

You may have also heard of hell, a place where you go when you sin. 

But have you ever heard of earth, the place where you go when you live? 

This is the place where you are born, grow up, and die.

The definition of a religion is a system of beliefs, practices, and rules used to worship a deity or a set of deities. 

The Christian religion is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. 

The Christian religion consists of heaven, hell, and the earth. The Christian heaven is the place where good people go when they die.

Some people believe in a heaven and a hell, the place where good people go when they die and the place where bad people go when they die. 

This is called Christainity. Other people believe that we live our lives on earth, and when we die, we go on to the next place. This is called atheism.

In Islam, the concepts of heaven and hell are very important

They are the rewards and punishments that a person experiences after they die, depending on how they lived their life. 

The earth is the place where a person lives between the time they are born and the time they die. 

It is the place where a person experiences life, good and bad, and where they have the opportunity to do the things that will bring them closer to Allah, the creator.

The concepts of heaven, hell, and the earth are among the most fundamental elements of human religious life and thought. 

They provide meaning and comfort to believers, and offer others a sense of direction and purpose. 

They also exert a powerful influence on our everyday lives, affecting the way we make decisions and behave, even if we are not believers. 

In the world's major religions, these three domains have been used as metaphors to describe the ultimate destinations that a person's soul goes to when they die. 

In the Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, these domains have played a particularly important role in shaping the moral systems of their followers.

The Islamic religion, like many others, has a concept of Heaven and Hell, and it’s a complex one. 

The concept of the afterlife is perhaps the most fascinating aspect of Islam. 

Muslims believe that when a person dies, his or her soul will travel to the afterlife, also known as the Hereafter or the Akhira. 

The afterlife is divided into a paradise, known as Jannah, and a harsh-like place called Jahannam. 

The Islamic afterlife has a lot of similarities to the Christian concept of heaven and hell.

Heading towards heaven or hell depends on what you do with the body and mind during life on Earth. In Jainism, the body and mind are not the same. 

The body is a temporary container for the soul which is eternal and cannot be destroyed. 

The actions of the body, therefore, have consequences for the soul.

The world is made up of three distinct regions – Heaven, Hell, and Earth. 

Each of them is governed by a distinct set of laws, and the actions that are rewarded or punished in each region differ as well. This is the fundamental teaching of Jainism.               

In Jainism, the world is believed to be a collection of tiny particles called ‘Jiva’.

The religion of Jainism believes that there are three levels of existence in the universe - heaven, hell and the earth. 

The souls of the Jains move between the levels at different times in their life. 

The ultimate goal of a soul is to achieve liberation from the cycle of reincarnation and become a part of the absolute, or Brahman, which is the unlimited and all-pervasive energy. 

The Jains believe that heaven and hell are in the earth and not in the skies.

In Jainism, heaven is the eternal blissful abode of the pious, hell is the place of torment and misery of the non-believers, and the earth is the place of birth and death. 

Jains believe that the world is an illusion and that ultimate reality is an infinite, timeless, and changeless spirit. 

This spirit is known as ātman in the ājīvā language and is the same for everyone, it is our true self. 

This spirit is eternal, and the only way to achieve happiness and liberation is to Realize our true self.

Conclusion -

Other than the Avatar, the Earth Kingdom was the main genuine obstruction that blocked the Fire Nation from accomplishing global control. 

The Kingdom of HEAVEN | God is said to be ruled by GOD.

In spite of the fact that the Water Tribe helped the Earth Kingdom in the War, the contention advanced inadequately and negatively affected them as the years passed.

Monday, 6 February 2023

Spiritual self-examination questions study

Spiritual Self Examination - An opportunity to self examination for yourself the essence of meditation techniques (mindfulness) in the life

Spiritual Self Examination - Everything must be subject to Spiritual Self Examination  and re-examination. Who elucidate and  exalt their own views, but they break up, crush down, revite and opposite the view of others. They to expound and magnify their own benefits, but destroy, suppress,despise,and themselves against the belifes of others. 

Good cause have to doubt. Truly, upon just occasion. has uncertainly and doubt arisen in you.

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Moral self examination step 

Do not go merely by what you hear
Do not go merely by what has been handed down from one to another,

Do not go by what is commenly reported,
Do not go merely by what is found written in the scriptures,do not go by subtleties of reasoning,             

Do not go by subtleties of logic,do not go merely by considerations based  upon mere apperance,
Do not go merely by agreeable beliefs and views ,

Do not go merely by words of some ascetic or superior.

