
Thursday 30 July 2020

Culture Of India - Religion, Secularism Language History Problems.

Good morning friend,

Culture Of India

Culture Of India - Culture is true moment of Indian culture facts in Culture of India. Culture definition may be right for become expert in culture.

Culture Of India - Unifying and divisive forces , India is a land of contrasts.  Unity in diversity rather than uniformity is the norms of in India .

This give a clue to identify the unifying and divisive forces in India .

True India was never a single political unit before independence in 1947 the Culture Of India unity of this subcontinent was recognised inside and outside the country .

The natural geographical boundaries common history linguistic relations and religious harmonium a strong unifying factors in the past .

This was so because no uniformity was enforced in the matter of language religion history and culture .

It is worth nothing that this very factor can become disruptive and divisive when force is used and uniformity is sought to be achieved .

This is the Crux of cultural problems in India .

That India culture is composite has not been traced sufficiently in recent times .

The Indian culture we do not mean a uniform culture prevailing in the section of the society how your powerful this section may be politically economically and socially .

Besides the main crop employees consent not consensus .

So in our polity there is no scope for the minority in the aspect to trust anything down the thoughts of the minority in order to achieve the uniformity .

Unless this basic positions is understood it will be impossible to solve the cultural problem of the country amicably .

We discuss below the different aspect of our composite Culture Of India which possess problems from time to time. India's Cultural Problems, the Need for Cultural Reforms in any society are closely linked to social and economic reforms .

After independence the Indian government has introduced some major economic reforms .

These and indirectly change the cultural landscape of India .

The impact of social reforms like abolition of untouchability emancipation of Women's , prohibition of dowry, reservation for the schedule caste and tribes etc on the culture arena have wind still more momentous. However there is a case for carrying the economic and social reforms to their logical conclusion .

Interprocess the integrity of our national culture may undergo district changes .

Big reforms should be spearheaded by enlightened individuals and institutions in the society the government cannot successfully carry out degree forms only through legislation .

If the basic contradictions in the society are successfully resolved we may hope that a new strong and composite National culture will arise on the Indian scene.

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Indian Culture Facts Religion And Secularism

Indian Culture Facts

The pervasive religion of India is Hinduism and its married variations

Hinduism is not having a common hierarchical setup .

This is both its strength and its weakness .

There is hardly a dogma to which all Hindus subscribe Hinduism accommodated within its fold all person ranging from artistic to monotheists and polytheists .

It is a unique kind of tolerance that was responsible for the survival and vigour of Hinduism throughout the ages and for keeping the diverse masses of India under one Umbrella .

The balance and harmony within Hinduism itself will be upset if sectarian approach gains dominance.

The different set of Hinduism which subscribe to specific dogmas and Adopt characteristic ways of life are actually  in minority .

Its small groups and sit try to project there on philosophy or theologies as applicable to all Hindus the religion harmony in the country will be violently disturbed.

Minority religious communities have lived in India from time immemorial .

In fact the religion of the tribal in India are essentially separate from the majority religion communal harmony in India had been based on mutual understanding and tolerance.

The Muslim throughout India and Christians in South India lead a social life hardly distinguishable from that of the Hindus .

Even when the religious minorities preserve their social identity in the local community there is a lot of Give and take between the people of all communities .

Big come in your harmony in India is clearly seen in the celebration of major festivals of India and in important local festivities .

Thus there is no inherent source of religion conflict in India .

Dick come in your disturbances that have occurred  in India since the beginning of this century have no parallel in the past nor are they based on invertebrate hurted and Amity  as in certain other parts of the world .

So what is important is that the saints of religious tolerance should be further cultivated and all the politician in India should sincerely undertake not to bring religion into politics.

India is needed to secularism, defining secularism or S.  Radhakrishnan says secularism here does not mean irreligion or atheism  or even stress on material Comforts. It proclaims that it Lays stress on the universality of spiritual values which may attend by the variety of ways . Bit to impair in Indian history who South to give a secular polity to India are Ashoka and Akbar.

Ashoka in rock edict proclaimed one who reverence one's own religion and this disparages of an other does injury to one's own religion .

It is very  Concord of religion that is meritorious .

Centuries later Akbar permitted the various religious communities are divine Treasures entrusted to us by God.

We must love them as such.

It should be our form faith that every religion is blessed by him .

This secular tradition should be  carried forward.

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Indian Culture And Language

Indian Culture

In independence India the full diversity of regional culture has come to the forefront and is gaining momentum.

Its progress can be arrested only at peril to National Unity .

The foreign rule and the English language had given a semblance of uniformity to Indian culture.

Now that we are free the natural tendency of every region and language is to assert its importance and fast Glory .

In this sense culture itself become a divisive force and caused a strain on the fragile political unity of India .

Language is a sensitive issue and in a country where crores of people speak a fully grown language.

It is difficult to deny that language its rightful place .

In India the number of such languages runs into 15 if not more .

So many attempts to have a common language or link language has to be pursued with extraordinary cautions and maturity .

It is easy to stirrup hornest nest but very difficult to set up right abbreviation in this delicate matter
Even when Sanskrit was patronised by all rulers in Northern India it could not become the language of the masses and had to die 2000 years ago .

Tamil which had grown to its full stature even before Sanskrit came to India and which still continues to be alive and strong having given birth to other drive Indian languages .

Still could not spread to the whole of India . Persian which was the court language for many centuries give only a few common words to the whole of India .

English with all its advantage as a modern language and as a state language for nearly two centuries is still can fine to a small percentage of the Indian population.

Under the circumstances The possibility of having a common language acceptable to the whole of India is really remote .

In any case concurrent efforts to force any such language can only  Boomerang at this juncture.
 India is really caught in the horn of the dilema with regards to its language policy .

Does states are going ahead with full vigour to introduce their regional languages at all stages of Administration and education .

On the other hand there is glamour for advancing the piece of Hindi as the common language of the countries.

Of course none will plead the case of English expect on the ground of expediency and practicability .

These contradictions can be e amicably resolved only why granting the popularity of Indian culture .

It is not uniformity in the linguistic field that will unit India but genius understanding based on the reality of multiplicity language.

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Culture(Regional) And History


The cultural practices of the reason the community and Groups of India is varied.  Which tribal community has its own culture practices .

So many attempts to project the superiority of the culture of any groups reason or community over those of other will stain the culture harmony in India .

Already there is a reaction in the southern States against the claim made by some groups that the Aryans where the standards the area of the Indian civilization and the vedic culture is real culture of India .

The tribal state in the north and east India and somewhat worried about the loss of Identity of their culture .

The recent attempts to ban cow slaughter causes of serious missgivings in the minds of people in the outline States.

For quite some time history of North India officially date of the reason round Delhi has been projected as the only history of India .

Now efforts are being made by many states governments to write the the history of their reasons.

All the regional histories should be integrated to prepare a comprehensive and unbiased history of India.

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Role Of The Government in Culture Definition 

Culture Definition

Strictly speaking culture is not a function of the state.

However in the parts the ruler and the kings where the best patterns of Arts and culture .

The modern will for States cannot but participate in such a Vital field of life as a culture .

But it is desirable that on the whole the role of the states is this respect is a negative one .

That States should normally step in only when there is any clash of culture interest or distortion of basic values.

State patronage to culture in India has taken the forms of department of culture at the centre the three Academy Sahitya Academy and Sangeet Natak Academy and Lalit Kala Academy and the Indian Council for cultural relations.

Conclusion :-

State to cultural Institutions and individual may easily degenerate into an instrument of control over the development of culture of India and arts .

Besides sectional Culture Of India may be promoted at the cost of the people