
Wednesday 6 March 2024

Success & Successful Principle Keys As Per Religion

Success & Successful -Success in morals, success in mind, success in view. These are three successes. Successful man internally resourced.

Success & SuccessfulSuccess can be achieved when you try your best in all aspects of everything you do. 

So, as long as you have the hunger for success, you will always have the power within you to achieve it. Successful people understand learning never stops. 

Home is where your  heart soars. You are always successful when you can call place home. 

Whenever a person encountered an unlucky event, their success was reduced in half, and whenever a person encountered a lucky event, their success doubled proportional to their talent.

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Three types of success in Dhamma :

Successes are three types in the Dhamma. of what sort is success in morals?  A certain one abstains from talking life and the rest....... from bitter  speech and idle babbling. This is called  " success in morals ."

And what sort is success in mind?  Herein, a certain one is not covetous or malevolent of  heart. This is called  "success in mind ."

And of what sort is success in view  ? Herein, a certain one has right view : he holds with certainly that there is (virtue in) almsgiving, in sacrifice, in offerings :that there is fruit and result of good and  evil deeds :that this world is, that there is a world beyond: that mother, father and beings of spontaneous birth to exist: that in the world there are recluses and Brahmins who have realized the world beyond and can proclaim it. This is called " success in view ". The successful person making the critical bold decisions to reach his desire goal.

It is owing to success in these three things that beings, when body breaks up after  death, are reborn in the Happy Lot, in the Heaven World. Such, are the three successes.

A small number of people end up achieving the success of most of the population. In general, those with greater talent had a higher probability of increasing their success  by exploiting the possibilities offered by luck.

I have to say that success is not the goal. Success is the process. A journey. It is the way you feel and the energy that is created on your way to whatever your goal may be. Its you. Striving for something.

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SADDHAMMA - Maintenance The Purity, Preservation Of Religion.

Define and phrases :

There are some people who are wealthier, better looking, happier and who contribute more to society. But no one can tell me, I am not success right now. I feel successful.

Success is peace of mind, which is direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.

The world's most successful people don't actually start work at 4:00a.m. They wake and work whenever they decide. To be successful , you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve, to be better, to get a little a bit closer to your goal.

What are the secrets of the most successful people?  Some significant implications for how to distribute limited resources, and for the potential for the rich and successful to actually benefit society .(Versus benefiting themselves by getting even more rich and successful.)

Qualify the role of luck and talent in successful careers. Successful people never give up on things they believe with all their  heart. Successful people choose their battles wisely. Successful people understand learning never stops. Home is where your  heart soars. You are always successful when you can call place home.

Successful means a person or thing, someone or something that is successful.

Success mean the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame.

Some phrases related to success :----
Culture of success.
Have much success.
Meet with little success.
Nothing succeed like success.
Roaring success.
Secret to someone success.

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Why Sensation In Vipassana Meditation Technique 

Key's to Success :-

Success only comes with a balanced life........
Build a growth mind set.
Believe that your effort matter.
Learn new skills
Views failures as learning experience.
Career leadership.
Improve your emotional Intelligence.
Paying attention to your own emotions.
Managing your emotions.
Listening to others.
Develop mental thoughts.
Believe in yourself.
Keeping trying.
Set goal.
Find support.
Strengthen your willpower.
Try destroying yourself.
Focus on Intrinsic motivations.
Challenge yourself.
Stay curious.
Take control.
Don't  fear competition.
Nurture traits linked to high potential.
Accepting of ambiguity.
Capable of adjustment.
Learning to relearn.
Time vs information.
Searchlight intelligence.
Story telling.
Knowing your tech.
Employing trust.

How to success and remove yourself.  Success is not the  key of happiness but the happiness is the  key of Success.

Success is understanding you control your density. success is never setting a disability hold you back. success  is small Victories. success is not giving up. success is standing your ground when you believe in something. success is loving and being loved back. success is learning that losing a few battles can help you win a war. success is learning something new each day. success is overcoming  fear. success is understanding you cannot keep what you don't give away. success is knowing your life is filled with abundance. success is learning that you sometimes have to say no. success is taking care of your need. success is remembering to balance work with passion. success is believing you can. success is understanding the difference between need and want. success is having a place to call home. success is properly setting concrete goals. success is always doing your best.

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Meditation - Buddhism Unique Technique .

The great keys to success to change your life have always been the same. It will require the very most you can give and the best qualities you can develop. In developing and following these key's to " personal success ".You will evolve and grow to become an extraordinary person.

Decide exactly what you want and where you want to go out to go.

 Set a deadline and make a man to get there. (Remember, a goal is just a dream with a deadline)

Take action on your plan, do something everyday to move toward your goal.

Conclusion :-

Resolve in advance that you will persist until you succeed, that you will never, ever give up. Each of the key's to success, especially the first one, builds your confidence and belief that you will be successful next time and achieve ultimate personal success.