Only when of yourselves you indeed know .These things are   in salutary, these things are blame -worthy these are reprehended by the wise,these things being done or attempted lead to ill-being and to suffering then you should put them away.

But consider whether the beliefs and views sought to be inculcated are salutary or in salutary, blameworthy or blameless, lead to well being or I'll being. 

It is only on these grounds that one can accept the teaching of anybody.

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Spiritual self examination 

Lord Buddha stated, 

“You can never experience the truth from someone else’s experience. You’ve to experience it yourself.”

Vipassana shows you a cycle of encountering reality. However, it's you, who encounters the truth inside yourself. 

You adapt persistently for 10 days how to reflect profoundly, to watch each physical sensation, thought, feeling with poise (no judgment of positive or negative, by any stretch of the imagination). 

Rehearsing this causes you figure out how to carry on with your life, with no opposition and response. 

Everyone going to the course, had bits of knowledge and learnings about themselves whether a tenderfoot or a meditator. As we're permitted to talk on a day ago, we imparted our encounters to one another. 

Here are the experiences I had: 

Things  are not as it appears to us! 

Things in this world, me, my body, every one of them are not as it has all the earmarks of being. 

Quantum material science has demonstrated as of late which was experienced by Buddha numerous asylums prior. 

All that , including our body is made of subatomic particles which are continually moving, being obliterated and made again and again numerous multiple times each second. 

During the cycle of Vipassana, during profound contemplation when we center around our body; we come near this experience of our phones being energy waveforms and their fleeting nature. 

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Process Of Self Examination 

All sensations, contemplations and feelings are impermanent 

From fifth day of Vipassana, we'd to rehearse an hour Samadhi, multiple times in a day where we'd to sit still in reflection (in only one position) and not move our arms or legs by any stretch of the imagination. 

It was troublesome yet fascinating experience. 

There would be extraordinary distress in one of my knee or thigh and afterward in other one, tingling at nose or ears, torment in neck, an exceptional desire to move. In any case, on the off chance that I endured without responding or feeling awful about the urge, it will simply pass and disappear normally. 

All we'd to do was "See with poise" which implies without feeling terrible or responding or opposing to the inconvenience, without marking it, simply let it be. 

I'd no influence over my brain 

It was so tranquil outside, that interior commotion turned out to be extremely clear. 

On sixth and seventh day of Vipassana, I wound up totally grasped by my psyche and considerations. In spite of the fact that nothing specifically, simply consistent irregular contemplations. Considerations about home, my kids, family, work, composing this blog, and so on and so forth. 

The more I attempted to center, the more troublesome it became to focus on my breath and body. 

I felt baffled, reproved my psyche, mentioned, even asked to not think yet nothing worked. 

It was such a shocker for me. Totally different to what I used to accept, I understood how little control I'd at the forefront of my thoughts. 

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Self Examination Importance 

How bizzare and unreasonable it is to anticipate 

One of the my greatest "AHA" happened when I was battling to control my contemplations and psyche on seventh day. 

I so distinctively recollect sitting in my reflection cell, the knowledge that hit me like an enormous stone was – "On the off chance that I can not anticipate 'my own psyche' to follow what I need, how might I even consider expecting any other person to follow what I anticipate." 

That was a light second 

Snapshots of indefinable delight 

During the quiet contemplation there were few seconds of gigantic harmony and joy, which would be extremely hard to depict in words. 

The most recent day, we're shown Metta Bhawna reflection with focussing on sharing our satisfaction and petitioning God for everybody, for freedom of each being. 

This was an exceptionally passionate and caring experience. 

Vipassana reflection chips away at most profound layers of psyche known as Sanskaras which convey the contaminations of this lifetime and numerous lives you may have'd previously. 

I'm certain, similar to any some other practice it'll take predictable practice and constancy to acknowledge and encounter reality. 

Conclusion -

It's suggested in the course, to sit by and by of 2 hours of Vipassana contemplation consistently (one hr morning and one at night), and all the more significantly remain in that thoughtful state for the duration of the day, which is the genuine reason for doing vipassana Meditation to Spiritual Self Examination