
Monday, 6 February 2023

What is the story behind carrion meal?

Carrion Meal -Backbitting, cruelty, betrayals, ruthless, pride, mean stinginess not meats, but these are carrion meal. 

Carrion Meal The millet -grain, palm -nuts, pulse, butbs and wilding shoots, this diet rightly got ever prompts the good life,But eating carrion that is bad

I ask ,What you term "carrion". Killing and maiming, stripes, bonds, thefts, lies, fraud, deceit, adultery, not meats, but these are carrion. 

Pursuit of pleasure, lust for guzzlings, life unclean, blatant dissent not meats, but these are carrion meal

Anger conceit, revolt, guile envy, bluster, pride, low company, not meats, but these are carrion meal

Base living slander, fraud, cheating, the trickster's wiles, foul infamies, not meats but these are carrion meal

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Carrion Meat 

This rage to slay and steel, these crimes are fraught with doom and end in hell not meats, but these are carrion. 

No abstinence from meat and fish, 

  • no nudity, 
  • no topknots, 
  • shaven crowns, 
  • or garb of pelt, 
  • no cult of sacred fire, 
  • no stark ansterities to purchase future bliss, 
  • no rinsing, 
  • burnt offering, 
  • rites, 
  • can cleanse the man who doubt's. 

Control thy sense ,rule thy powers, hold to truth, be kind. 

The saint who leaves all lies and vanquishes all ills, is stained by nanght the either sees or hear.

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Carrion Tips And Definition 

In this world those who are rude, 
  • harsh backbitting, 
  • treacherous, 
  • unkind, 
  • excessively egoistic, 
  • ungenerous ,
  • and do not give anything to anybody, Anger,
  • pride, 
  • obtinecy , 
  • antagonism, 
  • deceit, 
  • envy, 
  • boasting excessive egoism, 
  • association with the unrighteous . 

Those who are of bad morals, refuse to pay their debt, slanderers, deceitful in their dealing, pretenders, those who in this world being the vilest of man, commit such wrongdoings. 

Those person who,in this world are uncontrolled towards living beings, who are bent on injuring others, having taken their belongings , immoral, cruel, harsh, disrespectful, this is AMAGANDHA and not the eating of flesh

Those who attack these living beings either because of greed or of hostility, and always bent upon evil ,they go to darkness after death and fall into hell headlong. 

Abstaining from fish or flesh nakedness,

  • shaving of the head, 
  • matted hair, 
  • covering with ashes, 
  • wearing rough deer skins, 
  • attending the sacrificial fire, 
  • nor all these various penances in the world performed for immortality, 
  • neither incantations , 
  • oblations, 
  • sacrifices nor seasonal observances, purifies a person who has not overcome his doubt.

He who lives with his senses guarded and conquered and is established in the DHAMMA,delights in uprightness and gentleness,who has gone beyond attachments and has overcome all sorrow, that wise man does not cling to what  is seen and heard.

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Sources Of Carrion Animal 

Carrion can emerge out of numerous sources and can be dead creatures, all things considered, from little rodents to bigger vertebrates or even whales. 

Scroungers don't separate about where they get their next feast. 

Regular wellsprings of flesh include: 

Hunter slaughters: Flocks of rummaging winged animals may pursue away solitary hunters and assume control over an execute. 

They may likewise benefit from a relinquished murder after the chasing hunter has proceeded onward. 

Chasing disposes of: Internal organs or undesirable bits of a pursued creature abandoned by trackers will be benefited from via flesh looking for winged animals. 

This may likewise incorporate injured creatures that bite the dust before a tracker claims them. 

Vehicle murders: Roadkill can happen anyplace, from thruways and interstates to earth track byways, and is utilized by a wide range of rummaging creatures, including bears, raccoons, and fowls. 

Inadvertent passings: Animals that bite the dust from mishaps, for example, window impacts, net knot, or comparable causes, will become carrion. 

Normal passings: Animals that bite the dust of mature age, infection, wounds, untimely birth, or different causes would all be able to become carrion.  

Sea shore strandings: Marine creatures that get abandoned on sea shores and bite the dust will become carcass for rummaging gulls, shorebirds, corvids, and raptors.

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Carrion Food And Guide 

Hindus state, Anam Brahma – food is divine. 

So with profound regard you eat, and keeping in mind that eating you overlook everything, since it is a petition. 

It is an existential petition. 

You are eating the heavenly and the perfect will give you sustenance. 

It is a blessing to be acknowledged with profound love and appreciation

Also, you don't stuff the body, since stuffing the body is being immunizer. It is the other post. 

There are individuals who are fixated on fasting, and there are individuals who are fixated on stuffing themselves. 

Both aren't right on the grounds that in both the manners in which the body loses balance. 

A genuine admirer of the body eats just to where body feels entirely peaceful, adjusted, quiet; where body feels to be neither inclining to one side nor to one side, yet in the center. 

It is a workmanship to comprehend the language of the body, to comprehend the language of your stomach, to comprehend what is required, to give just that which is required, and to give that in a creative way, in a tasteful way. 

Creatures eat, man eats. At that point what is the distinction? 

Man makes an incredible stylish encounter out of eating. 

What is the purpose of having a wonderful feasting table? 

What is the purpose of having candles consuming there? What is the purpose of incense? 

What is the purpose of requesting that companions come and partake? 

It is to make it a craftsmanship, not simply stuffing.

However, these are outward indications of the craftsmanship; the internal signs are to comprehend the language of your body, to hear it out, to be delicate to its needs. 

Conclusion -

And afterward you eat, and afterward the entire day you won't recollect food by any stretch of the imagination. 

Just when the body is eager again will the recognition come. 

At that point it is regular. Everyone should try to avoid such carrion meal or Amgandha by the real way in the life through meditation.