
Sunday, 2 August 2020

Culture - Use To Improve Sources Of Inspiration.

Good morning friend,


Culture India - No culture can be immune to change The new cleavages introduce in the society by modernization along class, rural and urban lines.

Culture India  - Thick composite culture of India has undergone modernization to some extent and the impact of modernization contrary to the common belief husband wholly good and has been in the direction of strengthening the culture unity of India.

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Culture Of India - Religion, Secularism Language History Problems.

The Impact Of Modernisation 

The Impact Of Modernisation

Today Indians in general the educated Indians in particular share common political ideas and take part in common political process.

These modern ideas and institutions have created a common Outlook in all Indians the like of which I was never experienced before.

The political leaders and statesmen at the national level today exercise and improves that could never have been dreamt of the most powerful ruler in the past.

Still Gator has been the impact of modern mode of living on the Indian culture.

Food and dress habits of the people have been considerable e affected by the modern Civilization which had its origin in Europe and America.

There is an all round tendency to imitate and to adopt the Western style of living.

The Western Civilization with its emphasis on materialism and comfort cannot but make more and more inroads into any tradition bound culture for the simple reason that the former makes life more comfortable.

Most of the Indian godmen,  philosopher and custodians of culture have taken to modern means of comfort and luxury.

So it is too much to expect that the mass of Indians will stick to their old ways of life discarding their allurements  material comfort.

It is an an irony that the more the the Indians adopt the Western style of Living the stronger will be the culture unity of India.

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New Attitudes 

New Attitudes

In the  context of building a new Indian culture for the future the attitude which we have already any inherited to some extent from contact with the western culture become very important.

Some of these attitudes might have had there moorings in the accent Indian culture heritage birthday really 12 fact is that this attitude in the form suitable for the modern age have to be widely diffused to create a strong and United India and to  evolve a suitable culture for the all future.

Foremost among these attitude is the scientific attitude or scientific temper that now find a place in our constitution.

Along with scientific temper goes rationalism.

The scientific temper is necessary not only to make the fullest use of science and technology in the modern world and to produce more and more first-rate scientist in the country but also to find meaningful solution to our numerous problems and to get rid of a host of superstitions and obscurantism practices which keep the mass of people mentally backward in spite of the material progress .

Revivalism and obscurantism have got a new lease of life in India since independence.

If allowed to profilerate, they will not only take the country backward but imperil the fragile unity of India .

Since we have accepted the idea of secular democratic and socialist state our culture values and ideas have to be modified suitable.

Every model state has to work for industrial progressive.

Send the modern concept of democracy socialism and secularism and the industrial and the urban culture are of Western origin we need not be shy of understanding them in the proper perspective and shy away from taking the good elements in them.

In fact we should learn from others even as he Other countries are expected to learn from.

This does not mean that we should not adapt the new attitude according to our needs and circumstances and to fit the genius of our people.

The modern democracy required for its success respect for individual Liberty readiness to abide by the rule of the game offence of liberalism and in word discipline on the part of the citizenry.

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Big Buddha Symbol - Statue Found Pak Region. 

New Attitudes

These attitudes have to be cultivated systematically in the mass of citizens. Socialism can be realised in a democracy only if there is a substantial change in the outlook and value of the people.

It is the lack of this change that is at the root of our failure on the socialist front in spite of all our profession of commitment to socialism.

Vested interest in the country are too many and the masses have not awakened to the new values and Herbs that are necessary for the proper implementations of socialism.

The industrial culture and city life have their own compulsion people cannot but adjust to them.

Mechanical life and daily routine are implicit in the industrial and urban culture people have naturally force to accept new values and aspirations of life like punctuality official promotions etc.

All these cultural elements in herent in modernization have the curious effect off Unity Indian culturally cutting across the traditional division factors such as reason language cast etc it cannot be denied that simultaneously they have divided Indians along new line as we shall presently see.

Harmony Of Class Cultures, Rural And Urban Cultures -

The new cleavages introduce in the society by modernization along class lines and rural and urban lines.

Antagonism has slowly been built between the Elite and masses the educated and the uneducated .

However there is no tussle as such between the groups seen on the one hand the elite and educated themselves claim to champion the cause of masses and the uneducated and on the other hand the Assumed culture Superiority of the former over the letter hardly any scope of the tussle.

The masses and the uneducated have to look up to the light and they educated for leadership in cultural matter .

However the culture of the upper and Middle classes can no more be projected as the National culture of India.

In the past the Aristocrats and the upper class might have claimed to have been the touch bearers of the culture of any country.

Now a days not only the middle classes who constituted a sizable section of the society as opposed to the upper classes who form a small section of the population but even the lower classes including backward classes and depression people cannot be ignored on the culture Arena.

What your might have been the situation in the past culture cannot be regarded as the privilege of any class how you are gifted or talented it may be

Search an other options will go against the basic knots of democracy and socialism.

So culture has to be defined as the harmonious expression of human values common to all the fiction communities and the class of India

This will mean that individual will have full freedom to develop his talent and to create art and culture what will not be allowed to flourish at the cost of others all too to disparage certain sections of this society as inferior to him and his community.

Also due wastage will be given to the culture creation values and practices of the different sections of the society in defining the composite culture of India.

Harmony Of Class Cultures, Rural And Urban Cultures -
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Electricity - Power Burden Energy Effect Top Tips.

Whatever has been said above regarding the present imbalance between culture of classes will mutatis  apply to the imbalance between rural and urban culture of India also.

The corrective to be applied is the proper recognise actions of the importance of the ruler culture that is prevalent among 80% of the population.

Conclusion :- 

The good features of the ruler culture should be preferred and projected as the culture elements worthy of emulation even as the good aspect of urban culture are brought within the reach of the ruler masses do proper social and economic development.

The role of cinema a powerful cultural medium in the stars is far from satisfactory.