Education In India - Provide correspondence education and employment by solving problem education system of Education In India.
Education In India - The educational system in India faces numerous problems relating to educational institutions teachers and students miss management of all types in educational institutions and maladministration of educational programs are quite common commercialization of Education in India particularly technical and professional education has come to stay.
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Problem Education System in India
Opening of private medical colleges engineering colleges and polytechnics has become an attractive financial propositions.
Teacher's indiscipline is rampant .
while teachers may have genuine problems their unions have increasingly resorted to indiscipline and coercive means to achieve their goals.
Basic commitment to their profession is lacking in many teacher.
The student community which is a section of the population and comprises person in the impressionable age group is facing and causing a lot of problems.
The many drawbacks of the educational system and bleak prospect of employment are increasing the level of frustration in the students community.
The nefarious role of the politicians and the undesirable influences of movies have been responsible for instigating student to take meditations of a different kinds.
Teachers and students have been poly tyza through the energetic efforts of the political parties and local leaders .
Law and order problems involving teachers and students are on the increases.
The examination system is in a mess
Decapitation fees system is a glaring example of the role of money power in education.
The student undressed autonomous colleges Elite education examination reforms and selection procedure of Higher Education are major topics under the head education .
The long list of problems associated with education does not and here.
In fact one can write volumes and volumes on the unsolved problems of education.
The candidate ate should be in a position to offer his own and general solutions to many of these problems.
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Education as an Agent of Social Change
Education is one of the culture factors responsible for Major social changes in society.
We have already appointed about that education is a matter which is both a factor of change and an area of change.
The social change brought about by Education in modern times in many times more impressive that the changes undergone by education as a result of other social changes.
Changes in attitude outlooks basic Pursuit and values are the result of education.
Education also explain partially the generation gap and culture lag in a society.
Public support two social reforms and legislative reform misery is a result of widespread education.
It is true Mass education that modernisation of society can be fitted substantially.
Education also promotes mobility vertical and spatial.
On the other hand education has undergone vast changes since the beginning of the nineteenth century .
The changes where basically introduced through government policies but many other factors were responsible for the general acceptance of these changes.
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Correspondence Education In India
In recent times new educational opportunities have been invented one such being corresponding education .
Today Virtually every University in India is offering correspondence courses for different degrees and diplomas.
The public demand for higher education initially mat do Evening College now correspondence education has come to the the rescue of the varied education administrator.
In course of time the glamour for college education mediclaim if correspondence education is made very effective.
Bearing this in mind the Constitution provides that facilities of primary education in mother tongue should be provided to all Indian citizens and that for this purpose the centre government may issue directives to the state governments .
That the requirements of linguistic minorities are properly attended to.
Even before independence most of school primary and secondary imparting education through the English medium is a significant development thousands of nursery schools that have mushroomed since the last decade per port to impart education to infant through English .
This is an unwanted development which has been deprecated by the educationalist and political leader .
Regarding the medium of instruction in colleges and Universities many state governments have already decided in principle to switch over to the regional language how your implementation in this respect has remained very slow .
In fact the choice of medium of instruction at the college and university level poses a serious Paradox .
If regional languages are fully used for imparting college education mobility from one reason to another reason of the higher education in India will be seriously hampered .
But continuing higher education through the English Medium is dis - favoured by many politician and some educationalist .
The alternative of imparting college education through the Hindi medium throughout the country make no sense.
That's the Indian dilemma in respect of medium of education still continues.
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Major Problems Of Education & Employment.
Education And Employment In India
However vocationalisation of education has approved an Uphill task .
The present pattern of 10 + 2 + 3 with vocational steam has touched only the finger of the problem .
Defect is that people recent being taught craft and traditional equation in the school .
Search delinking will have the great merit of reducing attraction for college education but delinking of job from degree and certificate is out with unforeseen dangers .
In any case employment can be provided only on the basis of certain qualification .
If the qualification are not to be determined by the Universities and other conventional examining bodies the same work will have to be done by the recruiting agency or somebody else.
Besides the scheme of not prescribing the bare minimum educational requirement for post we have the way for gradle erosion and standards necessary for different post .
As pointed out earlier Education is not to be blamed for the widespread unemployment in India.
Education Explosion In India
With tremendous increase in the numbers of students and of educational institution has has given rise to the term education explosion.
As we have discussed above since independence there have been proliferation of schools and colleges and manifold increase in the the enrollment of students in higher secondary schools colleges and Universities.
No doubt this has resulted in serious problems such as in adequate of financial resources and infrastructure and dilution of personal attention to the education and character formation of the students.
However we cannot overlook the positive effect of the education explosion.
Lack of employment opportunities cannot be blamed on the availability of educational opportunities and on higher standard of education of the employed and the unemployed.
That's while population explosion in India mein signify a serious problems education explosion can by no means be viewed as unallowed Evil.
Education in India social aspect of education have a profound influence on society and education is in turn affected by the social development and social changes.
India's National Education policy was adopted by the parliament in 1968 .
Conclusion :-
There had been a virtual education explosion in India since independence education has been made an integral part of the National Development efforts.
Much has been done in the field of Education in India still much remains to be done.
There had been a virtual education explosion in India since independence education has been made an integral part of the National Development efforts.
Much has been done in the field of Education in India still much remains to be done.